Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10010 (12. Jul. 2009 01:09) (Tree)

New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't.
: : I dont know if my skating has any impact on converting kids, but some people are interested in watching.
: Just don't have any expectations in this directions and you won't be disappointed. And everything that will come into being will be a pleasant surprise.

I gotta agree with Bernard 100% on this. I always HOPE for big turnouts of new people at every RC I host, but I never EXPECT it. And I always enjoy the time I do have with fellow skaters! ;)
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Jay: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (10. Jul. 2009 23:02)
Hey Everybody.
I hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful skate-filled weekend.I know I WAS intending on skating this weekend. Gotta get my RollerCon readiness level up, right? Unfortunately, it's not gonna happen for me this weekend.:(
I had wanted to try my new sk8s on the vert ramp at Area 702. But by the time I could go skate yesterday it was getting too late to get ther in time. So, I went to a park about 5 miles from my house that has some vert elements including a small (4 foot shallow 9 foot deep) pool. I usually don;t go to this park because even though it's fun, it's infested with kids on bikes. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been skating for a long time. I've been around pools, parks, 1/2 pipes, you name it.I've seen alot of shit. And I basically can tell where the potential lines are for skateboarders,bladers & of course skaters like ourselves, but I can NEVER tell where a damn bike might end up. They have transfers & lines thsat aren't possible for us. And they're fast. And, here at least, pretty much rude to the last one. So I don't usually go to Anthem. I wish I would've kept to that program. Maybe I wouldn't be limping today & wearing an ice pack under my ace bandage wrapped round my knee.
I know, I know. Wahh. Wahh. I like to call these "Recreational Injuries". Much like occupational ones but harder to sue from!LOL!
Anyway, as promised (or threatened I guess depending on your perspective) I took camera to capture the new sk8s inaugural vert session.
As I said the place is awash in bikes, so all the initial spots I was hitting were way too crowded to try to film. I actually DID land invert several times in a smaller 8 foot near-vert section of another bowl before I was able to film. So, when I rolled up to the (nearly always) vacant pool I was pretty confident. Things were going well until I caught my oversized trucks on the coping on an invert. Then I had to get mt old Ass outta the pool & back to the camera. Without ToeStops! Sorry about the delay.

So, if I was a wise man, which I've never claimed to be, I would've called it a night. You can tell I'm already outta gas at end of this run.
But, no. I have a couple of quirks when it comes to skating. I NEVER say "one last run" for myself or anyone else. And I HATE ending anything on failure. So, if I fall, I like to get up ASAP & do it again. Successfully. Sometimes, trying to do it fast enough before the pain REALLY sets in. LOL. But, I wasn't hurt. I was just tired. So I thought I could pull that lousy handplant. The Bitch is I DID pull it in this one, I had a frickin speed wobble on wall on the way down. Unfortunately,unbeknownst to me, my right knee pad had slid partially down on last run/fall. I saw it as I was going for my knee & twisted it in toward other kneepad but it didn't help. Much. Anyway, here it is. Again sorry about camera delays.

So ,now it's healing time. I'm accepting ALL positive Vibes/Energy/Chi/Love/Advice. Thanks.
Hope the videos aren't too lame. Just still kinda surprised they work. I mean I just did everything visually. No measuring. And they work. Basically.

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claudine: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (11. Jul. 2009 01:50)
 Oh Jay, so sorry bout ur knee!!!! I'm sending healing vibes your way!!!!! Take care of yourself man, dont mess it up for RC. One of my friends asked me if I could go anyplace in the world and do anything I wanted where money wasnt an issue, where would I go? I said to Las Vegas. They thought, what I like to gamble? Nope, just wish to be with other rollerksaters one day and they thought that was freakin funny. Thats the truth though, I hope one day.....

Even though I ride a bmx too (but on dirt), agree that most skateparks bikes and skating isnt such a good mix. They come too fast. So I stay on my half the park when they are there. I love your videos and always learn a touch from them and just love to watch you skate dude!! I myself havent skated or did much of anything now on day 3. Just a mild hamstring strain but everything I did kept it going. I think it might be about healed now. Not sure. With it hurting and not healing was worried I could totally injure it. Not sure to try out that new bowl tomorrow and just carve or start easy and do uni, maybe fitness skating stuff this weekend and/or try a few manuals and push some handstands at home. I donno, want to really skate and would love to try out that bowl! :-D Proceeding to do a handplant I think is too much on my leg right now. And I think I need a bit more arm strength too.

