Vertical Rollerskating


Message 4979 (20. Feb. 2008 11:45) (All next previous)

Bernhard (videos by Bernhard) (pictures by Bernhard)
krypto stoppers
: i could use toe protectors as well, ive nearly worn through my mission boot.

You should have something like my protectors. They hold up really well.

: i saw some at the rollersk8ting rink where we take our 5 yr old, rory. he has been about 8 times now and last week he had a go at inexperienced speed sk8ting and he ripped. we may have the next generation vert sk8tr on the way,i hope.

Go, Rory!
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  • claudine: krypto stoppers (19. Feb. 2008 02:58)
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