Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10170 (22. Jul. 2009 16:45) (Tree)

: Here are more kids skates for you to keep your kid rolling! Those baby skates are adorable btw!!

Thanks, CLaudine! That's Awesome! I'm forwarding the link to my wife. Wanna take any bets on whether she tries to buy them?! LOL....Only one week til RollerCon. We'll be thinking of you. Any pictures you'd like for potential future paintings?? Let me know......
Keep Rollin'.................PEACE......Jay
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claudine: Jay (22. Jul. 2009 15:06)
 Here are more kids skates for you to keep your kid rolling! Those baby skates are adorable btw!!
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Jay: Jay (22. Jul. 2009 16:45)
 : Here are more kids skates for you to keep your kid rolling! Those baby skates are adorable btw!!

Thanks, CLaudine! That's Awesome! I'm forwarding the link to my wife. Wanna take any bets on whether she tries to buy them?! LOL....Only one week til RollerCon. We'll be thinking of you. Any pictures you'd like for potential future paintings?? Let me know......
Keep Rollin'.................PEACE......Jay
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claudine: Jay (22. Jul. 2009 17:55)
 Hope she gets them!

No pics, this might be my last painting as I need income. Each painting probably costs about $100 in paint, otherwise I would be painting 3-5 at a time to keep me occupied. In college, I spent $3000/semester on art supplies, just luck I had lots of scholarship money to pay for it. I am trying to figure out how much paint I have left here. I only put in half hour or so every 2-3 days so its something to look forward to. My leg still hurts so bummed about that. I got a referral to see the ortho dr. about that but thats not til Monday. Have fun at RollerCon!

: : Here are more kids skates for you to keep your kid rolling! Those baby skates are adorable btw!!
: :
: :
: Thanks, CLaudine! That's Awesome! I'm forwarding the link to my wife. Wanna take any bets on whether she tries to buy them?! LOL....Only one week til RollerCon. We'll be thinking of you. Any pictures you'd like for potential future paintings?? Let me know......
: Keep Rollin'.................PEACE......Jay
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biffsk8er: Jay (22. Jul. 2009 19:31)
 : My leg still hurts so bummed about that. I got a referral
: to see the ortho dr. about that but thats not til Monday.

Not again!!? Please tell me you didn't hurt yourself skating this time. I hope it turns out to just be a mild sprain.

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Jay: Jay (22. Jul. 2009 23:20)
 : Hope she gets them!
: No pics, this might be my last painting as I need income. Each painting probably costs about $100 in paint, otherwise I would be painting 3-5 at a time to keep me occupied. In college, I spent $3000/semester on art supplies, just luck I had lots of scholarship money to pay for it. I am trying to figure out how much paint I have left here. I only put in half hour or so every 2-3 days so its something to look forward to. My leg still hurts so bummed about that. I got a referral to see the ortho dr. about that but thats not til Monday. Have fun at RollerCon!
Hey Claudine,
Sorry you're hurt. :( I'm still about 50-60% healed on my knee, I'd guess. That's not really sufficient for vert-skating. Hoping to be more like 75-80% by RC. We'll see.
Talk to you about painting something after you're done with Irene. Heal up.

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claudine: Jay (22. Jul. 2009 23:58)
 : : Hope she gets them!
: :
: : No pics, this might be my last painting as I need income. Each painting probably costs about $100 in paint, otherwise I would be painting 3-5 at a time to keep me occupied. In college, I spent $3000/semester on art supplies, just luck I had lots of scholarship money to pay for it. I am trying to figure out how much paint I have left here. I only put in half hour or so every 2-3 days so its something to look forward to. My leg still hurts so bummed about that. I got a referral to see the ortho dr. about that but thats not til Monday. Have fun at RollerCon!
: Hey Claudine,
: Sorry you're hurt. :( I'm still about 50-60% healed on my knee, I'd guess. That's not really sufficient for vert-skating. Hoping to be more like 75-80% by RC. We'll see.
: Talk to you about painting something after you're done with Irene. Heal up.
: PEACE.......................Jay

Hey hope you heal soon! I would put a brace under the pads for now when you do skate. I've done that. Knees suck, they take time. Mine isnt bad, but gets worse if I exercise. Something is strained. Just killing me sitting on my ass...... I wish my appt. were sooner so I could know what helps/hinders it.
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biffsk8er: Jay (23. Jul. 2009 00:14)
 : Hey Claudine,
: Sorry you're hurt. :( I'm still about 50-60% healed on my knee, I'd guess. That's not really sufficient for vert-skating. Hoping to be more like 75-80% by RC. We'll see.
: Talk to you about painting something after you're done with Irene. Heal up.
: PEACE.......................Jay

My rolled ankle is still abit tempramental, too. I skated the other night, with a slight twinge here and there. Then, the next day at work, I slipped a tiny bit in the kitchen ahd bo.....did it hurt! It is still a little sore from that slip. I'm goping to tape it up before skating in Vegas.

Let's all heal together!!
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