Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10735 (3. Sep. 2009 03:52) (Tree)

I'm goin' with a big zipper for the tat to cover the scar. My good friend Matt -who has more tattoos than that guy in the sideshow- always councils would be inkers who seek his advice "....don't get a racoon mask for your first tattoo."
Hang in there, if I can sk8 agin you're a shooin for rolling again soon.
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claudine: awesome! (3. Sep. 2009 02:36)
 even though i havent had protein or calcium in my diet, my arm is healing! Its weird, it looks like termites ate through the bones lol, but they look like they are filling in. Dr is pleased! Just have a splint now but already my wrist and elbow are stiff so I have to work it out on my own. Check it out, no butt indentation now on my forearm lol. Except the scar, I will have normal-human like x-rays now and forearm. Wish me luck on self PT, I wont have insurance to take it now.
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claudine: awesome! (3. Sep. 2009 03:12)
 aw, shoot, heres another pic, cant help it, its so flat and smooth on my forearm now. It used to dent in like a butt on my arm lol so it looks so beautiful to me. So what type of tatoo should I get later to cover up the scar to look rad? lol.
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Ben: awesome! (3. Sep. 2009 03:52)
 I'm goin' with a big zipper for the tat to cover the scar. My good friend Matt -who has more tattoos than that guy in the sideshow- always councils would be inkers who seek his advice "....don't get a racoon mask for your first tattoo."
Hang in there, if I can sk8 agin you're a shooin for rolling again soon.
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biffsk8er: awesome! (3. Sep. 2009 08:45)
 Good luck, and congrats!

You could tattoo a long #1 on your arm. :P
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claudine: awesome! (3. Sep. 2009 13:21)
 I will roll again but right now its still considered broken. I'm only out of cast since I am not going to have insurance soon. I have to see who takes medicaid.
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claudine: awesome! (3. Sep. 2009 13:23)
 lol, I have plenty of time to think of a tatoo lol. I'm not sure how much they cost but no income right now. I was thinking a thorny rose or something lol. bobwire maybe hahaha?
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biffsk8er: awesome! (3. Sep. 2009 18:50)
 Barbwire somehow seems appropriate for you. Maybe it could be intertwined with roses?
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Robert: awesome! (3. Sep. 2009 21:29)
 Claudine, I can't wait till you are better. Has this entire ordeal been because you did not go to the Doctor soon enough? I have had a bad shoulder for about five months and yesterday the chiropractor recommended I get an MRI because the lack of motion is so bad. I am trying to hold out, but I hope I don't get into your situation.
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claudine: awesome! (3. Sep. 2009 23:44)
 Yes, most of these surgeries were because I waited too long and the bone pieces died. I would get your shoulder checked out. I know with knees if I didnt get that menisectomy, eventually it would have worn down the joint. And a much bigger surgery! I hope it heals soon, I want to rollerskate! I am concerned now because my wrist is esp. stiff.
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claudine: awesome! (4. Sep. 2009 00:08)
 I wish I could have a rollersk8n thing on there but my forearm isnt even 2" wide so not a lot of room. It would be cool to have the dying breed image on there lol.
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