Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11096 (13. Oct. 2009 20:56) (Tree)

Vert Trading Cards
I'd be happy to take 'lucky # 7'!
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ireNe: Vert Trading Cards (8. Oct. 2009 15:06)
 Hey all you Groovy Skaters,

I'd like to encourage all of you to submit your pics and stats/text for your very own cards. Send whatever you like and if you have preferences on how the material is used, please... all ideas are welcome.

Depending on how much text is involved, this usually determines how many pics are used and their placement on the back.
Tech info: Right now, these files are low res for web, screen-viewing only (not great for big printouts).
For printing cards/posters, the images need to be higher res (larger size files), so scan them at actual size (4x5 or larger) at 300 dpi.
Cards for printing need to be converted to CMYK (color shift) and are high resolution. I can supply both types of files: screen & print.

And yes, I've tried to color coordinate the back with the country's flag colors, but most flags seem to be comprised of red, white and blue. Hit me with any questions you want. If there is anything you think we should add or change, please make suggestions.

Here's your chance! Looking forward to doing the rest of this collection, Irene

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ireNe: Vert Trading Cards (12. Oct. 2009 16:52)

Looks like #3 will be my card and #4 is reserved for Duke. Who's next?

I know y'all are not the shy types...
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biffsk8er: Vert Trading Cards (12. Oct. 2009 20:42)
 I'm sending my info to you in just a few shakes. Just gotta find the right pictures.
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Mrs. Duke Rennie: Vert Trading Cards (12. Oct. 2009 23:53)
 Irene Ching is the coolest Chick I know- hands down.
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zorg: Vert Trading Cards (13. Oct. 2009 00:01)
 +1 ;-)

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Jay: Vert Trading Cards (13. Oct. 2009 00:59)
And she'll be staying @ my house in just over 2 weeks! YAY!!


BTW: The CAPTCHA for this post is : "IRENE STITUTING" I don't know what that means exactly, but it seems appropriate.

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joe90: Vert Trading Cards (13. Oct. 2009 06:37)
 Spit,I like 3.

cheers joe
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Bernhard: Vert Trading Cards (13. Oct. 2009 06:42)
 : BTW: The CAPTCHA for this post is : "IRENE STITUTING" I don't know what that means exactly, but it seems appropriate.

Probably means something like founding an Irenestistute.

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ireNe: Vert Trading Cards (13. Oct. 2009 06:58)
 : : BTW: The CAPTCHA for this post is : "IRENE STITUTING" I don't know what that means exactly, but it seems appropriate.
: Probably means something like founding an Irenestistute.

Jay, did the Captcha really post that???
I had similar thoughts, Mr B... or "Chingstitute" as an alternate.

Thanks for your submissions, Zorg, Biff and Duke.
Looking for Mrs Duke's stuff to come soon.
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ireNe: Vert Trading Cards (13. Oct. 2009 07:00)
 : Spit,I like 3.
: cheers joe

I like 6, wanna trade? Send me stuff
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Jay: Vert Trading Cards (13. Oct. 2009 07:09)
  Hey Everybody!
I swear it really DID say that. I just copied & pasted the part from my post to KP into the Captcha box.
And I can't believe that didn't occur to institute of Irene! I believe I'd attend such an Institution. :)

Capture here's "legal at".....hardly can guess as to hidden meanings there!! LOL!!

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Jay: Vert Trading Cards (13. Oct. 2009 07:10)

don't stall that IC card now!!!!
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Bernhard: Vert Trading Cards (13. Oct. 2009 07:55)
 : Capture here's "legal at".....hardly can guess as to hidden meanings there!! LOL!!

Now that's a question to ponder. Rollerskating is legal at what age? 62?
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zorg: Vert Trading Cards (13. Oct. 2009 12:23)
 Number 6, the prisoner, ;+)!!!!! first school TV serie!!!
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zorg: Vert Trading Cards (13. Oct. 2009 13:54)
 : Now that's a question to ponder. Rollerskating is legal at what age? 62?

I'm 2 days late, happy birthday Bernhard!!!!!!!!!!
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Bernhard: Vert Trading Cards (13. Oct. 2009 14:12)
 : I'm 2 days late, happy birthday Bernhard!!!!!!!!!!

Well, thank you, Zorg!
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ireNe: Oct 11 (13. Oct. 2009 16:42)
 Happy belated Birthdays to Bernhard and Bombe!
(also to my sk8bd buddy, Andy here in NY)
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biffsk8er: Vert Trading Cards (13. Oct. 2009 20:56)
 I'd be happy to take 'lucky # 7'!
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joe90: Vert Trading Cards (13. Oct. 2009 22:12)
 Hey Irene I'd luv 3 if pos,,It's just always been my fave number for some reason.I'll try and get my shit together tonight,,and thanx a heap for your efforts,,ther're looking bulk rad.
Happy birthday MrB and Bombe too.

cheers joe
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