Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11471 (20. Nov. 2009 21:27) (Tree)

Other bad page links
No not flying.
But you DO seem to know ALOT of people in the biz. But then I think the same thing about Duke..... maybe it's just that I don't know anybody!

You're making my Day, BTW, Mr.B! I needed the light repartee!
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biffsk8er: Old links (20. Nov. 2009 19:53)
 On the Brian Wainwright page (, the two links at the bottom are both out of date. I'm sure that there are other links on this site, that are most likely, also out of date or broken links.

Just an fyi.
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biffsk8er: Other bad page links (20. Nov. 2009 20:28)
 Sven Schuhmacher link on "How to build a vertical roller skate".

V-skate link @

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Bernhard: Other bad page links (20. Nov. 2009 20:55)
 Yes, it's a pity that the targets of those links have gone away. That's one important reason why I like content to be on this site. It might also go away some day, but it's here now since 10 years, which is a lot in Internet terms. You will be able to find the content those links point to on the Wayback Machine.

(Captcha is "realtor Minnesota". Should I invest in real estate in Minnesota?)
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Jay: Other bad page links (20. Nov. 2009 21:00)
Buy up Real estate in Minnesota & build Shangra-La for Rollerskaters!
Of course, being more forward-thinking than some, we would let other disciplines sk8 too! For a small premium "Non-RollerSkater" charge, that is! LOL!

My captcha is "asteroid hoffman" does that mean 'The Condor' Matt Hoffman (BMX Vert God) will be hit by an asteroid?!?
I hope not.......
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biffsk8er: Other bad page links (20. Nov. 2009 21:02)
 : It might also go away some day, but it's here now since 10 years, which is a lot in Internet terms.

And we love you for it!! Much respect!

: (Captcha is "realtor Minnesota". Should I invest in real estate in Minnesota?)

No. Unless you know something that I don't. :P It is way too cold there.

My Captcha is 'waiter McCahill'. I'm a waiter. I wonder if I should look for a job at McCahills?

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biffsk8er: Other bad page links (20. Nov. 2009 21:03)
 : My captcha is "asteroid hoffman" does that mean 'The Condor' Matt Hoffman (BMX Vert God) will be hit by an asteroid?!?

Good thing it wasn't 'hemorrhoid Hoffman'.

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Bernhard: Other bad page links (20. Nov. 2009 21:06)
 Ah, the Condor. I had the glorious opportunity to snap a few shots of him in Cologne. I just have to show them here. The last three pics on the page.
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Jay: Other bad page links (20. Nov. 2009 21:07)
  Is McCahill's hiring?!? LOL!
And, I'm not advocating getting one, but wouldn't a hemorrhoid be preferable to an asteroid impact? Before you answer: Remember the Dinosaurs!!!!!!!!


BTW: "Mr wales" this captcha.
Prince Charles prophecy of some sort?
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Bernhard: Other bad page links (20. Nov. 2009 21:09)
 : No. Unless you know something that I don't. :P It is way too cold there.

So Jay just wanted to pull my leg?

: My Captcha is 'waiter McCahill'. I'm a waiter. I wonder if I should look for a job at McCahills?

I don't know. Is it a good place?

Captcha is "endemic man". Rubbish. I'm not from Freiburg originally.
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Jay: Other bad page links (20. Nov. 2009 21:13)
  Mr. B !
Who DON'T you know? I'm sure that's a much shorter list!
Perhaps, it meant the Condor would do some record setting aerial & meet up with asteroid. Those images demonstrate his ability to FLY!
Also, 2nd pic on top is Definitely the condor too!

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Jay: Other bad page links (20. Nov. 2009 21:14)
  You'll have to clue in the 'clueless' American. What's freiburg got to do with endemics?
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Bernhard: Other bad page links (20. Nov. 2009 21:18)
 : Mr. B !
: Who DON'T you know? I'm sure that's a much shorter list!

Surely not. I know way too few people. At least close by.

: Also, 2nd pic on top is Definitely the condor too!

You are correct. But he isn't flying on this one.

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Bernhard: Other bad page links (20. Nov. 2009 21:21)
 Endemic hasn't to do anything especially with Freiburg. When you say a species is endemic to a place, ir just means that you don't find it anyplace else. The dragon tree is endemic in the Canaries. Or the Koala is endemic in Australia. And I can't be endemic to Freiburg since I come from elsewhere.
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Jay: Other bad page links (20. Nov. 2009 21:24)
WOW. English lessons now, too, Bernhard. You might have a career in languages, my friend.
Dare I say it??? Of course, I dare! You might even become a cunning linguist! LOL!!!

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Jay: Other bad page links (20. Nov. 2009 21:27)
  No not flying.
But you DO seem to know ALOT of people in the biz. But then I think the same thing about Duke..... maybe it's just that I don't know anybody!

You're making my Day, BTW, Mr.B! I needed the light repartee!
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