Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11413 (19. Nov. 2009 02:10) (Tree)

Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland.....
on Concrete disciples to be precise.
As I briefly mentioned earlier we were denied the use of an aggro park ala FDR & Burnside (but not AS cool) due to the number of wheels/trucks we happen to prefer.
That's right, Kiddies, I'm afraid I'm referring to ROLLERSKATER DISCRIMINATION!!! I was the only 8-Wheeler who got to roll on their special little 'crete. Concrete that is under a freeway overpass on city land. But that wasn't what got me so fired up. It was the way the 2 douches 'in charge' handled the situation that got me pissed. They tried to intimidate us & made very thinly veiled threats about what would happen if we didn't leave. We had women & children with baby even. This was unwarranted & totally thug-like. I decided then that I was going to cause as much trouble for those guys (both of whom started their rants to me with the phrase "I don't wanna be a Dick, but...") AND "their" precious little park. My wife's already written to the San Diego Parks & Rec Dept AND the Council Presidents of the TWO districts in which this little overpass lives. Now I'm hitting the Sk8 Forums. I invite you guys to visit the thread I started on CD here:

you may have to cut/paste...sorry.

Anyway, I invite you all to comment, repost on your respective local skate forums/blogs etc....i.e. 'Charlie Don't Skate". This is BS & we shouldn't stand for it. I'm not trying to create any riff between us & boarders, far from it. Until 4 years ago I didn't even know other vert skaters still EXISTED, let alone in the numbers we do. I associated myself STRONGLY with boarders. It was a boarder (my best friend) who got me into skating. I sure as Hell didn't feel any affiliation with the bladers! (Sorry, Biff & Raven!) But, having said that, WE WERE HERE 1st!!! They should have some kind of allowance for us. I mean they didn't even rollerkaters on their sign (do they ever?!?) they had to lump me in with etc.!! That Fug'n hurt! (BTW, Joe, I'm TOTALLY stealing that from you!I'll NEVER steal your McTwist, don't worry, but Fug'n is mine! I LOVE that!) I'm not Fug'n Etc.!!! I'm a Fug'n Vertical Rollerskater!!! LOL!!!
In a bit of a tangent, but totally appropriate, the Captcha for this post is "Culture life". I think that's what we do....have.....'culture' in our 'life'. That's why this Pisses me off so much. I wanted to see Duke Sk8 there! And, if they would've allowed it, those 2 goons would've loved it too. Close-minded Dicks. Ahhh...
So, as Always, I open the floor to discussion.....I welcome everyone's criticisms....comments......corrections. whatever you've got......Hell, I'll even start you out with some topics of discussion. LOL!

1: Is Jay trying to incite a sk8 War between boarders & rollerskaters?

2: Did Jay attach that YouTube Vid in his CD rant as he states to show boarders that he's "not a disco skater" or is it as Dawn, Jay's wife suspects "because he's such a Narcissist".

3: Does Jay care what he says publicly or who he might offend on the Wonderful World Wide Web? I'll answer that one too: NO!!!!!!

OK. Thanks, Kids. you all know that I Love YOU, right? Right.

PEACE......................... Jay
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Jay: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 02:10)
  on Concrete disciples to be precise.
As I briefly mentioned earlier we were denied the use of an aggro park ala FDR & Burnside (but not AS cool) due to the number of wheels/trucks we happen to prefer.
That's right, Kiddies, I'm afraid I'm referring to ROLLERSKATER DISCRIMINATION!!! I was the only 8-Wheeler who got to roll on their special little 'crete. Concrete that is under a freeway overpass on city land. But that wasn't what got me so fired up. It was the way the 2 douches 'in charge' handled the situation that got me pissed. They tried to intimidate us & made very thinly veiled threats about what would happen if we didn't leave. We had women & children with baby even. This was unwarranted & totally thug-like. I decided then that I was going to cause as much trouble for those guys (both of whom started their rants to me with the phrase "I don't wanna be a Dick, but...") AND "their" precious little park. My wife's already written to the San Diego Parks & Rec Dept AND the Council Presidents of the TWO districts in which this little overpass lives. Now I'm hitting the Sk8 Forums. I invite you guys to visit the thread I started on CD here:

you may have to cut/paste...sorry.

