Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12685 (13. Jun. 2010 20:06) (All next previous)

ireNe (videos by ireNe) (pictures by ireNe)
: When I talk to some roller skaters of days gone by it\'s often the case that their memory is much fonder and the wish to do it again stronger than for skateboarder who have stopped skating. There are a lot of ex-skateboarder who did it because it was a fad. I have the impression there are where few vert roller skater who did it because it was a fad.

more and more skateboarders are coming back after long layoffs... 10-20 yrs later.
i suspect many do things as fads and never return.
many have families now and dropout til the kids are bigger
the passion for it never dies for most who\'ve had the blessing of the experience
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