Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11485 (24. Nov. 2009 00:07) (Tree)

Just when you think it's over....
You could add :
My setup includes '2 BOARDS', 4 skateboard trucks, and 8
: *skateboard wheels.

I meant --Irene \"HEAD HONCHO\" Ching

: *Irene "HeadHONCO" Ching
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ireNe: Just when you think it's over.... (20. Nov. 2009 21:08)
 I got this today outta the blue. Mind you, I never responded (2 months ago) after I rec'd his answer. WTF? is something astrological going on?


It got back to me that you had some negative things to say about me and the park. I thought I made it clear that GardenSK8 is not insured for any other activity other than skateboarding. Because of this we are able to keep our rates down and the rent affordable. I just want to remind you that the industry is small and what we say can and will get back to us. I'd appreciate it if you would please keep our name out of your mouth.

PSS.. captcha is "rifled a.m"
should I load up my shotgun?
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Jay: Just when you think it's over.... (20. Nov. 2009 21:22)
  Hey Irene,
You know my position: On TOP!!! This guy claims to be a former speed-champ on quads yet is totally unsympathetic to one little Chinese lady on rollerskates!
Show everyone rest of this guy"s rant......

captcha "harry excess" if that doesn't describe the
neanderthal mentalities we've had to deal with lately
I don't know what does.
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Robert: Just when you think it's over.... (20. Nov. 2009 21:30)
 It's too bad this guy has the impression you were talking bad about him. You laid out the facts and never said anything negative.
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ireNe: Just when you think it's over.... (20. Nov. 2009 22:16)
 For you Jay... and I've got a reply for him this time around, stay tuned....

On Sep 25, 2009, at 12:20 PM, GardenSK8 wrote:

Hey Irene,

I was a former national speed skater in the late 70's and long time rollerskater, however we made a deal with out insurance company as follows; allow only skateboarding and we'll allow a no helmets required for skaters over the age of 18 (which has paid us back in spades). That choice was one that we just confirmed again when renewing our insurance a few weeks ago. Nothing personal, just we are not covered for it and can not take the risk. In 1983 I use to skate vert on two NJ ramps with Reidell boots, Suregrips, modified hangars (I think Tracker) and kryptonics fun fun fun. Again, I hope that you don't take it personally and understand that it was a business decision we made.

On another note I will pickup any size group coming from the city. Just call ahead.


Todd Schwartz "Bossman"
GardenSK8 | Indoor Skatepark
321 Changebridge Rd. Pine Brook NJ 07058
* Email:
( 973.287.7626 skatepark
( 917.597.3180 m | 973.287.7625 f
Web |
Facebook | Todd Schwartz

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On Sep 25, 2009, at 12:16 PM, IreneSK8s wrote:

Hi Todd,

My name is Irene. We met just once before, when I skated with Jennifer and company. She drove us in from Manhattan. You were kind enough to lend me your skateboard. It's a great bowl and I'd love to skate there again.
I just wanted to confirm about taking the bus from the city and pickups to and from your park.

One other important question is: Will you allow me to skate?
I've been rolling for 30+ years in the NYC/Tri-state area, am 48 yrs old and watched a few of your team members progress for years.
Talk to Frank, Jesse and Gaby or any other vert skaters from the city.
This is not the typical rollerskating or rollerskates.
Hopefully, I can be the exception to the rule, cuz some rules are meant to be broken.

Thanks for your time and much success!

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ireNe: FIN (20. Nov. 2009 23:12)
 On Nov 20, 2009, at 4:21 PM, IreneSK8s wrote:

Yo Bossman,

I have no idea what you're talking about or who you're listening to. It IS a small circle and people talk shit about you, too.
Real funny cuz earlier today, I suggested to a skateboarder friend that he should go check out your spot.
I'll be more than Happy now NEVER to do that again, Bossman.
Whatever conversations I've had about your policy is just what you've told me. Don't blame me for other peoples opinions and outlooks on how you choose to operate your place of business.
Honestly, I don't even think about your park, since it's not an option for me and I don't suppress or deny my paying friends from enjoying themselves there. Believe me, I'm happy there are any skateparks around to skate.
And really... how much is this affecting you and your park?
Wish you the best of luck, Mr. Schwartz.

