Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10062 (15. Jul. 2009 20:14) (Tree)

hahah, so bad!
Hey Irene you're so great! Lovin painting you!! Man, heres the 1st sketch. I'll fix it in a day or 2 and really get going on it. 3 feet tall, its gonna be rad!
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claudine: hahah, so bad! (15. Jul. 2009 20:14)
 Hey Irene you're so great! Lovin painting you!! Man, heres the 1st sketch. I'll fix it in a day or 2 and really get going on it. 3 feet tall, its gonna be rad!
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ireNe: hahah, so bad! (16. Jul. 2009 03:31)
 : Hey Irene you're so great! Lovin painting you!! Man, heres the 1st sketch. I'll fix it in a day or 2 and really get going on it. 3 feet tall, its gonna be rad!

Wow, can't wait to see more... it's gonna be a big one!
Glad you're back at the canvas, good therapy while on the mend.

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claudine: hahah, so bad! (16. Jul. 2009 16:18)
 : : Hey Irene you're so great! Lovin painting you!! Man, heres the 1st sketch. I'll fix it in a day or 2 and really get going on it. 3 feet tall, its gonna be rad!
: Wow, can't wait to see more... it's gonna be a big one!
: Glad you're back at the canvas, good therapy while on the mend.

Its much better in person. I havent painted large in 4 years so its pretty hard to paint and see it when its almost as tall as I am lol. So going very slow. Oil paint is WAY too expensive to waist. But I should have enough for this painting at least. It will be way cool, trust me! But I cant hurry through it.
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Bernhard: hahah, so bad! (16. Jul. 2009 16:25)
 : Oil paint is WAY too expensive to waist.

If it would help me to waste a few pounds from my waist, I wouldn't mind ... ;-)
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claudine: hahah, so bad! (16. Jul. 2009 16:37)
 : : Oil paint is WAY too expensive to waist.
: If it would help me to waste a few pounds from my waist, I wouldn't mind ... ;-)

lol, cant spell lol! Well, may be the only one but mine is quite skinny lol. And my wallet is too.
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Bernhard: hahah, so bad! (16. Jul. 2009 16:48)
 : : : Oil paint is WAY too expensive to waist.
: :
: : If it would help me to waste a few pounds from my waist, I wouldn't mind ... ;-)
: lol, cant spell lol! Well, may be the only one but mine is quite skinny lol. And my wallet is too.

Probably a bad case of AHSD (Anglosaxon Homonymous Spelling Disorder).

Sorry, I seem to have had a clown for breakfast.
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claudine: hahah, so bad! (16. Jul. 2009 16:58)
 : : : : Oil paint is WAY too expensive to waist.
: : :
: : : If it would help me to waste a few pounds from my waist, I wouldn't mind ... ;-)
: :
: : lol, cant spell lol! Well, may be the only one but mine is quite skinny lol. And my wallet is too.
: Probably a bad case of AHSD (Anglosaxon Homonymous Spelling Disorder).
: Sorry, I seem to have had a clown for breakfast.

Oh, I know I cant spell, and the next job I get I'm sure will be as an administrative assistant lol.
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Bernhard: hahah, so bad! (16. Jul. 2009 18:45)
 : Oh, I know I cant spell, and the next job I get I'm sure will be as an administrative assistant lol.

Well, that only goes to prove your versatility. Of course I hope you will get a job which you like and which is well payed.
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biffsk8er: hahah, so bad! (16. Jul. 2009 20:06)
 Shouldn't that be :

: Well, that only goes two prove you're versatility. Of course eye hope ewe will get a job which ewe like and witch is well payed.

(on a really funny note, the captcha on this post was "ewes migrated")
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Bernhard: hahah, so bad! (16. Jul. 2009 21:54)
 : Shouldn't that be :
: : Well, that only goes two prove you're versatility. Of course eye hope ewe will get a job which ewe like and witch is well payed.

Oh, sorry, I'm not a native speaker. Thenk ewe fore teh hints!

: (on a really funny note, the captcha on this post was "ewes migrated")

Sometime those captures are downright strange. Could be that it's because they can be from some very old books.
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claudine: hahah, so bad! (17. Jul. 2009 02:26)
 : : Shouldn't that be :
: :
: : : Well, that only goes two prove you're versatility. Of course eye hope ewe will get a job which ewe like and witch is well payed.
: Oh, sorry, I'm not a native speaker. Thenk ewe fore teh hints!
: : (on a really funny note, the captcha on this post was "ewes migrated")
: Sometime those captures are downright strange. Could be that it's because they can be from some very old books.

LOL! Fruit Loops for lunch too lol? ;-D
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Robert: hahah, so bad! (18. Jul. 2009 06:45)
 Claudine, your artwork is amazing! I personally would love to have a shirt with that picture on it. It would be so cool, if someone on here (other than me) lol could put something together and we all could preorder some shirts. I would spend $20 for a cool vert rollerskating shirt.

: : : Shouldn't that be :
: : :
: : : : Well, that only goes two prove you're versatility. Of course eye hope ewe will get a job which ewe like and witch is well payed.
: :
: : Oh, sorry, I'm not a native speaker. Thenk ewe fore teh hints!
: :
: : : (on a really funny note, the captcha on this post was "ewes migrated")
: :
: : Sometime those captures are downright strange. Could be that it's because they can be from some very old books.
: LOL! Fruit Loops for lunch too lol? ;-D
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biffsk8er: hahah, so bad! (18. Jul. 2009 09:50)
 : Claudine, your artwork is amazing! I personally would love to have a shirt with that picture on it. It would be so cool, if someone on here (other than me) lol could put something together and we all could preorder some shirts. I would spend $20 for a cool vert rollerskating shirt.

And with the profits from selling those shirts, Claudine could go to RollerCon!!
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