Take care and heal!!

: Hey Everybody.
: I hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful skate-filled weekend.I know I WAS intending on skating this weekend. Gotta get my RollerCon readiness level up, right? Unfortunately, it's not gonna happen for me this weekend.:(
: I had wanted to try my new sk8s on the vert ramp at Area 702. But by the time I could go skate yesterday it was getting too late to get ther in time. So, I went to a park about 5 miles from my house that has some vert elements including a small (4 foot shallow 9 foot deep) pool. I usually don;t go to this park because even though it's fun, it's infested with kids on bikes. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been skating for a long time. I've been around pools, parks, 1/2 pipes, you name it.I've seen alot of shit. And I basically can tell where the potential lines are for skateboarders,bladers & of course skaters like ourselves, but I can NEVER tell where a damn bike might end up. They have transfers & lines thsat aren't possible for us. And they're fast. And, here at least, pretty much rude to the last one. So I don't usually go to Anthem. I wish I would've kept to that program. Maybe I wouldn't be limping today & wearing an ice pack under my ace bandage wrapped round my knee.
: I know, I know. Wahh. Wahh. I like to call these "Recreational Injuries". Much like occupational ones but harder to sue from!LOL!
: Anyway, as promised (or threatened I guess depending on your perspective) I took camera to capture the new sk8s inaugural vert session.
: As I said the place is awash in bikes, so all the initial spots I was hitting were way too crowded to try to film. I actually DID land invert several times in a smaller 8 foot near-vert section of another bowl before I was able to film. So, when I rolled up to the (nearly always) vacant pool I was pretty confident. Things were going well until I caught my oversized trucks on the coping on an invert. Then I had to get mt old Ass outta the pool & back to the camera. Without ToeStops! Sorry about the delay.
: So, if I was a wise man, which I've never claimed to be, I would've called it a night. You can tell I'm already outta gas at end of this run.
: But, no. I have a couple of quirks when it comes to skating. I NEVER say "one last run" for myself or anyone else. And I HATE ending anything on failure. So, if I fall, I like to get up ASAP & do it again. Successfully. Sometimes, trying to do it fast enough before the pain REALLY sets in. LOL. But, I wasn't hurt. I was just tired. So I thought I could pull that lousy handplant. The Bitch is I DID pull it in this one, I had a frickin speed wobble on wall on the way down. Unfortunately,unbeknownst to me, my right knee pad had slid partially down on last run/fall. I saw it as I was going for my knee & twisted it in toward other kneepad but it didn't help. Much. Anyway, here it is. Again sorry about camera delays.
: So ,now it's healing time. I'm accepting ALL positive Vibes/Energy/Chi/Love/Advice. Thanks.
: Hope the videos aren't too lame. Just still kinda surprised they work. I mean I just did everything visually. No measuring. And they work. Basically.
: PEACE..................Jay
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ireNe: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (11. Jul. 2009 02:53)
 : Oh Jay, so sorry bout ur knee!!!! I'm sending healing vibes your way!!!!! Take care of yourself man, dont mess it up for RC. One of my friends asked me if I could go anyplace in the world and do anything I wanted where money wasnt an issue, where would I go? I said to Las Vegas. They thought, what I like to gamble? Nope, just wish to be with other rollerksaters one day and they thought that was freakin funny. Thats the truth though, I hope one day.....
: Even though I ride a bmx too (but on dirt), agree that most skateparks bikes and skating isnt such a good mix. They come too fast. So I stay on my half the park when they are there. I love your videos and always learn a touch from them and just love to watch you skate dude!! I myself havent skated or did much of anything now on day 3. Just a mild hamstring strain but everything I did kept it going. I think it might be about healed now. Not sure. With it hurting and not healing was worried I could totally injure it. Not sure to try out that new bowl tomorrow and just carve or start easy and do uni, maybe fitness skating stuff this weekend and/or try a few manuals and push some handstands at home. I donno, want to really skate and would love to try out that bowl! :-D Proceeding to do a handplant I think is too much on my leg right now. And I think I need a bit more arm strength too.
: Take care and heal!!
: :
: : Hey Everybody.
