Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11437 (20. Nov. 2009 09:23) (Tree)

Damn! You guys are Sensitive!
: I just don't like 'haters" be they discriminating against: Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Height, Weight, Eye/Hair Color, or the number of wheels under my Ass. I don't like it & I WON'T tolerate it.

Amen to that. Though I have to admit that I'm surely not free of prejudice and more often than not sort people into boxes.

: I'm sorry but these people pissed off the wrong guy.

I think I understand your feelings very well. I have tried to describe this with some experience of my own. And I am proud of you that you don't let yourself be pissed off. I mean it! You should not lick the boots of anyone. Maybe there are two different things at stake here? First there is this skater-built park where I would grant the builders some rights to what they built. And second, there is the shabby way they treated you. Not right. But do you want to sue them because they offended you?

: I was trying to make a Point. One which they missed or were deliberately obtuse regarding.

I don't think they deliberately missed the point. Maybe you just gave them to many hooks where they could hang their arguments in your rant.

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Jay: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 01:00)

Hey Kids,
I just don't like 'haters" be they discriminating against: Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Height, Weight, Eye/Hair Color, or the number of wheels under my Ass. I don't like it & I WON'T tolerate it. I'm sorry but these people pissed off the wrong guy. I'm not trying to start a 'War', Bernhard. Personally, War offends me also. However, laying down & licking das Boot just isn't in my Personality.
But, don't despair. This isn't eating me @ night or taking up THAT much of my time.....after all I haven't given any of the PsychoBoarders the satisfaction of any replies on CD, have I? No. And, believe me, I've got some Harsh but eloquently worded retorts fresh on the tip of my tongue...errrr fingers, I guess. I don't wanna riot. And I, too, don't give a Shit what anyone, let alone those dillholes think of me despite my "socially acceptable" comment on CD. I was trying to make a Point. One which they missed or were deliberately obtuse regarding. Oh well. I think the BMXers WILL incite & I WILL pursue all the legal, bureaucratic avenues at my disposal to make it less cozy for those guys.
Biff, gr8 ideas.....people were parking on (or too close to) Train Tracks when we were there.....'course so did I......but I won't do it anymore!!!
I'll be skating all the vastly Superior parks where I'm not a Pariah!

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joe90: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 03:34)
 Hey Jay I'd keep my fight till they stop you skating something worth the fight.I know I was'nt there and they obviously pissed you off no end without any just reason but ranting on OMA or CW for that matter is just stirring the pot and proly making more enemies,,they did'nt deny you acsess,which brings up my main issue,you've entered Roberts turf there and although thay seem cool on OMA,there will still be shit kickers who recon were all fugn fruit booters and I just hope Robert dont pay the price.Also dropped Dukes name in the rant too,I hope there are no ramifications for him to follow cos this is a big fight your picking so I hope when they start swinging boards,It's not at those who choose to take it easy and roll where and when thay can.
My opinions on the actual situation are insignificant as I am not willing to spill blood over them as the case may be.
I love you no end dood but I think you may be riscking more than you've considered and in the end,,none of us wants too skate there anyway.
Please ponder this for a while before answering.

cheers joe
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claudine: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 03:59)
 Yeah, dont discriminate on height and weight or I'll kiss your ass! lol. :-P hahahaha.
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Bernhard: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 09:23)
 : I just don't like 'haters" be they discriminating against: Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Height, Weight, Eye/Hair Color, or the number of wheels under my Ass. I don't like it & I WON'T tolerate it.

Amen to that. Though I have to admit that I'm surely not free of prejudice and more often than not sort people into boxes.

: I'm sorry but these people pissed off the wrong guy.

I think I understand your feelings very well. I have tried to describe this with some experience of my own. And I am proud of you that you don't let yourself be pissed off. I mean it! You should not lick the boots of anyone. Maybe there are two different things at stake here? First there is this skater-built park where I would grant the builders some rights to what they built. And second, there is the shabby way they treated you. Not right. But do you want to sue them because they offended you?

: I was trying to make a Point. One which they missed or were deliberately obtuse regarding.

I don't think they deliberately missed the point. Maybe you just gave them to many hooks where they could hang their arguments in your rant.

