Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10911 (24. Sep. 2009 15:33) (Tree)

very sad news for me......
Thanx Jay! I think I will see if there is another ortho Dr. in 2 months to look at the xrays. I was skating with the plate in my arm, maybe its a year when he did the surgery that mended my arm. If so that is just 2 more months!
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claudine: very sad news for me...... (24. Sep. 2009 00:56)
 I went to the ortho dr. Last time as my insurance runs out. My arm he said is 95% healed. But now the bone is soft. It takes a full year til it will get the hard white callous like my other bone so a hard fall on one arm, it will break. There is no plate to help it now. I cannot skate ramps yet!!! I am so sad. I shouldnt uni either. Also since I'm malnourished and have no muscle or fat to protect my bones, they will break easy. How do I resolve this? I dont know what makes it heal faster that I can afford now. I'm very poor! Noone else has this problem, I hate it!!!! I want to roll vert again. I'm so sad........ I cried all evening!
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Beer Hunter: very sad news for me...... (24. Sep. 2009 01:48)
 I am so sad to hear this.

The only advice I can suggest is to take the time to let it heal properly, and give your body the nutrients it needs to allow proper repairs. You gotta eat lots of meat and exercise at least every other day. Build up some muscle mass on your arms to help protect the bone structure. I would also suggest calcium supplements along with an appropriate multi-vitamin every other day or so. Do your own physical therapy. NO EATING FAST FOOD!

I wonder if you could fashion an arm splint to use while skating, just until your bones are stronger.
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Robert: very sad news for me...... (24. Sep. 2009 02:33)
 Claudine, I can't remember if you are a vegetarian, but you can get cans of Tuna for real cheap and also buy a Full rotiserry (sp?) chicken and use it for at least three meals. You have the opposite problem as me and you need to eat a lot. I've never eaten spam, but I am sure that stuff will bulk you up. lol
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Robert: very sad news for me...... (24. Sep. 2009 02:33)
 Claudine, I can't remember if you are a vegetarian, but you can get cans of Tuna for real cheap and also buy a Full rotiserry (sp?) chicken and use it for at least three meals. You have the opposite problem as me and you need to eat a lot. I've never eaten spam, but I am sure that stuff will bulk you up. lol
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claudine: very sad news for me...... (24. Sep. 2009 02:57)
 I have an arm splint! I will use that still while rolling on the streets. Maybe later I can try it in the little bowl. Im so upset as I want to do real skating!!!!! Not next summer, now lol.

I'm so broke now and not sure now on income. I get some free food tomorrow, I think. I'm almost a vegetarian but I dont think its healthy so I do eat tuna sometimes. I was desperate and got some protein powder today. Food is so expensive here! I think protein and vegetables will help and lots of food if I could afford it, definitely some strength training. I think you drink protein drinks after doing some weights for muscle? My arm is very weak now, will start at 2 lbs I think lol. He said not heavy at first.
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claudine: very sad news for me...... (24. Sep. 2009 03:03)
 I know, noone has my problem so my friends HATE me lol. They gain weight without trying, I lose. Ironically here the cans of tuna are getting less and less each one. Whats up with that? Same with freaking coffee!!!!! Gipping me off. I hope to get food stamps soon. Most poor people here are fat somehow so maybe its a lot of food stamps! :-D Post a video Robert. I always love your videos.
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claudine: Not right! (24. Sep. 2009 04:55)
 I cant find anything on the internet that says a bone takes a full year to heal!!!???? I am going to find another ortho dr. that hopefully takes my insurance and find out in a few months if its healed or not.
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Robert: very sad news for me...... (24. Sep. 2009 05:03)
 Hey Claudine, I don't know what it is like where you live, but it is very expensive to live alone in SoCal. I used to pay $1500 for rent and utilities. I decided to lower my expenses and have lived in a roommate situation for the last two years. You might want to check that out. I am saving at least $500 a month and finally making some good money. Maybe you can do the roommate thing, if that is something they do in your area. It is quite normal where I live. I am hoping to save enough money in the next six months to get my own place again, but it is nice to finally have a little extra money. Chicken breasts are the best protein you can get. If you have a Costco, then you can buy a shitload of frozen breasts for pretty cheap. If you don't, you still can buy them at the grocery store for pretty cheap. If you eat three breasts a day, you will definitely get enough protein. I personally like two breasts, but that is me. lol
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Robert: very sad news for me...... (24. Sep. 2009 05:03)
 Hey Claudine, I don't know what it is like where you live, but it is very expensive to live alone in SoCal. I used to pay $1500 for rent and utilities. I decided to lower my expenses and have lived in a roommate situation for the last two years. You might want to check that out. I am saving at least $500 a month and finally making some good money. Maybe you can do the roommate thing, if that is something they do in your area. It is quite normal where I live. I am hoping to save enough money in the next six months to get my own place again, but it is nice to finally have a little extra money. Chicken breasts are the best protein you can get. If you have a Costco, then you can buy a shitload of frozen breasts for pretty cheap. If you don't, you still can buy them at the grocery store for pretty cheap. If you eat three breasts a day, you will definitely get enough protein. I personally like two breasts, but that is me. lol
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Jay: very sad news for me...... (24. Sep. 2009 06:16)

Hey Claudine,
I'm sending you Positive Chi! You're a RollerSkater, Girl! You're made outta Tougher Stuff than your Doc knows!

Keep Your Chin Up, the Forum Loves Ya!

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claudine: very sad news for me...... (24. Sep. 2009 15:31)
 I am lucky as I live in low income housing, so rent is based on my income. But sometimes they mess up like the last 2 months and I ended up paying as much as my income was for rent!

I actually have 2 breasts daily lol. Honestly I dont eat chicken. But I think soon I should have a bit of money to live off of. Lately I had to sell stuff or bum to have something to live off of. And not sure on my income right now. But hopefully the food I get today is edible lol. And I have no surprise bills or car disasters.
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claudine: very sad news for me...... (24. Sep. 2009 15:33)
 Thanx Jay! I think I will see if there is another ortho Dr. in 2 months to look at the xrays. I was skating with the plate in my arm, maybe its a year when he did the surgery that mended my arm. If so that is just 2 more months!
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biffsk8er: very sad news for me...... (24. Sep. 2009 20:22)

I'm not a very religious man, but I'd suggest seeing what local area churches can do for you. I've heard of a church here in town where once a month, they sell a comprehensive list of groceries to those in need for a really good price. You get meat, and other necessities that should last about a month, and you do not even have to be a member of the church.

Churches often have other programs to help those in need as well. I'd say that you are in need. Just a thought.

Other than that, I would definitely recommend that you find out what programs are out there for you in your community, city, or even at the state level.

Good luck, and heal well.
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