: : I hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful skate-filled weekend.I know I WAS intending on skating this weekend. Gotta get my RollerCon readiness level up, right? Unfortunately, it's not gonna happen for me this weekend.:(
: : I had wanted to try my new sk8s on the vert ramp at Area 702. But by the time I could go skate yesterday it was getting too late to get ther in time. So, I went to a park about 5 miles from my house that has some vert elements including a small (4 foot shallow 9 foot deep) pool. I usually don;t go to this park because even though it's fun, it's infested with kids on bikes. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been skating for a long time. I've been around pools, parks, 1/2 pipes, you name it.I've seen alot of shit. And I basically can tell where the potential lines are for skateboarders,bladers & of course skaters like ourselves, but I can NEVER tell where a damn bike might end up. They have transfers & lines thsat aren't possible for us. And they're fast. And, here at least, pretty much rude to the last one. So I don't usually go to Anthem. I wish I would've kept to that program. Maybe I wouldn't be limping today & wearing an ice pack under my ace bandage wrapped round my knee.
: : I know, I know. Wahh. Wahh. I like to call these "Recreational Injuries". Much like occupational ones but harder to sue from!LOL!
: : Anyway, as promised (or threatened I guess depending on your perspective) I took camera to capture the new sk8s inaugural vert session.
: : As I said the place is awash in bikes, so all the initial spots I was hitting were way too crowded to try to film. I actually DID land invert several times in a smaller 8 foot near-vert section of another bowl before I was able to film. So, when I rolled up to the (nearly always) vacant pool I was pretty confident. Things were going well until I caught my oversized trucks on the coping on an invert. Then I had to get mt old Ass outta the pool & back to the camera. Without ToeStops! Sorry about the delay.
: :
: :
: : So, if I was a wise man, which I've never claimed to be, I would've called it a night. You can tell I'm already outta gas at end of this run.
: : But, no. I have a couple of quirks when it comes to skating. I NEVER say "one last run" for myself or anyone else. And I HATE ending anything on failure. So, if I fall, I like to get up ASAP & do it again. Successfully. Sometimes, trying to do it fast enough before the pain REALLY sets in. LOL. But, I wasn't hurt. I was just tired. So I thought I could pull that lousy handplant. The Bitch is I DID pull it in this one, I had a frickin speed wobble on wall on the way down. Unfortunately,unbeknownst to me, my right knee pad had slid partially down on last run/fall. I saw it as I was going for my knee & twisted it in toward other kneepad but it didn't help. Much. Anyway, here it is. Again sorry about camera delays.
: :
: : So ,now it's healing time. I'm accepting ALL positive Vibes/Energy/Chi/Love/Advice. Thanks.
: : Hope the videos aren't too lame. Just still kinda surprised they work. I mean I just did everything visually. No measuring. And they work. Basically.
: : PEACE..................Jay
: :
Dude, waaah... don't do what i did last yr, i felt so lame. icing, adviling, elevating, sitting on ur arse. take some time and heal up good. we don't need extra cameramen on deck. hehe... healing vibes... ;-)
  Write reply
Jay: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (11. Jul. 2009 05:54)
 : Oh Jay, so sorry bout ur knee!!!! I'm sending healing vibes your way!!!!! Take care of yourself man, dont mess it up for RC. One of my friends asked me if I could go anyplace in the world and do anything I wanted where money wasnt an issue, where would I go? I said to Las Vegas. They thought, what I like to gamble? Nope, just wish to be with other rollerksaters one day and they thought that was freakin funny. Thats the truth though, I hope one day.....
: Even though I ride a bmx too (but on dirt), agree that most skateparks bikes and skating isnt such a good mix. They come too fast. So I stay on my half the park when they are there. I love your videos and always learn a touch from them and just love to watch you skate dude!! I myself havent skated or did much of anything now on day 3. Just a mild hamstring strain but everything I did kept it going. I think it might be about healed now. Not sure. With it hurting and not healing was worried I could totally injure it. Not sure to try out that new bowl tomorrow and just carve or start easy and do uni, maybe fitness skating stuff this weekend and/or try a few manuals and push some handstands at home. I donno, want to really skate and would love to try out that bowl! :-D Proceeding to do a handplant I think is too much on my leg right now. And I think I need a bit more arm strength too.
: Take care and heal!!

