Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10399 (10. Aug. 2009 23:44) (Tree)

not over yet......
That sucks! Hang in there.
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claudine: not over yet...... (10. Aug. 2009 23:41)
 I have to get another surgery, bummer! And I was hoping to be on my way to full time work. Not sure what I'm going to do. I am already broke. But the dr. has to take out the plate and screws now and take out scar tissue. Been hurting a lot, just prefer to ignore it. Plate is digging into my muscle and its inflammed. So will be in a long arm cast 6 more weeks. :`( If I wait he might not be able to do it and new insurance would consider this a pre existing condition.
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Robert: not over yet...... (10. Aug. 2009 23:44)
 That sucks! Hang in there.
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claudine: not over yet...... (11. Aug. 2009 00:13)
 Worse thing, I just got a job interview, but they said a full arm cast would be a problem. Bummer......
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biffsk8er: not over yet...... (11. Aug. 2009 00:36)
 Wish you all the best Claudine!! I'm sure the hospitals will let you pay it off over time. I'm rooting for you!!
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claudine: not over yet...... (11. Aug. 2009 01:11)
 Well, I still have insurance and now will have to come up with another $1200. Otherwise I would have a $40K bill and every dr. visit after that is $350 which I must come up before the visit, plus PT at $160 a visit, 2 times a week for 3 months. I couldnt afford it, period! After the surgery is stitches, casting, several xrays, recastings, more xrays and PT. Bone injuries SUCK financially. And my unemployment will stop soon. I hope someone will hire me with a full cast.
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Robert: not over yet...... (11. Aug. 2009 01:32)
 Yeah, even if you have insurance these things are expensive. I have a bad shoulder and would love to see a docotor for it, but I have a $3500 deductible and am able to function.
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claudine: not over yet...... (11. Aug. 2009 01:44)
 I pay a lot for insurance, and no deductible to meet now. Thats why I want to do it as even though I'm broke, I've already paid my dues so just need to pay the premium and its covered. Just I dont think anyone will hire me with a cast on.
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ireNe: not over yet...... (11. Aug. 2009 02:50)
 yeah, it blows... i'm getting bills for hundreds of $$s and i pay alot for my own health ... and i'm healthy, these are just annual ckups. whatta scam! is it only this country that this goes on? maybe obama care will be better, if it ever gets passed.
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joe90: not over yet...... (11. Aug. 2009 05:18)
 Ditch the checkups and skate till you die.We got it prety good over here but I'm sure it'll all turn to shit as we blindly follow the us into self rightiousness, greed and complete seperation of class.Having said that ,,you guys are living proof theres still some pure gold in amongst the debris.Stay rad.

cheers joe
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Bernhard: not over yet...... (11. Aug. 2009 10:15)
 Wow, that's really expensive. I think a physiotherapy session cost at most 60 Euro over here. Switzerland is more expensive than Germany.

Does the plate really cause you problems or is this just a statement from the physician? If yes: Go for it, let him take it out. It will be much easier on you than the big surgery they already did.
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claudine: not over yet...... (11. Aug. 2009 14:37)
 Yeah, I'm freakin tired of fighting all the bills too that should be paid. I havent even done any of the check up tests. Just see a Dr. if something is wrong. Now is a good time since my insurance IS supposed to cover it all, otherwise I would have to swollow the pain forever.
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claudine: not over yet...... (11. Aug. 2009 14:40)
 Yes, cant even ride my bike on the street and hit a speed bump without pain. So I ride without hands when I hit/land stuff. Trust me, if it didnt hurt, I wouldnt agree to surgery. I just try to suck it up and ignore pain. But its getting worse rather then better. Just wish I werent going to be in a cast again.
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Bernhard: not over yet...... (11. Aug. 2009 14:46)
 The pain getting worse hints on the plate being loose. If that's the case, you need some surgery in any case. And there is no sense in tightening the screws when you're cut up again. Then they can also remove the thing and thereby get rid of the cause of your pain.

I reckon that you shouldn't need a cast as heavy as the previous one. There's nothing broken this time, isn't it? Did they tell you how the cast will be? I wonder why you should need one at all. But it's better to follow the doctor's instructions.
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claudine: not over yet...... (11. Aug. 2009 15:00)
 There are going to be 6 holes in my arm, thats why the cast as it can easily break. He is also going to loosen the scar tissue as I have a big dent in my muscle. But I will ask if he can give me a removable cast so I can bend my wrist/elbow at times so I wont stiffen up! I dont have fatty tissue in my arm to protect my muscle from the sharp plate. I would doubt him but I hurt and trust this one dr.
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