Anyway, I invite you all to comment, repost on your respective local skate forums/blogs etc....i.e. 'Charlie Don't Skate". This is BS & we shouldn't stand for it. I'm not trying to create any riff between us & boarders, far from it. Until 4 years ago I didn't even know other vert skaters still EXISTED, let alone in the numbers we do. I associated myself STRONGLY with boarders. It was a boarder (my best friend) who got me into skating. I sure as Hell didn't feel any affiliation with the bladers! (Sorry, Biff & Raven!) But, having said that, WE WERE HERE 1st!!! They should have some kind of allowance for us. I mean they didn't even rollerkaters on their sign (do they ever?!?) they had to lump me in with etc.!! That Fug'n hurt! (BTW, Joe, I'm TOTALLY stealing that from you!I'll NEVER steal your McTwist, don't worry, but Fug'n is mine! I LOVE that!) I'm not Fug'n Etc.!!! I'm a Fug'n Vertical Rollerskater!!! LOL!!!
In a bit of a tangent, but totally appropriate, the Captcha for this post is "Culture life". I think that's what we do....have.....'culture' in our 'life'. That's why this Pisses me off so much. I wanted to see Duke Sk8 there! And, if they would've allowed it, those 2 goons would've loved it too. Close-minded Dicks. Ahhh...
So, as Always, I open the floor to discussion.....I welcome everyone's criticisms....comments......corrections. whatever you've got......Hell, I'll even start you out with some topics of discussion. LOL!

1: Is Jay trying to incite a sk8 War between boarders & rollerskaters?

2: Did Jay attach that YouTube Vid in his CD rant as he states to show boarders that he's "not a disco skater" or is it as Dawn, Jay's wife suspects "because he's such a Narcissist".

3: Does Jay care what he says publicly or who he might offend on the Wonderful World Wide Web? I'll answer that one too: NO!!!!!!

OK. Thanks, Kids. you all know that I Love YOU, right? Right.

PEACE......................... Jay
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biffsk8er: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 07:53)
 Point out next time that what we have on our feet are two skateboards, as we use skateboard trucks and wheels.

Jay, I'm 100% behind you and your beliefs. They are fug'n ball biting bullies with nothing better to do with their time. They are trying to make themselves feel superior. Reminds me of the many GAME forum admins online (not quad skate forum admins online). They have a license to be a-holes by worming their way into positions of power in their tiny little world.

Throw a boycott skate. Go back there in mass and skate with a ton of derby girls and vert skaters. Make them work for it.

I hate 'hate'.
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biffsk8er: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 08:28)
 Jay, after looking over their website, I can understand why they are a 'good old boy' skateboarder club. However, they have a flaw with their logic : They are now discriminating against other disciplines the same way that the city discriminated against them (skateboarders) before! Ironic twist.

Read their history page, and then you might be a little more forgiving of their attitude, but I do believe they could handle their discrimination with a bit more decorum and respect. I really do resent how different disciplines cannot be more tolerant when what they want from others is tolerance.

Also, I notice that the title on their website is "Washington Street SKATE Park", but all throughout the site, they refer to themselves as "Washington Street SKATEBOARD Park". Makes you wonder if the original founders had a different idea in mind for the park and its' users??!!
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Bernhard: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 08:44)
 : Also, I notice that the title on their website is "Washington Street SKATE Park", but all throughout the site, they refer to themselves as "Washington Street SKATEBOARD Park". Makes you wonder if the original founders had a different idea in mind for the park and its' users??!!

