Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10763 (8. Sep. 2009 16:14) (Tree)

A New Toy
I always wear butt armour!! I have a skinny ass lol. I know which spot to hit now falling, but I dont have much padding back there in general. I always sk8 knee, elbows and butt pads lol.

I usually say wtf when I see a video of myself sk8ing lol. At least now I dont throw my arms all over the place like I'm swatting flies lol. Call me Olive Oil lol. Doesnt bother me too much, think my purpose on earth is to humor myself and others. ;-D But videos show things we dont see ourselves doing. In my head I think I'm ripping it like Irene lol. OK not lol.
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Beer Hunter: A New Toy (1. Sep. 2009 16:39)
 I finally received my new video camera from Amazon after waiting for 3 weeks while it was on backorder. On Sunday, I got some footage while skating at the park and then did some editing yesterday. Since I still have lots to learn, do not expect to see anything spectacular. I am also recovering from a fall 2 weeks ago where my left ankle got a little twist and the tail bone suffered impact force(again). Thus, my skating in this video is a little slower than what I have been doing lately. I do have some nice padded undershorts on the way though! Hopefully it will save my ass from such annoying pains in the future.¤t=AA3.flv
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biffsk8er: A New Toy (1. Sep. 2009 19:16)
 The world is filled with midgets!
But, you're not one of them.

I saw you going fakie.....keep it up! Next, I want to see side stance. :)
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Bernhard: A New Toy (1. Sep. 2009 23:54)
 Hey Beer Hunter,

thanks for sharing the video! Strange people standing around in the bowl while you are skating. Kinda surreal.
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claudine: A New Toy (2. Sep. 2009 00:29)
 great! i am happy to see someone else on here that hasnt had 20+ years experience. honestly i have altered crash pads and motorcycle pads both under my drawers too. most of me under my clothes is pads, not me lol. but over the last few months i can actually unicycle and fall backwards and still roll off the one almost safe spot to hit and not need pads. i find that sliding on plastic or continuing the roll is the secret. before i used to hit my hip or tailbone or sitbone directly everytime and ive never been naturally padded by a lot.

my only hint i can think of since im no pro is use your arms more? thats is if you want more speed. its odd, its like day-ja vue at your park. i appreciate ur vid as i am no pro myself, esp. now.
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claudine: A New Toy (2. Sep. 2009 00:30)
 great! i am happy to see someone else on here that hasnt had 20+ years experience. honestly i have altered crash pads and motorcycle pads both under my drawers too. most of me under my clothes is pads, not me lol. but over the last few months i can actually unicycle and fall backwards and still roll off the one almost safe spot to hit and not need pads. i find that sliding on plastic or continuing the roll is the secret. before i used to hit my hip or tailbone or sitbone directly everytime and ive never been naturally padded by a lot.

my only hint i can think of since im no pro is use your arms more? thats is if you want more speed. its odd, its like day-ja vue at your park. i appreciate ur vid as i am no pro myself, esp. now.
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ireNe: A New Toy (2. Sep. 2009 00:43)
 Cool runnings... thanks for sharing, good to see ya rollin'. Keep the vids coming!
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Robert: A New Toy (3. Sep. 2009 21:27)
 Great job bro. I really enjoy watching videos of you folks. I did notice that you dropped in a certain way that I have seen a few people do. I know Jay does the same drop in where you first put one foot down and then the other and go in. That seems so strange to me. I am used to stepping in. Don't get me wrong, it is so cool, just seems hard.
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Beer Hunter: A New Toy (7. Sep. 2009 19:38)
 Thanks for pointing out the arm movement, Claudine. I also noticed the lack of arm movement for pump action, after watching the videos of myself. I have been working on that lately.

I have learned a little from watching myself and now can spot problem areas to work on. It is strange to see myself skating, much like when I hear my own voice in a recording. Is that what I sound like? Do I really skate that way? I think my kneepads are a little crooked.

The Crash Pads came in on Friday, and Today I got my first session in with them on. These are the model 2500. The fit is quite good really... I do not even realize the I am wearing them while skating, not until I sit down on the concrete ledge for a break. Then I can sit for long periods in comfort. These would not work so well for some of the younger skaters who find it necessary to wear their pants with the belt right at the crotch level though. That would require a larger jean size. I did not get to test the tail bone protection effectiveness yet, but the extra padding sure makes me feel more confident.
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Beer Hunter: A New Toy (7. Sep. 2009 19:54)
  I know what you are taking about Bernhard. This is one of the problems about skating in the morning during the weekends. Parents sometimes will "help" their young skater kids keep balance while learning how to drop in. Sometimes they stay in the bowl much longer than you would expect. Still, it is better than dealing with a large crowd later in the day or at night.
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Beer Hunter: A New Toy (7. Sep. 2009 20:02)
  That is right Biff, I am definitely not a midget. If you were 6'5 like me, then anybody under 5'9 would seem very very short. That includes just about every body I see at the park.

Side stance is slowly developing... I will get some footage of that soon. Also, the fakie is really starting to shape up now. It is getting easier with each session.
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biffsk8er: San Antonio Tim (7. Sep. 2009 22:02)

Work on side stance in a big empty area. Try to skate around in circles, making them ever bigger and wider until you can go straight.
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biffsk8er: A New Toy (7. Sep. 2009 22:04)
 I love mine.

I feel like I'm incomplete without them, now.
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claudine: A New Toy (8. Sep. 2009 16:14)
 I always wear butt armour!! I have a skinny ass lol. I know which spot to hit now falling, but I dont have much padding back there in general. I always sk8 knee, elbows and butt pads lol.

I usually say wtf when I see a video of myself sk8ing lol. At least now I dont throw my arms all over the place like I'm swatting flies lol. Call me Olive Oil lol. Doesnt bother me too much, think my purpose on earth is to humor myself and others. ;-D But videos show things we dont see ourselves doing. In my head I think I'm ripping it like Irene lol. OK not lol.
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Beer Hunter: A New Toy (20. Sep. 2009 07:24)
 Thanks for the encouragement Robert. I am having so much fun learning to skate the transitions as well as ledge grinds.

Dropping in the way I do with both feet parallel is the only way that I could possibly fathom making it work. What I do not get is the way you other folks just fall into the transition with one foot out front. I could not be comfortable doing it that way, at least not yet. I really need to have both feet firmly in place before starting anything. I built my grind plates to make it as easy as possible to do this, and they are doing the job quite nicely.
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