Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10771 (9. Sep. 2009 19:38) (Tree)

Thanks! Yeah, the bladers usually hit the bowl for 5 to 10 minutes max for the whole night! Mainly they just stay on the ledges and rails of the street course.

And, I agree. But, the music is oddly mesmerizing just because it doesn't fit the edit at all.
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biffsk8er: 8-31-09 (8. Sep. 2009 18:36)
 Here is a little footage of me skating last week on Monday, 8-31. I'll have more footage up really soon of this week. I filmed this. My son Raven put it together with some stellar music, and posted it on his youtube account!
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Robert: 8-31-09 (9. Sep. 2009 01:56)
 Biff, great skating as always. Nice to see the inliners hitting the bowl as well. That music was a bit painful. Sorry, but Neil and skating don't go together. lol
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claudine: 8-31-09 (9. Sep. 2009 02:49)
 Did ur son choose this song? Just different for a teenager.

Hey ever try to carve the lines like the boarders instead of riding it like a halfpipe? My ex used to carve the whole bowl and get some serious flow going, was cool to watch. I think rollerskates are cool in that way cause they hold well carving sideways. I guess my goal will be more like Robert, carve the whole bowl.
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biffsk8er: 8-31-09 (9. Sep. 2009 19:34)
 Yes, I often carve the whole bowl, but it is much harder to get that on film when using a tripod.

And yes, my son did pick out the song. He has a quirky sense of humor about him!
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biffsk8er: 8-31-09 (9. Sep. 2009 19:38)
 Thanks! Yeah, the bladers usually hit the bowl for 5 to 10 minutes max for the whole night! Mainly they just stay on the ledges and rails of the street course.

And, I agree. But, the music is oddly mesmerizing just because it doesn't fit the edit at all.
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