Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10471 (13. Aug. 2009 10:22) (Tree)

selling stuff
good luck, don't do anything illegal... ha ha
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claudine: selling stuff (13. Aug. 2009 03:28)
 I need some money for health insurance so selling stuff. This is what I'm selling of my rollerskate stuff.

I also have some hard BDS wheels if anyones interested and some bowl bombers from Powell that are in great condition.
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biffsk8er: selling stuff (13. Aug. 2009 07:56)
 I'm interested in the bowl bombers..... my email with details.
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ireNe: selling stuff (13. Aug. 2009 10:22)
 good luck, don't do anything illegal... ha ha
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claudine: selling stuff (13. Aug. 2009 15:00)
 The bowl bombers just are a yellowish tint now with some black surface marks, but no shown wear on surface, no cracks, no cuts, not worn down, etc. I will sell them to you for $35 and $10 shipping for 8 of them, no bearings. I wish I could give you a better deal since you are a rollerskater but I really need money. Let me know, I will email pics if you want.

The BDS wheels are similar but not as tall, same width and a touch harder maybe. Bombers are 64mm tall.
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claudine: selling stuff (13. Aug. 2009 15:01)
 email above!
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claudine: selling stuff (13. Aug. 2009 15:02)
 I wonder if during the operation, they could take a kidney for 1 yr free medical lol?
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claudine: BDS wheels (13. Aug. 2009 15:17)
 Here is a pic and specs. They are too wide for my liking. 60 mm 97a, new, rode once only.
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Bernhard: selling stuff (13. Aug. 2009 15:24)
 It's likely to be difficult to get to the kidney from a cut in the fore arm ...
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claudine: selling stuff (13. Aug. 2009 15:52)
 I already have a scar on my hip from the 2nd surgery. Yes I would actually do that if I had free medical lol.
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biffsk8er: selling stuff (13. Aug. 2009 18:44)
 Bwaugh ha ha! *snicker*
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h.ludi: BDS wheels (15. Aug. 2009 13:11)
 hi strangers, we've been wheeling and dealing on e-bay alot lately, cleared out alot of crap out of my shed,
pimped our bycicles with top end components, etc.
i recommend you turn those surplus items into cash on
i hope your all mended now anyway.
cheers, H.
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claudine: BDS wheels (16. Aug. 2009 00:28)
 In a few days I will have my good arm all in plaster to my shoulder, so wont be mailing anything then. I will have to learn ebay one day.
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