Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10302 (4. Aug. 2009 18:04) (All next previous)

Jay (videos by Jay) (pictures by Jay)
RollerCon Stop 2...OR......something for those who just can't wait.....
: I'm taking some more vaca time & hopping on a plane tomorrow to California! Gonna sk8 with brothers Duke, Desi AND Biff again! How cold I resist that?!
: I'll be there!! With cold beer. :)
: Cheers!
: Biff

Just clarification, Brother: you DO know that 'The Cove' is TODAY, Tuesday & NOT Wednesday as you'd written in earlier post, right?? Because I WON"T be in SoCal Wed night & as far as I know, Duke, Des & Co won't be @ Cove then either. We WILL be @ Culver City Skatepark around 430 or 5:

Then @ The COve around 7.

I hope your Ragin' Ass is there, Bro!
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  • Jay: RollerCon Stop 2...OR......something for those who just can't wait..... (4. Aug. 2009 03:57)
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