Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10838 (22. Sep. 2009 01:09) (Tree)

My Latest Session...
Hey Claudine,
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. My FMX buddy just bought a wireless Helmet-Cam for when he's jumping 100 foot gaps on his 450....I may ask for one for X-Mas this year.....
But, I can carry quite a bit. Most of yesterday's footage I actually had tripod on camera too!
Hope for Good News from Docs! Also, I've begun compiling stuff for Eventual Grind Tutorial for you....& whoever else might Benefit. I already have a nice buttslide to include! LOL!
Heal Up, Girl!
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Jay: My Latest Session... (22. Sep. 2009 00:02)
  was yesterday @ Anthem Skatepark. I love this park when it's not overrun with Groms, especially bike Groms. Sunday was my Lucky Day.
It enabled me to take the camera into bowls with me w/o worrying about collisions AND to set-up camera inside pools where I normally wouldn't even think about it.
Also, I'd like to say that this video was inspired by BeerHunter. I liked what he did in his last submission with the park "preview rollaround" before the actual skating began. That was my intent here as well. Hope it worked.

Even added some tunes......hope you guys enjoyed it.
And, As Always, thanks for watching JayTV!!!

If you're Healthy, Keep Rollin' on 8!
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Beer Hunter: My Latest Session... (22. Sep. 2009 00:47)
 Dude, that got my adrenaline flowing.. and I am just sitting in a desk chair! JayTV is evolving and the changes are very good.

I really would love to have a park near my house that is so rich in transitional features as that one you just skated. I could learn so much faster in that type of environment.

That was a spectacular video Jay! Keep up with the production. I know how difficult it is to do something that you really enjoy and share it with others. Well, OK, it's not all that hard really.
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claudine: My Latest Session... (22. Sep. 2009 01:03)
 Crap Jay, how much weight can you carry on your back without fallin lol? ;-D Thanks for doing a sweet handplant for me to watch. Man, what an awesome bowl. Has me drooling!! So not fair lol. Very nice rolling. You make it look so smooth and easy. Thanks a lot bro, loved going for the ride in the video. I cant wait!! 2 days and I hear the news!!!! You really lifted my not so hot day.
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Jay: My Latest Session... (22. Sep. 2009 01:05)
Thanks Alot, BH!
It's nice to hear that the video got you feeling Pumped. To me, that's kinda the point of the Forum. I mean, there's Educational & Social aspects, of course, but keeping each other Stoked to SK8 is what it's all about for me.
I'm looking forward to your next submission. You were the Inspiration for my last submission. Keep it comin....
And Keep Rollin on All 8!
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Jay: My Latest Session... (22. Sep. 2009 01:09)
  Hey Claudine,
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. My FMX buddy just bought a wireless Helmet-Cam for when he's jumping 100 foot gaps on his 450....I may ask for one for X-Mas this year.....
But, I can carry quite a bit. Most of yesterday's footage I actually had tripod on camera too!
Hope for Good News from Docs! Also, I've begun compiling stuff for Eventual Grind Tutorial for you....& whoever else might Benefit. I already have a nice buttslide to include! LOL!
Heal Up, Girl!
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biffsk8er: My Latest Session... (22. Sep. 2009 19:34)
 For some strange reason all I want to do right now is to run, run, run to get a nice phat doobie and let my dreads grow out. Btw Jay, nice ky chain!

Next time I come to Vegas Jay, you are going to be taking me to that park.....groms or not!! I could kill that park! Anthem is Awesome!

Thanks for the entertainment,
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Jay: My Latest Session... (22. Sep. 2009 20:28)
  Brother Biff!
I know you'd LOVE Anthem. It's a very cool, smooth Flowey Park. And I KNEW you'd like the key chain too! Just seeing if you're paying attention! How far apart (distance/travel time) are you from BeerHunter?
Wish I had another Vert RollerSkater in NV......

Get together, skate, FILM & Share. Please.

Keep Rollin' on 8! And walkin' on 2 Hands!!


BTW: Captcha for this was "in droppers" Guess that's us alright!
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biffsk8er: My Latest Session... (22. Sep. 2009 21:15)
 : Brother Biff!
: I know you'd LOVE Anthem.
► I do! ◄
: I KNEW you'd like the key chain too!
► You were right! ◄
: Just seeing if you're paying attention!
► I am! ◄
: How far apart (distance/travel time) are you from BeerHunter?
► About an hour and a half. ◄
: Wish I had another Vert RollerSkater in NV......
► I know that feeling only too well. ◄
: Get together, skate, FILM & Share. Please.
► I will, but it is raining right now. :( ◄
: Keep Rollin' on 8! And walkin' on 2 Hands!!
► I can and will! ◄
: PEACE.....................................Jay
► Cheers!..................................Biff ◄
: BTW: Captcha for this was "in droppers" Guess that's us alright!
► Mine was '265 bearing'. Riedell makes a 265 boot, and we definitely need bearings! ◄

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biffsk8er: My Latest Session... (22. Sep. 2009 21:20)
 OOoooooh! I want a helmet cam!!
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Jay: My Latest Session... (22. Sep. 2009 21:33)
Hilarious, if slightly hard to follow, quote reply!
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claudine: My Latest Session... (23. Sep. 2009 00:44)
 Oh, I'm so excited!! Cant wait for it to come out!! I am on an every other day roller plan, just easy sk8n and I feel the best ever in a long time!! I hope to hear good news tomorrow. I found out my knee aches were tightness of quads, no glutes lol, so muscle imbalance. So will get a workout plan! I need to maximus my gluteus. lol. My arm feels good, hope its good.
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