I suspect lingual confusion at work. Everybody with wheels under their feet likes to refer to their activity as "skating" but they won't their enemy du jour use the term. When I really like to rile up some skateboarders, I tell them that inline skaters probably have the biggest right to call their activity "skating". After all, it stems from "ice skating", right? And who is closest to ice skating?
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Jay: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 18:08)
Hey Bernhard,
How's things in Germany? I hope all's well & you can sk8 wherever you like! Or at least anywhere conveyances with trucks are welcomed.
I continue to be amazed @ your total fluency in a foreign tongue, Brother. Enemy du jour, indeed! LOL!
Personally I have no intention of going back to this park, I didn't as of 945am that morning & after my cyber-rant I'm sure I'm the enemy du annee over there now!
However, my devious plot, such as it is, is to incite the local BMXers into pushing the city to let them in. I can tell you from personal experience @ Anthem that once that happens, "your" park is never yours again. And the BMXers would LOVE that place. They don't care that the 'crete is pitted or of different textures/slickness like those of us on urethane do, Brother!
If the city gets enough hassle...or even just the right hassle from someone with a friend/relative on the city council or Parks & Rec's all over for the Nazis @ Wash. St.
Anyway, thanks for listening, thanks for the Support, thanks for the French lesson (from a German dude who speaks/writes Perfect English!!) &, of course, THANKS for the Forum!!!
PEACE.................... Jay
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Jay: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 18:38)
Hey Biff!
As Usual you've seen to the crux of the Issue. They're Fug'n Hypocrites. I read their little website before my rant AND I considered going into the modified sk8 angle. Dawn argued against the video inclusion on the grounds that it was not going to be well received AND the narcissism thing. I felt it WAS necessary just to demonstrate that I did have the prerequisite skills to sk8 @ a sk8park. I'm sure you've had reactions from people when you say you rollersk8 in sk8parks that were less than what you'd hoped for. Well I knew these guys on CD were Militant & the Nazis @ WS had already shown their stripes, so I was trying to prep these guys to the notion that people w/o boards might actually have legit reasons to be @ the park.
If you read my reply to Bernhard you'll see what my "Evil Plan" for those guys is. I'm busily trying to find a BMX forum right now. LOL! Their lives would've been easier if they'd have just let us sk8 for 20 min. Now, I've got a Vendetta.
So, have you been on CD to see how many Nasty, Negative, Anti-Rollersk8r replies I've garnered? It's pretty Hilarious. I actually saved an image that someone posted, as an insult to my sexuality I believe, cuz I liked it so much. Plus, 1 dude + 4 babes on sk8s = :) to me any-fug'n-way!
Well, have a gr8 day. Go sk8 somewhere that your skills obviously outshine the local boarder contingent for me. LOL! Take Raven too, of course!
PEACE..... Jay
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biffsk8er: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 18:55)
 : So, have you been on CD to see how many Nasty, Negative, Anti-Rollersk8r replies I've garnered?

Yes, I read it last night.

: I actually saved an image that someone posted, as an insult to my sexuality I believe, cuz I liked it so much. Plus, 1 dude + 4 babes on sk8s = :) to me any-fug'n-way!

I wanna be that dude!! :D

Good luck with your mission. Go easy on 'em though, Jay, I hate to see grown men cry.
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Robert: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 19:12)
 Jay, I spend a lot of time on skateboard forums and I actually skateboard as well. I totally get your frustration, but don't think complaining to the city is the right way to go. I don't know exactly how they get there money and materials, but I think most of it is grass roots. If they want to be dicks and discriminate, then let them and skate all of the better parks. Don't get me wrong. I have brought this subject up before and also had your back on that forum, I just don't think it is worth the hostility it can cause. I guess if I did not live here, I might cause some rukus too. lol I do think it is not cool to deny people, but other than being on public land, they did build it. Some kids like to share and others don't. Fortunately, this group is a bunch of sharing mofos and awesome people.
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biffsk8er: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 19:17)

I don't know if I'd go the bmx route. First of all, way too much work trying to incite a bunch of bikers. Most of them won't care. I'd stick to what you and Dawnie were doing by contacting the city council, land use board, parks and recreation dept., etc..

I think that if the park is on city land, the city might take issue with a skate park that discriminates against certain skaters. Contact the city's legal dept.. I'm sure that more could be done through legal channels than through trying to get the bikers up in arms.

And if all else fails, check and see if people park illegally to skate there. Call in street violations. Check their distance to fire hydrants. Do they smoke on city land? Smoking is illegal, here in Austin, on city property (not sure about parks). Are there any health violations, etc..??

Good luck, Jay.

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biffsk8er: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 19:18)
 : Fortunately, this group is a bunch of sharing mofos and awesome people.