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Robert: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 17:04)
 I am starting to not like this situation. I think you have every right to vent a little, but starting trouble in a city you don't live just is not good for anyone. If you were to get the city to close the park, you would be ruining things for the people that did not give you a hard time. I like to vent when things piss me off, but I don't think revenge is the answer. That park has a pretty amazing story to it and what they have achieved is awesome. I don't agree with denying people to skate, but I don't want to see their hard work go out the door because they want to protect their turf.
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Jay: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 19:02)
Hey Bernhard,
Some very salient (make you use your English Dictionary...maybe your English is ridiculously good!)Points that you've made.
No, I'm not the litigious-type. I have no intention to Sue. Anybody. My intent was to have their park overrun by BMXrs. That's all. They MAY have built it, but that doesn't give them land rights. It's Public Land. I don;t know diddly about real estate law in Germany, but in the US, once the Government owns (or claims to own) land, that's it. Ask the Native Americans. Take a look @ our Foreign Policy. USA keeps what they consider theirs. Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam....I could go on, but I think you get it.
These guys think they're the Kings of their little World. They may be, but that doesn't give them a Right to be Assholes. And, threatening me, NEVER NEVER gets the desired response. Unless that desired response is Total & Immediate Revolt against the Status Quo. I reacted Strongly, maybe even OVERreacted, but it was an HONEST reaction. And one that I felt was Justified @ the Time.
Having said that, I'm now over it. I find the act of writing. speaking, discussing cathartic. Maybe I should've just written my Post & not posted it. Or not posted it on CD. But I did. I can't undo it. I doubt if I would were I able to. I shouldered the Whole Deal on myself. The Blame, if there is any to dole out, is certainly mine & mine alone.
In my Defense (which I feel slightly Dirty having to offer) I had to jump through untold hoops with the city of Las Vegas in order to get myself PERMISSION to rollerskate in Vegas city SkateParks, including a Demo for the Parks & Rec Dept Supervisor. That "privilege" (to use public parks, funded by taxpayers, for their intended use!) is now extended to ALL rollerskaters in Vegas. I guess I was trying to do the same Service for the rollerskaters of San Diego. Clearly, those skaters don't want any help from me & that's fine. As I said, I'm over it.
It was NEVER my intent to bring any Grief, let alone Ass-Beatings, to any other rollerkater in SD or anywhere else. I also NEVER wanted to Upset my friends here on the Forum. For that, I apologize.
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Jay: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 19:16)
  Hey Joe!
Where you going with that Gun in your Hand? Going down to Washington St.??? LOL!!

No, Just kidding.
You boys from the land @ the end of the Golden Brick Road are OK. You SHRED ridiculously well, yet you're so laid-back & mellow. I hope one day to meet, hang,talk @ great length, drink, & OF COURSE sk8 with you, Brother Joe.
You are, of course, 100% right. I don't wanna repeat myself unnecessarily so you may just wanna ready my replies to Mr. B & Robert, but suffice it to say I'm DONE with the Whole Wash St. Saga.
I did not intend to bring Trauma to any of my Quad Brethren. I said as much in my Rant. And I certainly NEVER said ANYONE's name especially not Duke!! I haven't followed all the Angry retorts on CD (& never posted on OMA) but I would NEVER do that to anyone, a Homie least of all.
The place sucked anyway. They just got me Riled. If I hadn't been there with friends, whose opinions I valued, AND my wife & Baby, I'm pretty sure I could've found a more immediate resolution to my feelings of Unfair Exclusion. But that wouldn't have been a Healthy response either. Just a natural one.
I LOVE you guys here on the Forum though! And, since my ranting/behavior has OBVIOUSLY upset you guys, I want to Apologize to everyone AGAIN for that. You guys would let me sk8, right?!
And, with this, I consider the Wash. St. Saga closed. At least amongst us rollerskaters. I'll deal with the Angry Boarders as I come across them at the parks. As I'm sure I will. I'm pretty well-known here in Vegas. And pretty easy to spot.

PEACE................ Jay
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Jay: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 19:18)
  Hey Claudine,
Good to hear from you! And Thank You for NOT coming down on me for defending myself against a couple of Nazis. It's Over. I don't wanna think about it ever again, let alone write about it. But, Trust me, they were WAY outta line.
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biffsk8er: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 19:30)
 : You guys would let me sk8, right?!
: PEACE................ Jay

What?! On those fruitboots of yours?!?! You gotta be kidding me!! Take your gay ballerina skates and go join the Rockettes or something, you whiny little pansy girl.
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Bernhard: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 19:52)
 Aw Biff, that was downright rude! You didn't have to rub it in, did you?
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biffsk8er: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 19:54)
 Jay knows that I mean exactly the opposite. Otherwise, I'd be saying the same thing to myself!