Claudine, Thanks. For the positive healing energy, the kind words & the sentiment behind wanting to come out to be with your own kind! I know I probably sound like a broken record about RC, but I just get SO EXCITED about it because not only is it an oppurtunity to get friends (old AND new) together as experienced skaters, it's a chance to expose more & new people to something that I just LOVE. I mean, even now, I'm sitting here with ice pack on my knee after an epsom salt bath. But I can't wait to roll asap!
Take it easy this wwekend. Pace yourself. Most importantly, enjoy yourself!
Thanks again. Keep sending that positive Chi.....:)
: :
: : Hey Everybody.
: : I hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful skate-filled weekend.I know I WAS intending on skating this weekend. Gotta get my RollerCon readiness level up, right? Unfortunately, it's not gonna happen for me this weekend.:(
: : I had wanted to try my new sk8s on the vert ramp at Area 702. But by the time I could go skate yesterday it was getting too late to get ther in time. So, I went to a park about 5 miles from my house that has some vert elements including a small (4 foot shallow 9 foot deep) pool. I usually don;t go to this park because even though it's fun, it's infested with kids on bikes. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been skating for a long time. I've been around pools, parks, 1/2 pipes, you name it.I've seen alot of shit. And I basically can tell where the potential lines are for skateboarders,bladers & of course skaters like ourselves, but I can NEVER tell where a damn bike might end up. They have transfers & lines thsat aren't possible for us. And they're fast. And, here at least, pretty much rude to the last one. So I don't usually go to Anthem. I wish I would've kept to that program. Maybe I wouldn't be limping today & wearing an ice pack under my ace bandage wrapped round my knee.
: : I know, I know. Wahh. Wahh. I like to call these "Recreational Injuries". Much like occupational ones but harder to sue from!LOL!
: : Anyway, as promised (or threatened I guess depending on your perspective) I took camera to capture the new sk8s inaugural vert session.
: : As I said the place is awash in bikes, so all the initial spots I was hitting were way too crowded to try to film. I actually DID land invert several times in a smaller 8 foot near-vert section of another bowl before I was able to film. So, when I rolled up to the (nearly always) vacant pool I was pretty confident. Things were going well until I caught my oversized trucks on the coping on an invert. Then I had to get mt old Ass outta the pool & back to the camera. Without ToeStops! Sorry about the delay.
: :
: :
: : So, if I was a wise man, which I've never claimed to be, I would've called it a night. You can tell I'm already outta gas at end of this run.
: : But, no. I have a couple of quirks when it comes to skating. I NEVER say "one last run" for myself or anyone else. And I HATE ending anything on failure. So, if I fall, I like to get up ASAP & do it again. Successfully. Sometimes, trying to do it fast enough before the pain REALLY sets in. LOL. But, I wasn't hurt. I was just tired. So I thought I could pull that lousy handplant. The Bitch is I DID pull it in this one, I had a frickin speed wobble on wall on the way down. Unfortunately,unbeknownst to me, my right knee pad had slid partially down on last run/fall. I saw it as I was going for my knee & twisted it in toward other kneepad but it didn't help. Much. Anyway, here it is. Again sorry about camera delays.
: :
: : So ,now it's healing time. I'm accepting ALL positive Vibes/Energy/Chi/Love/Advice. Thanks.
: : Hope the videos aren't too lame. Just still kinda surprised they work. I mean I just did everything visually. No measuring. And they work. Basically.
: : PEACE..................Jay
: :
  Write reply
Jay: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (11. Jul. 2009 06:06)
 : : Oh Jay, so sorry bout ur knee!!!! I'm sending healing vibes your way!!!!! Take care of yourself man, dont mess it up for RC. One of my friends asked me if I could go anyplace in the world and do anything I wanted where money wasnt an issue, where would I go? I said to Las Vegas. They thought, what I like to gamble? Nope, just wish to be with other rollerksaters one day and they thought that was freakin funny. Thats the truth though, I hope one day.....
