Vertical Rollerskating


Message 4578 (27. Dec. 2007 05:41) (All next previous)

Robert (videos by Robert) (pictures by Robert)
Zorg, my speedskates, question
You are meant for skating. Back in the day, most of the good skateboarders were very artistic. You fit in well. Recently, I have gotten to know many artistic people through my job and I love you guys and gals. I am so happy you are getting into skating at your age. I have read so many posts of older skaters doing the same thing. I skated at the age of 12 and have skated on and off for many years. It is a great thing and I am learning skaters are good people and there is a lot of trust and friendship.

: Well, I LOVE to build and skate both! I've always made most my toys and thats why I have a cool job now.
: But right now 2 of my skates are being broken down. My hockey skates are now my soccer speed skates which I am setting it up like Walid Nouh's, forward mounted. I wanna ride on my rear wheels! I'm keeping the toe piece as a toe guard and the tongue if I need ankle padding. I couldnt sell the skates so using all the parts. Then I have my other street skates, oak streets, with more support that can sub as vert skates for rough ditches. I have my vert skates and soon indoor speed skates. My art skates I will sell. My dominion boots are dead and gave me sores on my feet the other day so thats just parts too now for later if I need them. So 4 pairs of skates essentially, plus one on the way out.
: I cant just skate bowls like you do here so I have skates for different things, bowls/parks, streets and indoor speed. When I was in college as an art major, I painted over 200 paintings. Watching TV and sitting around having cocktails isn't my thing. I have lots of energy, cant sit still and like to make things with my hands. If these skates dont work, I only lost $11 total on stuff for them, break them down and redo. When I finish my classes, I will start sculpting again and painting. I'm also finishing up a picture of Duke now. I designed some heel pads this weekend to snug the heel in my speed skates which attaches with velcro and built a cardboard house with tunnels for my bunnies for Christmas plus some tunnels for my guinea pigs. All free too since I snatched stuff from Costco and they are HAPPY! I have too much energy lol. I wanna build more crap.
: How many friggin pairs of skates do you have? I think a lot of people are the same way. I have always been one of those one set up type people. I know some skateboarders that bring four boards to the park and have extra wheels and bearings. I don't get it, but I love the passion.
: :
: : : I finally got all the rubber off and making a forward mount on them. The front raises though since there is no heel. Should I make a heel wedge or no? If so out of what? Seems like it would need to slope. I want to put my skates together Friday or Sat!!
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  • claudine: Zorg, my speedskates, question (26. Dec. 2007 20:24)
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