Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11554 (30. Nov. 2009 21:05) (Tree)

It's've been waiting........
I love the jay TV, Jay you have a geat rollersk8 spirit. Thanks a lot for your videos
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Jay: It's've been waiting........ (25. Nov. 2009 02:46)
 ...........I'm talking about...............

That's right, Kids. I finally broke down & paid someone so I can edit my multitudinous video clips. I've gone with animoto (thx, Robert.) as they're the only site that I've found that even OFFERS splicing functionality.
The one complaint I have (so far, wait around, I'm sure I'll have more! LOL!) is that you can only put clips (up to 10 sec)of your videos in. As a result I'm sure there'll be some repeat footage or 'hiccups' in the films as I have to try to put next sequenced clip in @ time last one left off. I doubt I'll do this flawlessly...EVER. I hope you'll forgive these minor glitches. Only ONE video though again! YAY!! Pics, video clips, text, all the JayTV favorites you remember. :)
I DO hope it's not an Omen (or a Criticism! LOL!) but my Captcha for this post is "The Slops". Yikes! I BARELY put any of myself in there! LOL! It's quality sk8in, Kids! I swear!
So this 1st video is kind of a mix of new & not-as-new. I got some video clips in my inbox from my Dad as I was skating Anthem with a couple of my sk8boarder buddies (Yes! I actually DO still have a few of those! LOL!). So I started today's video with those video clips of Ben, from today in Tucson. Then there's me from Anthem today (helmet-cam style) Then all the San Diego Stuff. Well, not ALL, but a smattering. I hope the Embed works....if not, I'll retry......

PEACE from Sin City

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biffsk8er: It's've been waiting........ (25. Nov. 2009 08:02)
 Nice to just have to post one thing, eh Jay?!
I would mention that if you can, change the music.
I was thinking I was in an elevator or dentists chair.

Heh heh heh heh.

Thanks for posting your vid. I am going to hit that keyhole bowl some day!! I won't rest till then.
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ufra: It's've been waiting........ (30. Nov. 2009 21:05)
 I love the jay TV, Jay you have a geat rollersk8 spirit. Thanks a lot for your videos
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Jay: It's've been waiting........ (30. Nov. 2009 21:37)
Thanks Alot, Ufra!
I LOVE Rollerskating, I'm HAPPY that translates. You should check out the most recent submission. That one has an international cast.
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