Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11315 (5. Nov. 2009 10:40) (Tree)

Weekend shots
Excellent!!!!! happy to see so good sunny picts!!! Damned wet and cold autumn here: outdoor is on pause up to next dry period....

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joe90: Weekend shots (5. Nov. 2009 03:19)
Fisheye handplant down at Franga

McTwist at the Terror in Torquay jam
Both taken by Dave Pang.Enjoy.

cheers joe
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biffsk8er: Weekend shots (5. Nov. 2009 07:29)
 Argh! I want to learn how to McTwist!! I am so envious.
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zorg: Weekend shots (5. Nov. 2009 10:40)
 Excellent!!!!! happy to see so good sunny picts!!! Damned wet and cold autumn here: outdoor is on pause up to next dry period....

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biffsk8er: Weekend shots (5. Nov. 2009 15:21)
 This whole week has been from 50 to 75 degrees (10-24 celsius), and will continue that way, with 0% precipitation! A skaters paradise!!

Sorry, Zorg.
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Robert: Weekend shots (5. Nov. 2009 16:27)
 Excellent shots. I love seeing both tricks.
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claudine: Weekend shots (6. Nov. 2009 06:34)
 Cool man, I can see your brain through your nose, rad! I'm jealous.
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zorg: Weekend shots (6. Nov. 2009 21:33)
 Lucky guys, still raining here.... it's windy, so good for windsurf, but the sea is still 2h from Paris...however I got 2 clear nights for astronomy, will have indoor badmington or climbing this WE ;-)
I think I will try soon the indoor new bowls in Paris ;-)

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joe90: Weekend shots (7. Nov. 2009 01:14)
 Thanx Claudine,,most folks recon I\'ve got none.
Hey biff,,just do a 540 and throw ya bum over your head.
Hey Zorg me old buddy,,I realize times are tuff,but babmington? Look for the song \"Babminton\" by The Upper Crust,,,now that I\'ll play all day!And get too the bowls in Paris,,with you camera of course.

cheers joe
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