Doesn't sound like it?!
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Ben: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 21:14)
 OK, first off any discrimination is stupid. The fact that these skateboarders had a bad childhood, came from broken homes, need counsiling, lost their dogs, don't get cable, whatever, is never reason enough to take it out on some other individual or group. Skateboarders have been picked on? Hell, we've all had a turn in the barrel, get over it. I was arrested ( described in subsequent legal documents as "detained")in the 70's for daring to sk8 on the hallowed "Hiking Trail" at a Michigan State Park. The fact that the trail was public and paved or that that walkers, bikers, runners, strollers even wheelchairs were allowed use didn't seem to matter to the authorities(i.e. rent-a-cops). There were no signs prohibiting sk8 activity just a verbal warning which we promptly and patently ignored. Clearly 8 wheels was somehow akin to subversive criminal activity. Maybe that's the irrefutable logic utilized by the aforementioned skateboarders. My point is, eventually they got over it, we were allowed access, and we immediately lost interest. Case closed. Let it go son, there are enough good people out there, especially good quad sk8ing people to be able to ignore the inevitable donkeys we run into. My greatest fear is that this extracurricular endeavor may cut into the time and space allotted to JayTV. Which, by the way, has been sorely missed for a week. That being said, for the record, if they had harmed - in ANY way, Jay, Dawn, Ryder or any of the wonderful people we have met in this sport this would be a completely differant situation and any and all involved would rue the day they were born.

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biffsk8er: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 21:46)
 Do you mean this image?

Then they compared you to the girls in this image (as the ya called it the "Fat Belly Lesbian Roller Derby League"):

The last image :

I just posted :

# Posted: 19 Nov 2009 12:39
Reply Quote Edit

The park came into being there because skaters were tired of being told they couldn't skate San Diego. Tickets and fines were the norm.

Now, the irony is that they are telling other types of skaters that they cannot skate. These guys use skateboard trucks and wheels on their feet for Christs sake!! It is basically two skateboards.
This is hypocrisy at its' worst!.

I hate 'hate'.
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biffsk8er: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 21:48)
 I meant to say :
(as the THEY called it the "Fat Belly Lesbian Roller Derby League"):

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Bernhard: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 22:40)
 Hey Jay,

: How's things in Germany?

Cold and wintery. At least it's dry at the moment so I took my motorcycle and rode to the hot springs to get a bit warmth back into my chilled bones. Much better now.

: I hope all's well & you can sk8 wherever you like! Or at least anywhere conveyances with trucks are welcomed.

Ah, it's not always so. About 10 years ago, they had an indoor park in Berlin which was inline skaters only. No wonder it doesn't exist any more. And two years ago I was skating, at [url= Skatehalle[/url]. Inline skaters where explicitly forbidden (I would have done the same in their place since you can't get inlines to not wax a coping. So it's better to keep them out). The warden wasn't quite sure what to make of me. He came over several time an looked quite indecisively. But he didn't say anything. And I also a "Nobody will kick you out for that stuff but they will give you the feeling to leave." (quoting "Arrogant Bastard" at the CD forum) 20 years ago at the Münster half pipe. And I also can follow the arguments of "blkprjkt43". "Etiquette dictates, respect their deal, no questions asked, regardless of where they built it." And he also says "As skateboarders, the furthest thing from our minds is whether skating is 'socially acceptable'. In other words, we don't give a fuck whether people like us or hate us. We don't do what we do for acceptance, we never did. We do it because it's what we do and what we love, and it makes us who we are." Well, I couldn't put this better. Why should I strive for acceptance by a society who worships the Olympics and the Tour de France? No way! I'd rather strive for acceptance by other skaters.

: I continue to be amazed @ your total fluency in a foreign tongue, Brother. Enemy du jour, indeed! LOL!

Hey, thanks! But I'm sure my spoken English is much worse. I know most of my English from reading a lot.

Anyhow, I do not have any such skate park close by. So be happy for all the parks where you can skate. I wouldn't wage war against those skateboarder. Partly because I'd respect them for building their parks (but not for all of their rules. A "too many pads" rule is just plain stupid). Partly because I think war is a bad thing per se. And last not least because there are way too few roller skaters to afford a war against every other group you can imagine.

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Bernhard: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 22:44)
 : : Fortunately, this group is a bunch of sharing mofos and awesome people.
: Doesn't sound like it?!

Maybe he was referring to the regulars of the Vertical Rollerskating forum?

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biffsk8er: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 22:45)
 Ya. I think you are right. Because otherwise, that statement wouldn't make sense.
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Bernhard: Rollerskaters UNITE!! Because I've ruffled some feathers in cyberland..... (19. Nov. 2009 22:56)
 : Ya. I think you are right. Because otherwise, that statement wouldn't make sense.

I guess I am an old sense maker ... ;-)

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