Vertical Rollerskating


Message 10946 (25. Sep. 2009 23:18) (Tree)

40 weeks
I put in a call to the dr., now he said its a year from the original surgery which I think was before Thanksgiving. So seems like to be safe i might have to wait til the end of winter maybe to skate vert, but not a full year from the plate removal. I cant risk a rebreak of my arm. My PT said 6 months to a year to heal fully to be safe with the plate removal. But I think I have to get someone to look at the xrays to see if its healed or not. I was told I probably could just go to radiology and get them to read it. Once it has the outter white lines, I can skate! If its not til spring, I can live with that. A full year from now is tooo long for my patience and happiness!!! I havent been able to sleep thinking about this. I was told its OK to ride my bike now too. So basically, I dont know when I can skate. I would say if I have to wing it out my head, follow what my PT said. Slowly start to strengthen it, then in about 6 months it will be OK.
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claudine: 40 weeks (25. Sep. 2009 01:04)
 It says it takes 40 weeks! So now 35 and counting......
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claudine: 40 weeks (25. Sep. 2009 01:51)
 I cant post here for awhile. I am too upset! NEVER take a plate out no matter how much pain u are in. Its not worth it......
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Beer Hunter: 40 weeks (25. Sep. 2009 02:28)
 So you have 35 weeks to go? Is that what you are facing now? You cannot skate for 8 more months?
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biffsk8er: 40 weeks (25. Sep. 2009 07:56)
 Be DO NOT want a re-fracture! Do not be that person. Heal. Then, you'll have all the time in the world to skate!!
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claudine: 40 weeks (25. Sep. 2009 23:18)
 I put in a call to the dr., now he said its a year from the original surgery which I think was before Thanksgiving. So seems like to be safe i might have to wait til the end of winter maybe to skate vert, but not a full year from the plate removal. I cant risk a rebreak of my arm. My PT said 6 months to a year to heal fully to be safe with the plate removal. But I think I have to get someone to look at the xrays to see if its healed or not. I was told I probably could just go to radiology and get them to read it. Once it has the outter white lines, I can skate! If its not til spring, I can live with that. A full year from now is tooo long for my patience and happiness!!! I havent been able to sleep thinking about this. I was told its OK to ride my bike now too. So basically, I dont know when I can skate. I would say if I have to wing it out my head, follow what my PT said. Slowly start to strengthen it, then in about 6 months it will be OK.
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Beer Hunter: 21 weeks? (25. Sep. 2009 23:50)
  Well that sounds a lot less distressing than what you thought originally! This is good to hear. I cannot imagine being unable to skate anytime that I want to. Keep yourself nourished well and you will be rolling before you know what happened.

Oh, you could start your arm exercises by curling your skates while you watch some TV. Just sitting there and alternating left to right. Work one arm till you feel the burning and then switch...repeat until the movie is over or till you cannot do it anymore. You can build some serious muscle tone in 6 months if you want to. Go for low weight and high reps.
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claudine: 21 weeks? (26. Sep. 2009 00:12)
 I was in PT so I know the exercises pretty much. Just will have to do it on my own. So far I am just trying to use it this week lol. Next week I'll start with a 2 pounder lol. I'm also getting some stretches/exercises since I have petallar tendonitis due to tightness/muscle imbalance still from my knee surgery from months ago. So hopefully it wont seem so long and I have time to get myself in shape. I am not sure if nutrition will make/break me in the bone healing department. I was eating a super healthy/plentiful diet (expensive too) for the first surgery and bummed cause it never healed. I thought something was wrong with me, nope, the dr. didnt get the surgery right, gap was too big. Being older slows things down but I dont think diet can change that much. Animals in the wild break a leg, fast until they are healed basically, and go on their way. I just keep praying I get money soon from the government as to build back muscle I need food, lots of food and right now its hard not knowing my next paycheck.

I think once you roll the ramps, its a bad addiction, hard to stop lol. I think about Thanksgiving time, I will seek an opinion on the healing state of my arm! If I'm told its fully healed, probably will still roll with a splint on for awhile. Now how to make soggy canned veggies appealing lol.......
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