Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10425 (11. Aug. 2009 19:02) (Tree)

RIP Andy
Andy was one of the crew. We all go back some 30 years now. We're all still skating together when we can, to this day. This is impacting all skaters in NYC today, esp those blessed enough to have known him. Losing my brother is... no words will do
thx Claudine.. how do you stop tears?
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ireNe: RIP Andy (11. Aug. 2009 18:26)
 An old friend passed away yesterday evening. I'm in shock and entering deep sadness now. Prayers and well wishes to all, irene

Direkt link to Vimeo.
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claudine: RIP Andy (11. Aug. 2009 18:50)
 Is this the Andy Andy? Wow, so sorry Irene! I dont know what to say. Its a freakin sucky year!! Take care of yourself, OK?
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ireNe: RIP Andy (11. Aug. 2009 19:02)
 Andy was one of the crew. We all go back some 30 years now. We're all still skating together when we can, to this day. This is impacting all skaters in NYC today, esp those blessed enough to have known him. Losing my brother is... no words will do
thx Claudine.. how do you stop tears?
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claudine: RIP Andy (11. Aug. 2009 19:08)
 Irene I wish I could tell you how to stop pain. I'm a sissy. I craw into bed and cry like a baby. Oh well, maybe I have a possible job soon, wish me luck. Once I find out my operation day, a nice easy roll will help my pain I think. Otherwise its time that heals wounds I think, sorry. Wish I could be of help!!!! Cry all you want, call me if you need too. No need to put on a happy face for me.
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Robert: RIP Andy (11. Aug. 2009 19:42)
 Sorry to hear about your loss Irene and the loss to skateboarding.
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Bernhard: RIP Andy (11. Aug. 2009 20:41)
 IreNe, this is a very sad and tragic loss.

I hug you very firmly, sister. We all mourn with you.
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biffsk8er: RIP Andy (11. Aug. 2009 20:42)
 In loss, there is always one thing that keeps me going:

I was lucky enough to have met, known, and shared my time on this Earth with that special person. As long as your time with that person was well spent, then their time here on Earth was a blessing and meaningful.

Also, always remember that he will never die as long as you remember him.

Tears are not a sign of weakness.
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Ben: RIP Andy (11. Aug. 2009 20:53)

Robbie and I will keep Andy and you in our prayers, try to hang tough. A candle will be lit for Andy at St. Edwards on the Lake here in Lakeport.

Love and hugs,
Ben & Robin
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biffsk8er: RIP Andy (11. Aug. 2009 20:56)
 I'll light a candle here as well in Austin.

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ireNe: RIP Andy (11. Aug. 2009 21:53)
 thanks everyone
can't stop the tears
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biffsk8er: RIP Andy (11. Aug. 2009 22:22)
 You have an unlimited supply of hugs from all of us here.

I found another story on Andy HERE. An amazing man.
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biffsk8er: RIP Andy (11. Aug. 2009 22:26)
 Another great article on his life in skating is HERE.
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Jay: RIP Andy (12. Aug. 2009 02:42)
  So So sorry, Sister. Las Vegas shares your Pain.
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joe90: RIP Andy (13. Aug. 2009 10:16)
 Sad day indeed.never know what to say but wanted to say something.

cheers joe
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ireNe: RIP Andy (13. Aug. 2009 10:19)
 thx dood
it's been a rough road, he touched so many... it's unbelievable
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