Vertical Rollerskating


Message 1842 (30. Jun. 2006 11:06) (All next previous)

Bernhard (videos by Bernhard) (pictures by Bernhard)
Skateboarders vs Eightwheelers
: I started this thread because of what someone said in a thread that I read. My whole point was that we all do what we love and should appreciate the skills of others. I guess that us old farts get it, but we need to teach the youngsters.

I don't know. I think the whole atmosphere has been more relaxed in the older days and this didn't depend very much in the age. I think the times have changed. I also know some old fart skateboarders who are very intolerant towards anybody not skateboarding. Maybe they will get softer with age. Lets wait for another 30 years and see. But I totally agree with you that we should preach more tolerance to the kids. Hopefully they will listen.

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