Vertical Rollerskating


Message 9051 (28. Apr. 2009 23:14) (All next previous)

claudine (videos by claudine) (pictures by claudine)
Learn how to do handstands.
: This is a good instructional on how to learn handstands properly.

Mr. B, I hope you are alright! I would see the Dr. just in case.

Thanks Biff!! You are the king of handplants. I will slowly work on this. I can do a headstand. Not yet trying handstands. I can do 40 man style push ups. I have a bar bell here too. I do lots of dead lifts and rows. I'm working on doing manuals and better bunny hops on the bike so lifting is important. As are handstands! I'm going for the total gymnast body with shoulders. :-D More muscle means more fun for me and more safety. You are so right on the best thing for injury prevention. I think I'm the only lanky rollerskater but I seem to be successful so far on bulking up. I'm going to be a skinny old lady lol I guess once I cant have fun as I disappear when I'm sedentary.
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  • claudine: handplants soon? (28. Apr. 2009 16:21)
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