: :
: : Even though I ride a bmx too (but on dirt), agree that most skateparks bikes and skating isnt such a good mix. They come too fast. So I stay on my half the park when they are there. I love your videos and always learn a touch from them and just love to watch you skate dude!! I myself havent skated or did much of anything now on day 3. Just a mild hamstring strain but everything I did kept it going. I think it might be about healed now. Not sure. With it hurting and not healing was worried I could totally injure it. Not sure to try out that new bowl tomorrow and just carve or start easy and do uni, maybe fitness skating stuff this weekend and/or try a few manuals and push some handstands at home. I donno, want to really skate and would love to try out that bowl! :-D Proceeding to do a handplant I think is too much on my leg right now. And I think I need a bit more arm strength too.
: :
: : Take care and heal!!
: :
: : :
: : : Hey Everybody.
: : : I hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful skate-filled weekend.I know I WAS intending on skating this weekend. Gotta get my RollerCon readiness level up, right? Unfortunately, it's not gonna happen for me this weekend.:(
: : : I had wanted to try my new sk8s on the vert ramp at Area 702. But by the time I could go skate yesterday it was getting too late to get ther in time. So, I went to a park about 5 miles from my house that has some vert elements including a small (4 foot shallow 9 foot deep) pool. I usually don;t go to this park because even though it's fun, it's infested with kids on bikes. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been skating for a long time. I've been around pools, parks, 1/2 pipes, you name it.I've seen alot of shit. And I basically can tell where the potential lines are for skateboarders,bladers & of course skaters like ourselves, but I can NEVER tell where a damn bike might end up. They have transfers & lines thsat aren't possible for us. And they're fast. And, here at least, pretty much rude to the last one. So I don't usually go to Anthem. I wish I would've kept to that program. Maybe I wouldn't be limping today & wearing an ice pack under my ace bandage wrapped round my knee.
: : : I know, I know. Wahh. Wahh. I like to call these "Recreational Injuries". Much like occupational ones but harder to sue from!LOL!
: : : Anyway, as promised (or threatened I guess depending on your perspective) I took camera to capture the new sk8s inaugural vert session.
: : : As I said the place is awash in bikes, so all the initial spots I was hitting were way too crowded to try to film. I actually DID land invert several times in a smaller 8 foot near-vert section of another bowl before I was able to film. So, when I rolled up to the (nearly always) vacant pool I was pretty confident. Things were going well until I caught my oversized trucks on the coping on an invert. Then I had to get mt old Ass outta the pool & back to the camera. Without ToeStops! Sorry about the delay.
: : :
: : :
: : : So, if I was a wise man, which I've never claimed to be, I would've called it a night. You can tell I'm already outta gas at end of this run.
: : : But, no. I have a couple of quirks when it comes to skating. I NEVER say "one last run" for myself or anyone else. And I HATE ending anything on failure. So, if I fall, I like to get up ASAP & do it again. Successfully. Sometimes, trying to do it fast enough before the pain REALLY sets in. LOL. But, I wasn't hurt. I was just tired. So I thought I could pull that lousy handplant. The Bitch is I DID pull it in this one, I had a frickin speed wobble on wall on the way down. Unfortunately,unbeknownst to me, my right knee pad had slid partially down on last run/fall. I saw it as I was going for my knee & twisted it in toward other kneepad but it didn't help. Much. Anyway, here it is. Again sorry about camera delays.
: : :
: : : So ,now it's healing time. I'm accepting ALL positive Vibes/Energy/Chi/Love/Advice. Thanks.
: : : Hope the videos aren't too lame. Just still kinda surprised they work. I mean I just did everything visually. No measuring. And they work. Basically.
: : : PEACE..................Jay
: : :
: Dude, waaah... don't do what i did last yr, i felt so lame. icing, adviling, elevating, sitting on ur arse. take some time and heal up good. we don't need extra cameramen on deck. hehe... healing vibes... ;-)

