Vertical Rollerskating


Message 4278 (2. Dec. 2007 13:49) (All next previous)

joe90 (videos by joe90) (pictures by joe90)
Good onya mate,,have a great trip back and get busy on the skates again too...from the oz crew..

cheers joe

: : You guys,,,yea I dropped the wheels off with the concierge at Bernhards mates apartment and he flies home in two days so I'm guessing you should see the wheels within a week or so.
: Good work Joe! We returned from our tour quite late (about 8:30 pm) so it was probably the best way. Harry was nearby and stopped by to say hello which was nice since he could see Tim and Sonja and they could see him and part of his family so that both finally knew about whom I was talking all the time.
: We'll get the wheels tomorrow from the concierge and I'll be flying them to Europe.
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  • joe90: zorgybaby (1. Dec. 2007 04:18)
  • Go to the Vert-Skating-forum