--- On Fri, 11/20/09, GardenSK8 wrote:


I'm not picking a fight or trying to insult you here. It was brought to my attention by more than one person which is why I said something. So if you are telling me you never said anything what do you expect me to say? I'm just going to leave it at that. Again I'm NOT fighting with you!

Todd Schwartz "Bossman"
GardenSK8 | Indoor Skatepark
321 Changebridge Rd. Pine Brook NJ 07058
( 973) 287.7626 skatepark | ( 917) 597.3180 m
Web |
Facebook | gardensk8 indoor skatepark
Twitter | gardensk8

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claudine: Just when you think it's over.... (21. Nov. 2009 06:12)
 : For you Jay... and I've got a reply for him this time around, stay tuned....
: On Sep 25, 2009, at 12:20 PM, GardenSK8 wrote:
: Hey Irene,
: I was a former national speed skater in the late 70's and long time rollerskater, however we made a deal with out insurance company as follows; allow only skateboarding and we'll allow a no helmets required for skaters over the age of 18 (which has paid us back in spades). That choice was one that we just confirmed again when renewing our insurance a few weeks ago. Nothing personal, just we are not covered for it and can not take the risk. In 1983 I use to skate vert on two NJ ramps with Reidell boots, Suregrips, modified hangars (I think Tracker) and kryptonics fun fun fun. Again, I hope that you don't take it personally and understand that it was a business decision we made.
: On another note I will pickup any size group coming from the city. Just call ahead.
: Thanks
: Todd Schwartz "Bossman"
: GardenSK8 | Indoor Skatepark
: 321 Changebridge Rd. Pine Brook NJ 07058
: * Email:
: ( 973.287.7626 skatepark
: ( 917.597.3180 m | 973.287.7625 f
: Web |
: Facebook | Todd Schwartz
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: On Sep 25, 2009, at 12:16 PM, IreneSK8s wrote:
: Hi Todd,
: My name is Irene. We met just once before, when I skated with Jennifer and company. She drove us in from Manhattan. You were kind enough to lend me your skateboard. It's a great bowl and I'd love to skate there again.
: I just wanted to confirm about taking the bus from the city and pickups to and from your park.
: One other important question is: Will you allow me to skate?
: I've been rolling for 30+ years in the NYC/Tri-state area, am 48 yrs old and watched a few of your team members progress for years.
: Talk to Frank, Jesse and Gaby or any other vert skaters from the city.
: This is not the typical rollerskating or rollerskates.
: Hopefully, I can be the exception to the rule, cuz some rules are meant to be broken.
: Thanks for your time and much success!

Dont worry Irene, let me come with you, I\'ll beat him up and everything will be OK. lol. ;-D
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biffsk8er: Just when you think it's over.... (24. Nov. 2009 00:01)
 :...however we made a deal with out insurance company as
: follows; allow only skateboarding...
: Thanks
: Todd Schwartz "Bossman"

You should respond to this thusly:


*Just pointing out; I wear 'two mini-skateboards' bolted
*onto my feet. My setup includes 4 skateboard trucks, and 8
*skateboard wheels. This is no different than a snakeboard
*or streetboard, which is also attached to your feet. If
*you allow those types of skateboards, then I would easily
*fall into the same category. If you do not allow them,
*then I would understand you denying my mini-skateboards as

*Irene "HeadHonco" Ching

You might also want to check with their insurer to see what the conditions on their insurance really are. I find it extremely rare that ONLY skateboards would be allowed. Not impossible, but just slightly unlikely. And, if it is mentioned in a contract, then it would have to define exactly what is considered a skateboard. If it does not, then your two mini-boards would fit right in!!

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biffsk8er: Just when you think it's over.... (24. Nov. 2009 00:07)
 You could add :
My setup includes '2 BOARDS', 4 skateboard trucks, and 8
: *skateboard wheels.

I meant --Irene \"HEAD HONCHO\" Ching

: *Irene "HeadHONCO" Ching
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Bernhard: Just when you think it's over.... (24. Nov. 2009 00:09)
 I'm pretty sure that they won't consider streetboard (aka snakeboards) as skateboards. Skateboarders have even more problems riding a streetboard than a skateboard.
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