Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11280 (28. Oct. 2009 10:20) (Tree)

old and new
Frontside air at Vertmont sesh last night.
Layback air and miller flip at Mordy,mid 80's.A mate dug em up the other week and gave it to me.
We have the terror in torquay jam this weekend + a couple of bowl tours(long weekend down here) so I hope to have some more fresh action for yas.

cheers joe
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joe90: old and new (28. Oct. 2009 10:20)
 Frontside air at Vertmont sesh last night.
Layback air and miller flip at Mordy,mid 80's.A mate dug em up the other week and gave it to me.
We have the terror in torquay jam this weekend + a couple of bowl tours(long weekend down here) so I hope to have some more fresh action for yas.

cheers joe
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Bernhard: old and new (28. Oct. 2009 10:47)
 Absolutely fantastic photos! Thank you ver much.
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Robert: old and new (28. Oct. 2009 16:25)
 Dude, how did you stay so good? Those are awesome. I used to love doing layback airs and miller flips. The key word there is "USED TO".
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biffsk8er: old and new (28. Oct. 2009 16:51)
 Excellent! I hope your tour goes well this weekend.

Btw, you were the rage in those cut-off shorts!! :P
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biffsk8er: old and new (28. Oct. 2009 18:13)
 I just took a second look and WHOA! Is that your underwear peeking out through those ripped shorts?

Irene, Claudine.......TURN AWAY!!!!!

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Bernhard: old and new (28. Oct. 2009 18:36)
 I guess you can't shock a lady used to do vert skating herself with such photos ... ;-P
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joe90: old and new (28. Oct. 2009 21:17)
 Key words are now"WILL AGAIN".
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joe90: old and new (28. Oct. 2009 21:20)
 Never realy had the cash for fashion so I wore and modded what ever I could get my hands on.Lucky I was wearing jocks at all.

cheers joe
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claudine: old and new (28. Oct. 2009 22:22)
 Hahaha, recognize the tongue in cheek pose anyday! Nice tricks!! Nice butt lol.
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biffsk8er: old and new (28. Oct. 2009 23:06)
 Key words are "NEVER STOP"
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Ben: old and new (29. Oct. 2009 03:59)
 Actually while I agree the key words are "will again" the "again" is completely predicated on the "will". Catch me next year at RollerCon.
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