Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10854 (22. Sep. 2009 23:30) (Tree)

We start rolling!!
: C'est domage est non America, mes amis.

Ne sommes nous pas tous frères? Nous devons nous unir.

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bombe: We start rolling!! (22. Sep. 2009 20:43)
  This saturday is the official oppening of our vert ramp. Sorry to be so far from all of you but hope to think on visiting us anytime.
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Jay: We start rolling!! (22. Sep. 2009 21:02)
  Muy muy bonita! Ten un tiempo buen Sabado!Me gustaría poder estar allí!

siga rodando en ocho

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biffsk8er: We start rolling!! (22. Sep. 2009 21:33)

¡Ese miradas fantásticas! ¿Permanecerá siempre dentro de la estructura de la tienda? ¡Si es así eso sería tan maravilloso patinar en cualquier momento! Necesito planear un viaje en todo el mundo de modo que pueda ir a todos estos puntos asombrosos del patín.

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biffsk8er: We start rolling!! (22. Sep. 2009 21:37)
 Heh heh....

When I translated that back to english, it was awful. Basically, I said that I would love to come skate there! Good job!


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Ben: We start rolling!! (22. Sep. 2009 22:46)
 I knew you guys were gonna' say that, C'est domage est non America, mes amis.
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Bernhard: We start rolling!! (22. Sep. 2009 23:11)
 : When I translated that back to english, it was awful.

I suppose that's a very slight exaggeration. I mean of course you doing the translation ... ;)

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Bernhard: We start rolling!! (22. Sep. 2009 23:12)
 What a beauty!
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biffsk8er: We start rolling!! (22. Sep. 2009 23:25)
 Babelfish does not always intuitively know what definition of a word you are using when it translates. It is always funny to translate text back into English after it was first translated from English into the ther language. It never comes back quite the way it started out!! :Þ~
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biffsk8er: We start rolling!! (22. Sep. 2009 23:30)
 : C'est domage est non America, mes amis.

Ne sommes nous pas tous frères? Nous devons nous unir.

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Bernhard: We start rolling!! (22. Sep. 2009 23:48)
 I would never dare to use Babelfish to translate something I want to present to a native speaker. I know that my English is less than perfect (I still have to struggle with the exact meaning of advantage, but you have helped me a lot in this respect). But I hope it's at least better than an automatic translation.
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Jay: We start rolling!! (23. Sep. 2009 00:36)
  I use iGoogle translator for German & French...I'm afraid I have to take sole blame for mangling Spanish though!

lo ciento Bombe y los otros!!

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claudine: We start rolling!! (23. Sep. 2009 00:46)
 Muy bonita!!!!!! KISS-keep it simple stupid lol.
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Robert: We start rolling!! (23. Sep. 2009 03:06)
 Yo puedo partinar este ramp? I remember learning partinar when I was in Spain. Doesn't it mean to skate or something like that? I think I am due a trip to Europe.
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bombe: We start rolling!! (23. Sep. 2009 10:35)
 yes sir. to skate=patinar.
You are all wellcome.
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Bernhard: We start rolling!! (23. Sep. 2009 10:55)
 : yes sir. to skate=patinar.
: You are all wellcome.

So you also use patinar for skateboarding? Or only for roller skating (and inline skating)? I would suspect the latter ...

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zorg: We start rolling!! (24. Sep. 2009 11:50)
 YAYAYA!!!!!! Very nice!!!! Next gathering destination??

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joe90: We start rolling!! (26. Sep. 2009 08:29)
 Thats so rad dooods,,would luv to come for a sesh some day.

cheers joe
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Ben: We start rolling!! (26. Sep. 2009 14:51)
 Mais en pous.
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