Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11117 (16. Oct. 2009 00:49) (Tree)

Couple of videos including a whole new (short) format . Thank You, Robert!
Thanks, Robert for turning me onto animoto (via FB), I may just upgrade to their "Pro" version....I'm still playing with their stuff......
Anyway, Hi Everybody!
I wrote to "Orangegold1" the channel holder of the YouTube account that posted the Albert Renshaw video. I told him that there WERE others like him (but MUCH older! LOL!) & we'd LOVE to meet him. I gave my contact info AND the Vert-Forum URL. I hope I didn't come across as some kind of creep. I don't think I did. After all, I'm NOT a Creep! So, hopefully, we'll hear something from him (and/or his folks) & can network with him.
Anyway, I've got a couple of videos to share......more 30-60 sec clips, I'm afraid. I went to Anthem with my buddy Ian last week & did some filming. Since I know everybody (Biff!) loves Anthem (Irene, you & I should hit it while you're here too) I'm including a few here.
When I 1st showed up, my 1st Run with Invert:

Same Run (basically) from Stationary Cam:

Trying to cover the park in next 3 clips:

Now me trailing my buddy Ian:

Here is from last Sunday @ a park I've never shown you guys before called Sunny Springs Park. This park is cool BUT has SO MUCH Debris!! Plus it's farthest away from my house of any park I'm aware of:

Love my new Tattoos. They're totally healed now. Do you think they look like my SK8s?

Pre-Session @ Sunny Springs SK8 Park 10/10/09

Here's my 1st run @ Sunny Springs. You can tell Dawn's a little less than totally Stoked to be here. :)

My next couple runs...that back Bowl aka the Debris Bowl was SCARY! Rocks....bottles caps.....cigarette butts....yuck!

Dawn filmed one run for me:

My personal Fav from SS, Ryder-Cam....what my boy sees from his stroller:

And, lastly, this is Thanks to Brother Robert. I've used animoto for this compilation. If I like it, I'll probably upgrade to their pro version for full-length videos. Anyway, this one is pics of various skaters, Irene, Robert, Duke, KP, me & @ the end 2 vid clips of my Dad, Ben going into a foampit yesterday! 62 & trying a Backflip! You GOTTA LOVE this!
Thanks, Dad! And Thanks, Robin for filming!! BTW: Not sure how this animoto will work for may have to cut/paste into new tab/window. Sorry.

Thanks. Hope this was entertaining.
PEACE & Keep Rollin on 8!!!

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Jay: Couple of videos including a whole new (short) format . Thank You, Robert! (16. Oct. 2009 00:49)
  Thanks, Robert for turning me onto animoto (via FB), I may just upgrade to their "Pro" version....I'm still playing with their stuff......
Anyway, Hi Everybody!
I wrote to "Orangegold1" the channel holder of the YouTube account that posted the Albert Renshaw video. I told him that there WERE others like him (but MUCH older! LOL!) & we'd LOVE to meet him. I gave my contact info AND the Vert-Forum URL. I hope I didn't come across as some kind of creep. I don't think I did. After all, I'm NOT a Creep! So, hopefully, we'll hear something from him (and/or his folks) & can network with him.
Anyway, I've got a couple of videos to share......more 30-60 sec clips, I'm afraid. I went to Anthem with my buddy Ian last week & did some filming. Since I know everybody (Biff!) loves Anthem (Irene, you & I should hit it while you're here too) I'm including a few here.
When I 1st showed up, my 1st Run with Invert:

Same Run (basically) from Stationary Cam:

Trying to cover the park in next 3 clips:

Now me trailing my buddy Ian:

Here is from last Sunday @ a park I've never shown you guys before called Sunny Springs Park. This park is cool BUT has SO MUCH Debris!! Plus it's farthest away from my house of any park I'm aware of:

Love my new Tattoos. They're totally healed now. Do you think they look like my SK8s?

Pre-Session @ Sunny Springs SK8 Park 10/10/09

Here's my 1st run @ Sunny Springs. You can tell Dawn's a little less than totally Stoked to be here. :)

My next couple runs...that back Bowl aka the Debris Bowl was SCARY! Rocks....bottles caps.....cigarette butts....yuck!

