Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11378 (13. Nov. 2009 13:57) (Tree)

San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days!
Joizus what a killer sesh,,jelous again.That bowl looks so fucking briliant,,like a mini Bucky\'s back yard.I have to skate that thing with you cats.I have a bit of trouble with some vids too but I managed to get Duke over the channel.Is there anyone on the planet as smooth?Bulk rad.

cheers joe
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Jay: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (13. Nov. 2009 04:07)
Hi Skaters & Skater-Lovers!
Well, what a weekend we had in San Diego. 1st let me say a great big THANK YOU to everyone who came out:

Duke, Karen & Chris Rennie, Desi Jones, Irene Ching, Robert Chase, Jamie F. and Dawn & Ryder Cloetens. I had an absolutely AWESOME time. The parks (excepting of course Washington St.! LOL!) were all Killer, the skating was all Exceptional & the Vibe was really Positive & Energetic. I gotta say getting onto the mini-ramp @ Encinitas & seeing Karen taking runs was no doubt the highlight of the skating for me.....but then I AM a bit of a 'punk-ramp' kinda skater so that ramp would've been fun without KP skating. With her shredding too & then meeting Jamie & having a session with him, as well, outta nowhere (I didn't know Jamie was coming til he showed up next to the ramp!) was super cool.
Anyway, the skating vids & pics.... Dawnie, Ryder & I met up with Irene in Escondido & convoyed to the Carmel Valley Sk8Park where in the parking lot we met Robert already in sk8s ready to go, along with Duke, Desi & Chris lacing/padding up. KP was saving herself for the wood @ Encinitas YMCA later that afternoon. With a minimum waste of time we got to skating this park's sole vertical feature: the Pool.

1st some pre-session pics:

Chris Rennie:
Chris Rennie

Yours Truly:
Yours Truly, Jay, ready to Sk8!

Karen Rennie:
Karen stretching out.

Karen & Desi Jones:
Karen stretching out.

Some Mid-Session Pics:
Desi Jones- Invert:

Desi Jones Invert @ Carmel Valley

Duke Rennie holding my baby boy Ryder:
Duke & Ryder @ Carmel Valley

My Awesome, Beautiful, Under-Appreciated Wife, Dawnie, Ryder & me:
Dawnie, Ryder & me @ Carmel Valley

A couple of the whole crew who skated @ Carmel Valley:

Dawnie, Ryder & me @ Carmel Valley

Quad Skaters Unite!

Now some video clips from Carmel Valley:

Robert Chase:

Quad Skaters Unite!

Duke Rennie:

Chris Rennie:

Desi Jones:

Not sure why we didn't get any Irene footage here.....I must've missed some uploads.....I'll have to check....cuz Irene was rippin' there as usual. There's one of me though ending in a failed weak layback attempt:

Then in was onto the Awesome park @ Encinitas YMCA. At this park I failed to capture any footage of Brother Duke (mostly cuz he was rippin the Kidney Pool there & it was a little too Snaky for me) as most of the time I was on the killer mini ramp. I had a BLAST on this mini-ramp. It really took me back to my early days of skating. And skating with Karen as well as Desi, Irene, Robert & Jamie was AWESOME! Hell, even Brother Duke took a couple crushin runs on this mini before the Siren Call of the pool lured him Away.....I was too mesmorized to think to pick up my camers though. :( Hopefully someone ELSE captured that. And will either post it here and/or send it to me. Hint hint. LOL.Also, if there's any footage of me from that YMCA mini, I'd love to see it, too, thanks.

So here's the YMCA stuff....

Ladies 1st where I come from so......

Karen Rennie:

Does she Rip, or what?!? Hell yes!

Irene Ching:

Chris Rennie (on Blades):

Robert Chase:

Robert, your skating VISIBLY improves every time I see you sk8! I wish the same was True of me! Keep it up!

Desi Jones:

Also Rippin' on this mini was Jamie F. from SD.....sadly, I fazed AGAIN & missed that filming opportunity.....
But some of us went over to the Vert Ramp......

Here's Ms. Ching:

Mr. Jones:

Mr. Chase:

And the Contest results:

1st: Chris Rennie 2nd: Karen Rennie 3rd: Irene Ching

1st: Robert Chase 2nd: Jay Cloetens 3rd: Karen Rennie

1st: Irene Ching 2nd: Jamie F. 3rd: Karen Rennie

1st: Jay Cloetens 2nd: Robert Chase 3rd: Karen Rennie

As you can see KP placed in all categories & as such was deemed overall winner!
And that was how Day 1 went! Killer. Ending with cocktails in the HotTub. Nice. :)

So Day 2 started where I wanted, in spite of everyone else's obviously valid concerns; Washington Street Vigilante Tranny. They need some F*#kin Vigilantes over there cuz they DON'T ALLOW ROLLERSKATERS!!!!! So, observe the one & only quad skater to ever mar the surface of their Special Little Sk8Board park........Me. The 'crete sucked anyway.