Hey IreNe!
Can't wait to get Irie with you. ;-) I think it'll be OK by RC. It better be! My friend from NYC is getting all these allegedly retired Big-Dogs to come out this year! :) I need to be skating. And well. So righty needs to buck up & pull it's weight.
Anyway, have a great weekend. You skating anywhere? we were all talking about that gorgeous bowl you posted last weekend in SoCal. Chris called it his 'Dream Ramp'! LOL! Can't really disagree with the Kid.
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biffsk8er: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (11. Jul. 2009 09:08)
 : So ,now it's healing time. I'm accepting ALL positive Vibes/Energy/Chi/Love/Advice. Thanks.
: PEACE..................Jay

Jay, you are so cool. You are always thinking of others, even when you get hurt. You have all the chi I can send your way. Heal well. I hate having pads slip. I find the solution is always checking to make sure they are tight after every run. Other wise, that will happen when you least expect or want it to happen!

Btw, that bowl looks wicked quick! No wonder it got you!

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Bernhard: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (11. Jul. 2009 11:13)
 First of all: I LOVE JayTV!

But looking at your hang-up, I thought it quite logical. You new skates are much higher and therefore your skates don't clear the copy anymore where the old ones would. I thought you might get into problem when I saw the thickness of your new plates, but that's not the only issue. The new truck probably are also higher!
  Write reply
claudine: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (11. Jul. 2009 17:36)
 : : Oh Jay, so sorry bout ur knee!!!! I'm sending healing vibes your way!!!!! Take care of yourself man, dont mess it up for RC. One of my friends asked me if I could go anyplace in the world and do anything I wanted where money wasnt an issue, where would I go? I said to Las Vegas. They thought, what I like to gamble? Nope, just wish to be with other rollerksaters one day and they thought that was freakin funny. Thats the truth though, I hope one day.....
: :
: : Even though I ride a bmx too (but on dirt), agree that most skateparks bikes and skating isnt such a good mix. They come too fast. So I stay on my half the park when they are there. I love your videos and always learn a touch from them and just love to watch you skate dude!! I myself havent skated or did much of anything now on day 3. Just a mild hamstring strain but everything I did kept it going. I think it might be about healed now. Not sure. With it hurting and not healing was worried I could totally injure it. Not sure to try out that new bowl tomorrow and just carve or start easy and do uni, maybe fitness skating stuff this weekend and/or try a few manuals and push some handstands at home. I donno, want to really skate and would love to try out that bowl! :-D Proceeding to do a handplant I think is too much on my leg right now. And I think I need a bit more arm strength too.
: :
: : Take care and heal!!
: Claudine, Thanks. For the positive healing energy, the kind words & the sentiment behind wanting to come out to be with your own kind! I know I probably sound like a broken record about RC, but I just get SO EXCITED about it because not only is it an oppurtunity to get friends (old AND new) together as experienced skaters, it's a chance to expose more & new people to something that I just LOVE. I mean, even now, I'm sitting here with ice pack on my knee after an epsom salt bath. But I can't wait to roll asap!
: Take it easy this wwekend. Pace yourself. Most importantly, enjoy yourself!
: PEACE...........................Jay
: Thanks again. Keep sending that positive Chi.....:)
: :
I think my leg is feeling better, hopefully I can skate tomorrow! I am also hoping to get canvas to start the best painting in the world on my own wall, HUGE. I messed up mine it seems so hope I can get this as its very pricey which is why I dont really paint now.

Well, one day I do hope to skate with other vertical skaters. I have never seen one even beyond the internet. So thats all I want. I dont know if my skating has any impact on converting kids, but some people are interested in watching.
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Jay: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (11. Jul. 2009 21:58)
 : First of all: I LOVE JayTV!
: But looking at your hang-up, I thought it quite logical. You new skates are much higher and therefore your skates don't clear the copy anymore where the old ones would. I thought you might get into problem when I saw the thickness of your new plates, but that's not the only issue. The new truck probably are also higher!

Bernard, you are a wise AND observant Man. The trucks are indeed higher & set further back than what I'm used to. I'll have to compensate once I mend. They work though! Thanks for the JayTV love. I intend to collects reams of footage (stills too just for you!) during RC, but I also intend to be skating the whole time. Sometimes, the 2 don't mix very well.
But I'll have lots of friends with cameras too.May take awhile to compile it all, but eventually I'll have some killer new stuff to share here.
PEACE..... Jay
  Write reply
Jay: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (11. Jul. 2009 22:07)
 : : So ,now it's healing time. I'm accepting ALL positive Vibes/Energy/Chi/Love/Advice. Thanks.
: : PEACE..................Jay
: Jay, you are so cool. You are always thinking of others, even when you get hurt. You have all the chi I can send your way. Heal well. I hate having pads slip. I find the solution is always checking to make sure they are tight after every run. Other wise, that will happen when you least expect or want it to happen!
: Btw, that bowl looks wicked quick! No wonder it got you!
: Cheers!
: Biff

Thanks,Biff.You gotta be looking out for your Homies 24/7. I learned that in Detroit! LOL. ;)
You're right.I should've checked pads before dropping in, especially after falling on previous run.And,yes,pool's super tight.Only 9 feet & just vert.Barely any flat.Fun, but quick.
Thanks for the Chi.
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Bernhard: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (11. Jul. 2009 23:10)
 Jay, you earned the honor of posting message # 10000! Just imagine how much high class communication our small flock brought about. And my small forum is still keeping up ...

