Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11071 (8. Oct. 2009 22:07) (Tree)

I'm using the Firefox browser. I just discovered that they have a decorative browser add-on. Many people come up with pics to use and I thought that with Irene's talent for trading card graphics, that she should put together something for an 'adfinitum' or 'aggressive quad' stylized browser.

If you want to do it Irene, go HERE. Or, if someone else feels up to the task, please feel free to create a new browser that we could all use on our firefox that would be worthy of a quad vert skater! :)
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biffsk8er: Firefox (8. Oct. 2009 22:07)
 I'm using the Firefox browser. I just discovered that they have a decorative browser add-on. Many people come up with pics to use and I thought that with Irene's talent for trading card graphics, that she should put together something for an 'adfinitum' or 'aggressive quad' stylized browser.

If you want to do it Irene, go HERE. Or, if someone else feels up to the task, please feel free to create a new browser that we could all use on our firefox that would be worthy of a quad vert skater! :)
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Jay: Firefox (9. Oct. 2009 04:47)
  Hey Biff.
OK. I'll ask. I'm a total computard so.......what's FireFox & why would I want it??

I'm intrigued by your description of a personalized quadskater browser though......
I have a sk8r on a 1/2 pipe as my cursor........
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biffsk8er: Firefox (9. Oct. 2009 08:51)
 First of all, firefox has less problems than explorer. It usually runs faster and is more user friendly. It also has a really good techno-feeb following. All those nerds really know how to make good add-ons for the browser.

Now, I'll post 2 examples of a browser capture shot so that you can see how the top of your browser can be changed to whatever picture you choose to edit.

First an inline browser shot :

Second, a soccer browser shot :

See the potential for the quad browser?? :)
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Jay: Firefox (10. Oct. 2009 02:08)
  Hey Biff.

I do. I do! So where do I download Firefox from? Is it free? You think it's more user-friendly than IE??
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biffsk8er: Firefox (11. Oct. 2009 19:20)
 : Hey Biff.
: I do. I do! So where do I download Firefox from? Is it free? You think it's more user-friendly than IE??
: Jay

Yes, I do believe it is more user friendly than IE. I have sworn off IE after I first tried Firefox. You can get it HERE.
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biffsk8er: Firefox (11. Oct. 2009 19:25)
 Btw, you can keep both Firefox and IE on your system and you can go back and forth, from using one to using the other. Also, once you download Firefox, you can 'import' all of your bookmarks to the Firefox browser from your IE browser.

It sorta helps to do that until you figure out all the differences. I still have IE on my computer, but I rarely ever use it.
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Jay: Firefox (11. Oct. 2009 20:16)
Hey Biff.
Thanks for the Head-Up & 411. I'm using FireFox now.
It'll take a little getting used to, but I've heard alot of good stuff from a few people who's Opinions I value, so here I am. Ready for my Customized Vertical RollerSkating add-on for my new browser!
Thanks. Any tips/hints insider surfing info from a veteran Firefoxer??
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biffsk8er: Firefox (11. Oct. 2009 20:33)
 Call me at 512-431-0312
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