Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11395 (16. Nov. 2009 21:13) (Tree)

Woodland Hills Ice - an outdoor holiday ice skating rink located at the Westfield Promenade
Yeah, I Definitely agree, Robert.
The ice is slippery AND cold. Nobody wears any pads. And those blades on bottom of sk8s are Lethal! Give me a concrete pool & a set of sk8s any day!
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frankwlhill: Woodland Hills Ice - an outdoor holiday ice skating rink located at the Westfield Promenade (14. Nov. 2009 06:57)
  Woodland Hills Ice
is an outdoor holiday ice skating rink located at the Westfield Promenade in Woodland Hills, CA. Open daily throughout the entire holiday season (November 25 - February 21), the rink will feature daily recreational ice skating, special events, exhibitions, performances and interactive entertainment for the entire community over the course of 11 weeks of operation. The rink is also available to rent for birthday parties, private gatherings and corporate events. In addition to over 6000 square feet of real ice, Woodland Hills Ice will also include a retail village, concessions and special spectator seating and VIP areas.
Offer 2$ off Single Skate Session Monday-Friday before 5pm
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biffsk8er: Woodland Hills Ice - an outdoor holiday ice skating rink located at the Westfield Promenade (14. Nov. 2009 09:36)
 Bugger off with your damn ads. :Þ~~~~

: Woodland Hills Ice
: is an outdoor holiday ice skating rink located at the Westfield Promenade in Woodland Hills, CA. Open daily throughout the entire holiday season (November 25 - February 21), the rink will feature daily recreational ice skating, special events, exhibitions, performances and interactive entertainment for the entire community over the course of 11 weeks of operation. The rink is also available to rent for birthday parties, private gatherings and corporate events. In addition to over 6000 square feet of real ice, Woodland Hills Ice will also include a retail village, concessions and special spectator seating and VIP areas.
: Offer 2$ off Single Skate Session Monday-Friday before 5pm
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Bernhard: Woodland Hills Ice - an outdoor holiday ice skating rink located at the Westfield Promenade (14. Nov. 2009 10:24)
 : Bugger off with your damn ads. :Þ~~~~

I don't find this particular ad the worst example we have seen in this forum. At least he states clearly who he is and that her is advertising. That's much, much better than postings of the sort "I have found this great t-shirt shop. Look here!". On the other hand, I doubt that he will find many customers here. He could have found out this be reading a few postings. And that's the really bad part. It isn't that he is advertising (he does this very polite and unobtrusive). It's the fact that he posts to a forum without regard for the culture and content of this forum.
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Jay: Woodland Hills Ice - an outdoor holiday ice skating rink located at the Westfield Promenade (15. Nov. 2009 01:30)
  As usual, Bernhard, you have clearly & succinctly seen to Heart of Issue. How can he expect to put us in ANY demographic, let alone his Target one! But he was direct & polite. If not informed!

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Bernhard: Woodland Hills Ice - an outdoor holiday ice skating rink located at the Westfield Promenade (15. Nov. 2009 09:24)
 We could exclude advertising in the usage conditions for the forum. But do we really want this? If I think of people building some stuff for the likes of us like Gambin or Rollerskate, I really don't want to hinder them advertising for it in the forum. And I think the occasional advertiser who hopelessly tries to find customers here is still not enough to warant thinking about how we could differentiate between the different types of advertisers. Spam, of course, is a different matter. I think nobody must tolerate spam.
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Jay: Woodland Hills Ice - an outdoor holiday ice skating rink located at the Westfield Promenade (15. Nov. 2009 18:04)
  Hey Bernhard,
I agree. The effort you'd have to expend to try to keep out the very rare vendor wouldn't be worth it. And, as you said, there are the Gambins & Irenes who have products we actually use. I wouldn't wanna EVER restrict ANYONE from informing us of anything that we could really use. Your Forum administration has been 1st Class from the start, Bernhard. Don't ever change! Thanks again for The Forum!
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Robert: Woodland Hills Ice - an outdoor holiday ice skating rink located at the Westfield Promenade (16. Nov. 2009 03:31)
 That rink sounds fun. I wonder if they will build a big vert ramp and let us skate while the others are on the ice? Ice skating is dangerous and I feel more safe in a bowl. lol
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Jay: Woodland Hills Ice - an outdoor holiday ice skating rink located at the Westfield Promenade (16. Nov. 2009 21:13)
  Yeah, I Definitely agree, Robert.
The ice is slippery AND cold. Nobody wears any pads. And those blades on bottom of sk8s are Lethal! Give me a concrete pool & a set of sk8s any day!
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