Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11511 (26. Nov. 2009 01:12) (Tree)

Where's Claudine
No my animals will die outside and they are my only family, so they go, I go!! But I'm working on a drs. note stating they are a medical necessity. My landlord sends a threatening note every other week about one lame thing or another. Its insane. I've never had something like this. So I have a case worker and yes we go and fight with her every other week now. And she wins! I got out of a $100 fee a few weeks ago for having a freaking BROOM on my patio. My landlords are asses!! Just a full time job now it seems, lame. Too much stress. No getting rid and making me miserable are what she is power tripping over. I wont keep conceding to this.
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Robert: Where's Claudine (25. Nov. 2009 00:19)
 Hi Claudine, I have not heard much from you lately and just wanted to see how you are? How are you healing?
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claudine: Where's Claudine (25. Nov. 2009 19:03)
 I just posted my arm. Its hard sometimes watching videos when I cant do much skating wise. So I havent been here as often, still love it but some days I miss it TOO much. Now its raining all the time and today I have to fight the landlord as she is threatening to reposes my apartment or I have to pay a lot of fees or get rid of my animals within 48 hrs. I'm waiting for help on this as I'm tired of this!! Just stressed out. I am trying to figure out if I can get money so I can take a sculpture class next semester so I have something to do fun. I hope to start painting again soon, just afraid to start. lol.
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biffsk8er: Where's Claudine (25. Nov. 2009 21:09)
 I'd suggest having someone take your pets. At least while you are financially down, and have them take care of them until you can get back on your feet. Do you know anyone with a good yard for your pets? Relatives?

Are the fees, for the landlord, due to owning pets?
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claudine: Where's Claudine (26. Nov. 2009 01:12)
 No my animals will die outside and they are my only family, so they go, I go!! But I'm working on a drs. note stating they are a medical necessity. My landlord sends a threatening note every other week about one lame thing or another. Its insane. I've never had something like this. So I have a case worker and yes we go and fight with her every other week now. And she wins! I got out of a $100 fee a few weeks ago for having a freaking BROOM on my patio. My landlords are asses!! Just a full time job now it seems, lame. Too much stress. No getting rid and making me miserable are what she is power tripping over. I wont keep conceding to this.
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