: Thanks for the JayTV love.

Yeah, I don't have TV any more but your channel is something worth watching ... ;)

: I intend to collects reams of footage (stills too just for you!) during RC, but I also intend to be skating the whole time. Sometimes, the 2 don't mix very well.
: But I'll have lots of friends with cameras too.May take awhile to compile it all, but eventually I'll have some killer new stuff to share here.

Take your time. Good stuff always takes time. I know it is worth the wait.
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Bernhard: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (11. Jul. 2009 23:14)
 : I dont know if my skating has any impact on converting kids, but some people are interested in watching.

Just don't have any expectations in this directions and you won't be disappointed. And everything that will come into being will be a pleasant surprise.
  Write reply
Bernhard: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (11. Jul. 2009 23:16)
 Ah, BTW, you earned yourself some stickers for posting message # 10000. Just send me your address and I will put the on the way.
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claudine: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (11. Jul. 2009 23:44)
 : Jay, you earned the honor of posting message # 10000! Just imagine how much high class communication our small flock brought about. And my small forum is still keeping up ...
: : Thanks for the JayTV love.
: Yeah, I don't have TV any more but your channel is something worth watching ... ;)

That makes 2 of us with no TV lol! Jay TV is great though!!

I have 2 pairs of skates with wide trucks. Mine I ride with are slightly set forward so I could get the trucks under the base of my toes. I adapted to this. Makes it harder I guess for fakie as I dont have a ton of backward support but I would trip over my wheels a lot with my other set with them far back, clip wheels and all. I am not that wide for wide trucks so this helped me. I just cant have the front trucks in front of the base of my toes or I cant carve well. The length difference is just 1/4-1/3". So a little makes a big difference for me anyways.

: : I intend to collects reams of footage (stills too just for you!) during RC, but I also intend to be skating the whole time. Sometimes, the 2 don't mix very well.
: : But I'll have lots of friends with cameras too.May take awhile to compile it all, but eventually I'll have some killer new stuff to share here.
: Take your time. Good stuff always takes time. I know it is worth the wait.
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Jay: Number 10,000!!! (12. Jul. 2009 00:13)
 : Ah, BTW, you earned yourself some stickers for posting message # 10000. Just send me your address and I will put the on the way.

Hey Bernard.
That's awesome. If they're here in time for RC I'll plaster them all over the highest reaches of Sin City's SK8 Parks!
My address is:
150 Willow Dove
Las Vegas,NV. 89123
My last name's Cloetens. Weird one,I know. It's Belgium.
Thanks, Bernard.!
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Jay: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (12. Jul. 2009 00:15)
 : Jay, you earned the honor of posting message # 10000! Just imagine how much high class communication our small flock brought about. And my small forum is still keeping up ...

I've said it before & I'll happily say it again: God Bless Bernard AND the Vert Forum! I'd be lost without it!
Thanks, Bernard!
: : Thanks for the JayTV love.
: Yeah, I don't have TV any more but your channel is something worth watching ... ;)
: : I intend to collects reams of footage (stills too just for you!) during RC, but I also intend to be skating the whole time. Sometimes, the 2 don't mix very well.
: : But I'll have lots of friends with cameras too.May take awhile to compile it all, but eventually I'll have some killer new stuff to share here.
: Take your time. Good stuff always takes time. I know it is worth the wait.
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Jay: New SK8s Work....Old Knee Doesn't. (12. Jul. 2009 01:09)
 : : I dont know if my skating has any impact on converting kids, but some people are interested in watching.
: Just don't have any expectations in this directions and you won't be disappointed. And everything that will come into being will be a pleasant surprise.

I gotta agree with Bernard 100% on this. I always HOPE for big turnouts of new people at every RC I host, but I never EXPECT it. And I always enjoy the time I do have with fellow skaters! ;)
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