| Here in oz prety much all trany is formed out of steel with wooden slats for wooden/skatelite surfaces and steel for steel.Give the steel a lick of paint and it'll last forever.
Pound for pound it works out about the same for steel/skatelite as concrete but you cant beat a concrete bowl.Looking damm good by the by.Whats the curve and whats the vert?I swear on the scull of my forefarthers I will skate with every last one of you folks, you are all a constant supply of stoke!
cheers joe
: : : : Great work so far, by the way! Will there be something to keep the ramp from sagging into the big square pockets of the frame work?
: : :
: : : I'm pretty sure they will cover this framework with slats before putting on the covering. That's they way most decent ramps are built in Germany or Switzerland.
: :
: : Seems overly extensive to build a metal framework if it is going to be covered with slats. Here, it would be made of wood to keep expenses down. Will the metal be kept off the ground to prevent rusting?
: Wood is too expensive in our climate. It wouldn't last for longer than two years (probably would in Spain, though). In Brazil, even the construction metal frame/slats/metal covering isn't durable enough. As far as I know, they use concrete even for their ramps to prevent them from rotting away in the tropical climate.
: As for your question: The ramp in Freiburg has a concrete foundation where the metal frame is erected upon. And yes, such a ramp does not come cheap: I think it costs about $100,000.