Dawn filmed one run for me:

My personal Fav from SS, Ryder-Cam....what my boy sees from his stroller:

And, lastly, this is Thanks to Brother Robert. I've used animoto for this compilation. If I like it, I'll probably upgrade to their pro version for full-length videos. Anyway, this one is pics of various skaters, Irene, Robert, Duke, KP, me & @ the end 2 vid clips of my Dad, Ben going into a foampit yesterday! 62 & trying a Backflip! You GOTTA LOVE this!
Thanks, Dad! And Thanks, Robin for filming!! BTW: Not sure how this animoto will work for may have to cut/paste into new tab/window. Sorry.

Thanks. Hope this was entertaining.
PEACE & Keep Rollin on 8!!!

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Robert: Couple of videos including a whole new (short) format . Thank You, Robert! (16. Oct. 2009 02:01)
 Jay, I was a little confused how to share an animoto video. Thanks for showing me you can just provide the link. I sent them an e-mail to learn a little bit more about how to use it. The $30 is totally worth it if it is easy to share the videos. I am not real clear on how to do video and of course they never got back to me. Maybe you can master the program and then teach me?
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Jay: Couple of videos including a whole new (short) format . Thank You, Robert! (16. Oct. 2009 02:36)
  Hey Robert,
Thank YOU for turning me onto animoto. I'm probably going to do the $30 deal, but not til next month. I've spent my expendable cash for this month already! So, I'm afraid, everyone'll have to deal with my piece-meal video-clip submissions until then.
Also, I'm not sure that's the best way to post animoto on forum, but it got the job done.
Did you see your baby-self in the video? I stole that from an earlier posting of yours. :)
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Ben: Couple of videos including a whole new (short) format . Thank You, Robert! (16. Oct. 2009 17:11)
 Come on gang, no comments on the new JTV post? I LMFAO when I watched it so don't worry about hurting the OGs feelings. It's hilarious.....I just hope it doesn't negatively impact my Social Security. I suggested to Jay he turn it into one of his tutorial submissions. Say like "How NOT to do a Backflip!" or " KIDS, Don't Try This at Home!" Any other ideas? Jay tried to soothe the old mans ego by saying the ramp wasn't high enough, the run was short and some math gibberish about velocity and inertia. I told him an obvious factor was critical mass(i.e. weight).
Hey, I intend to try again in any case. A few more weeks and Jay and I can forego the Virtual Vert sessions and actually sk8 together so I'm bound to get better........right? BTW, my verification code on the forum for this post is "unsafer elections" Coincidence? I think not.
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biffsk8er: Couple of videos including a whole new (short) format . Thank You, Robert! (16. Oct. 2009 19:21)
 One thing I noticed.....there seemed to be two approaches to that foam pit. One was a typical launch ramp, while the right side seemed to have a double hump!? Am I seeing things, or was that really a double hump? And if so, WHY?

I'd suggest going to a pool or jumping on a trampoline to get your backflip into shape. Then go back and try it again on the ramp. You definitely need to whip it faster, and with more snap. That ramp isn't real conducive to backflips, being so small, but it can be done if done quickly.

Anthem....leaf blower. Need I say more? :)
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claudine: Couple of videos including a whole new (short) format . Thank You, Robert! (16. Oct. 2009 21:45)
 So if I can do a backflip on rollerskates, I cant get social security? That would suck........ Just tell them I hit my head and cant remember if I ever do one K? lol. But I'm declaring rollerskating an illness lol.
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Robert: Couple of videos including a whole new (short) format . Thank You, Robert! (17. Oct. 2009 04:09)
 Jay, I can't wait to see what you put together from that site. They got back to me with answers to my questions and told me nothing, which pissed me off. I have been skating new park for me and hope to post some video soon.


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ireNe: Couple of videos including a whole new (short) format . Thank You, Robert! (18. Oct. 2009 10:48)
 it's a 2 humped camel to foam pit?
...still gotta get ur arse over ur head to flip, i recon?
so rad! havin' fun... ur my hero :-)
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biffsk8er: Couple of videos including a whole new (short) format . Thank You, Robert! (19. Oct. 2009 20:15)
 : And, ..I've used animoto for this compilation. If I like it, I'll probably upgrade to their pro version for full-length videos. Anyway, this one is pics of various skaters, Irene, Robert, Duke, KP, me & @ the end 2 vid clips of my Dad, Ben going into a foampit yesterday! 62 & trying a Backflip! You GOTTA LOVE this!

I love the way the animoto worked for still pics. The background was flashing what.....? Distorted sections of the photos that were being shown? Regardless of what the background was, it was a really cool effect. Also the way the photos came and went. Nice.

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