Jay is a very good egg.
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Jay: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 19:59)
  Thanks for the Laugh, Boys!
I could use it today. And, Thanks for defending me, Mr.B!
But Biff's right, I could ID his Sarcasm easily enough.
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Bernhard: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 20:17)
 Jay let me say that at least me from across the big pond has been suffering with you. I'm also not fond of assholes but I have learned that there are some kinds of people who won't change for their better and some where I think it's not worth my time helping them to change. I prefer to deal with the rest. That being said: I know that I'm also a stubborn old man who is very slow in changing his ways.

: Some very salient (make you use your English Dictionary...maybe your English is ridiculously good!)Points that you've made.

I just looked up 'diddly' on dict.leo,org. They just had a translation for 'diddly-squat'. But it fits with what I've guessed ... ;-)

: No, I'm not the litigious-type. I have no intention to Sue. Anybody.

I wouldn't have thought so.

: These guys think they're the Kings of their little World.

Maybe it's all they have ...

: They may be, but that doesn't give them a Right to be Assholes. And, threatening me, NEVER NEVER gets the desired response.

I like that! I'm most of the time too timid to give some aggressors the proper response. In such situation I would be glad to have someone like you around who would tell them what. Maybe my timidity results from early unjust punishment at school for standing up for justice. By all means, keep on standing up for justice! Only never cross the line to injustice yourself.

: In my Defense (which I feel slightly Dirty having to offer) I had to jump through untold hoops with the city of Las Vegas in order to get myself PERMISSION to rollerskate in Vegas city SkateParks, including a Demo for the Parks & Rec Dept Supervisor. That "privilege" (to use public parks, funded by taxpayers, for their intended use!) is now extended to ALL rollerskaters in Vegas.

And I'm convinced that all roller skaters should be grateful for this. I am proud that you achieved this! Its absurd that it was necessary but you didn't let yourself being turned off by this.

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Jay: Bernhard's Too Cool 4 School! (20. Nov. 2009 20:52)
Hey Mr B. !
Thanks again for your Support AND kind words. Yes diddly = diddly-squat. :)
I'm not SO sure you'd REALLY want someone like me around in an aggressive situation though. I have a tendency to ESCALATE rather than reduce hostilities. I probably have a classic Napoleonic Complex. (I'm 5'6"....much under 2 meters tall)But I learned early as the littlest kid on the playground that "taking the high road", "not sinking down to their level", "turning the other cheek" & countless other cliches my mother threw at me designed to keep her little boy "safe" had exactly the OPPOSITE effect with the type of people who SEEK OUT the smallest kid on the playground to Fug with in the 1st place. What those thugs understand is violence....or at least the threat of same. I don't like it, but as I said previously I shall NOT lick das boot! At least not voluntarily. If I get my Ass handed to me swinging, at least I feel like I gave 'em back something.
Having said all this, I'm actually MUCH better these days. When I was younger.........Oy! Not so.....restrained.
I usually can get it out of my system through my excellent use of English both written & spoken (or occasionally screamed LOL) & the need for physical altercations has decreased dramatically with my becoming an Old Dude! But I'm not Fug'n Dead! Yet! LOL!
Seriously, I can't imagine what I'd do without the Forum & EVERYBODY with all their varied opinions & thoughts. You guys all have unique perspectives on things, whether it's from your Geographic location, life experiences or just great Genetics! Keep it up, Kids. I need the Reality Check sometimes.
A much calmer Jay
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Bernhard: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 21:01)
 Of course I did get Biff's sarcasm and I was only ironic myself. Hehe.
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Jay: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 21:29)
  Then I guess it was your more subtly nuanced German Irony that I couldn't detect!
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Bernhard: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 22:10)
 I'm known for my sometimes well-disguised humor. Sometimes you have to think twice. ;-)
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joe90: Damn! You guys are Sensitive! (20. Nov. 2009 23:36)
 Hey Jay,,I still carry a full %110 respect for you for not only being a rad and friendly dood but having the nads to go a forum like CD.I was just uncomfortable about the ramifications for the unwilling soldiers you may have been dragging in to battle.
I fugn look forward to skating,drinking and talking shit(or polotics) with you,,your still my brother.

cheers joe
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