So after some unpleasantness I'd sooner forget we were onto fairer vibes @ Memorial Skatepark. The Canyon Gap in this pool was begging Mr. Rennie to fly over it &, out of Respect to the locals, he waited til his 3rd run to do it. But then he started doing it BIGGER & BIGGER. He eventually airs over Desi whose standing in the Gap. Epic. Check it out:

Duke Airing Desi in Canyon Gap:

Irene Ching:

Jamie F. (sorry I don't know your last name me!):

Desi Jones:

Chris Rennie:

And, again, my Bad, no Robert footage from here though he was rippin this bowl with his Killer 1-Foot truck grinds, handplants & laybacks. Sorry, Robert, next sesh!
Here's one of me from that session:

Thanks to Everyone who came was great to see you all & sk8 with you. Jamie, it was great meeting you, Bro, keep skating & start posting!
I anxiously await everyone else's footage both from parks I was in attendance for AND the Clairmont sesh I missed!


Can't wait til RollerCon 2010.......Yeah!

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Robert: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (13. Nov. 2009 05:56)
 That was a fun weekend. Nothing better than rolling with cool friends and great skaters. Jay, you can't see it, but your skating is getting better all of the time. You are ripping my friend. I move tomorrow and once I am settled, I will post up my video. I made a few, but was missing some great footage of Duke killing the channel.
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biffsk8er: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (13. Nov. 2009 08:11)
 I m so F'ing jealous!!!!! You guys rocked. I can't wait to meet Jamie. One more quad wheel shod odd bod to trod roughshod with the mod squad!!

That keyhole bowl looked like it would be fantastic for grinds, slides, ally oops, etc.. Next time you all go there, I need to be there! PERIOD.

Also, I'd love to rip up that mini wood ramp! I learned on ramps like that one.

I just came back from Houston, where Tim Altic, Raven, and I tore up the downtown Houston skate park. I'll see what we have on film and post it later in retort to this thread.

Skate on guys.......good fun!! Great pics!
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biffsk8er: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (13. Nov. 2009 08:13)
 I agree. Jays' skating is getting remarkably better! I'd better go practice!!
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Bernhard: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (13. Nov. 2009 08:15)
 Hey Jay,

thanks for the heart warming pics! I especially love the one of Duke holding your baby boy. He seems to know whom he can trust!

Alas, I couldn't watch the videos. Not sure what causes my browser to hang up on Photobucket videos.
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biffsk8er: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (13. Nov. 2009 08:18)
 Photobucket vids always take a double click on my computer to get them to work here in the forum. And then, I have to wait a few or more seconds before it actually starts playing. However, they do work for me, though.
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Bernhard: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (13. Nov. 2009 08:30)
 I tend to kill my browser after it just hangs for minutes (!) on a photobucket video ...
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biffsk8er: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (13. Nov. 2009 08:45)
 Do you have problems with any other video besides photobucket??
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Bernhard: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (13. Nov. 2009 09:10)
 Youtube works OK. And so does Vimeo.
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claudine: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (13. Nov. 2009 13:06)
 Wow, thanks Jay! I wasnt expecting all these great videos this morning. Awesome. I'll have to finish them up later as my computer keeps spinning lol.

Irene, we are sisters! Cool. ;-D
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joe90: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (13. Nov. 2009 13:57)
 Joizus what a killer sesh,,jelous again.That bowl looks so fucking briliant,,like a mini Bucky\'s back yard.I have to skate that thing with you cats.I have a bit of trouble with some vids too but I managed to get Duke over the channel.Is there anyone on the planet as smooth?Bulk rad.

cheers joe
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Ben: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (13. Nov. 2009 19:51)
 Thanks to all for confirming what I've been telling Jay since RollerCon. He's a LOT better every time, smoother, faster, more confident and .......better. Not surprised I guess......nobody ever believes their father.
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Jay: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (13. Nov. 2009 20:27)
Thanks for all the kind Words, kids!
And in response to Joe\'s question:

" Duke over the channel.Is there anyone on the planet as smooth?"....uh, No. Not that I'm aware of! He made that channel gap look easy. I half-ass tried it (halfway up wall) & it was NOT easy. I didn't make it. Duke made it everytime.
I hope these help to get people Stoked to get themselves here for RC 2010. It's gonna be Epic.
I'm sorry about the photobucket videos......I'll try Vimeo next time......

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joe90: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (14. Nov. 2009 00:44)
 I beleive his father.

cheers joe
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Bernhard: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (14. Nov. 2009 10:17)
 But you aren't the son of his father. Duh! ;)
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joe90: San Diego with 8 Skaters on 64 Wheels hitting 3.125 Parks in 2 days! (14. Nov. 2009 12:24)
 I do get called a mother sometimes.

cheers joe
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