Vertical Rollerskating


Message 1479 (17. Dec. 2004 23:56) (All)

Nelo (pictures by Nelo)
Skating in Nantes
Hi, rollerskaters.

I'm going to tell you about Nantes (France) indoor half pipe.

I've been skating with a friend in Nantes from december, 4th to 8th. There's a really good skatepark there, called "Le Hangar". It's quite huge: it has two different street areas, one roller rink, and a vert ramp.

The half pipe is 10 meters wide and 3.50 meters high, approximately. It has 30 cms of vert, so it's difficult to do airs there if you are used to big half pipes. For me and my friend (Borja Fernández —which is a very good vert inliner—) the ramp is a little bit short. The coping was fast (thanks to the ammount of wax), and liptricks are very easy to do. The surface is wood; it grips well the wheels and slides the knee pads. Very friendly when falling down.

The saktepark is managed by very kind people, that treate people super good. It has showers, dressing room and good music.

For more info:

I love this forum; It is like a stone in the middle of a wide, strong down-stream river.

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