Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11615 (4. Dec. 2009 07:27) (Tree)

Tim\'s Video Log - Day 9
I\'m comments?

O.K., I\'ll help you to cut to the chase :
1:44 - 2:26 AND 3:13 - 3:22 show the only quad skating in this film.

I\'ve really got to start filming myself, or I end up with a butt load of inline skating my son films.

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biffsk8er: Tim's Video Log in Austin w/ Biff (5. Nov. 2009 07:25)
 Tim's video log - round rock skatepark.
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biffsk8er: Tim's Video Log - Day one (5. Nov. 2009 17:43)
 First full dayfor Tim Altic in Austin. No skating was to be had this day though, due to my 1965 Suburban blowing its' radiator.
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biffsk8er: Tim's Video Log - Day four (7. Nov. 2009 08:10)
 Raven has not done any editing for me lately, so I'm swiping his edit he made for himself. The middle of this film has the most quad skating. It is Tim from San Antonio, Tim from Telluride, and me......Biff. Raven is the blader in the film. Also, towards the end, there are bloopers that feature everyone. Enjoy.
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biffsk8er: Tim's Video Log - Day 2 (7. Nov. 2009 17:17)
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biffsk8er: Tim's Video Log - Day 3 (7. Nov. 2009 17:19)
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biffsk8er: Tim's Video Log - Day four (30. Nov. 2009 22:23)
 Tim modifies his skates, by adding riser pads, in order to lower his grind plates/sliders.
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biffsk8er: Tim's Video Log - Day 6 (30. Nov. 2009 22:28)
 Rained out. Random footage of the day with it ending in a game of pool at a local ice house. Raven got the best pool shot by Tim on film.

(captcha - been duking)
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biffsk8er: Tim's Video Log - Day 7 (30. Nov. 2009 22:33)
 Random daily stuff with a run by Tim, in the Round Rock park, at the very end of the vid.
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Bernhard: Tim's Video Log - Day 6 (30. Nov. 2009 22:59)
 I loved the billiard part. I loved to play billiard with my friend Tim who is now in Oz. We used to have so much fun playing billiard.
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biffsk8er: Tim's Video Log - Day 9 (1. Dec. 2009 08:05)
 I skipped the day 8 footage because Tim was gone all that day. Unfortunately, Raven filmed as usual, so you'll see a lot of inline skating & random footage footage. Alas, some day, I'll get my own camera. *sigh*
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biffsk8er: Tim\'s Video Log - Day 9 (4. Dec. 2009 07:27)
 I\'m comments?

O.K., I\'ll help you to cut to the chase :
1:44 - 2:26 AND 3:13 - 3:22 show the only quad skating in this film.

I\'ve really got to start filming myself, or I end up with a butt load of inline skating my son films.

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Bernhard: Tim's Video Log - Day 9 (4. Dec. 2009 09:48)

It's really strange that this link does not result in an embedded video. I tried it in my test environment and there it works. Makes it a bit difficult to resolve the issue.

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biffsk8er: Tim's Video Log - Day 9 (4. Dec. 2009 17:31)
 I wondered about that as well. Glad to know that you are already on top of the problem, as usual, Bernhard!!
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Bernhard: Tim's Video Log - Day 9 (4. Dec. 2009 20:23)
 I've now analyzed the issue. It's not a bug, it's a feature. A video isn't embedded if it has already been embedded earlier in the same discussion thread. I thought this would be extremely unlikely back when I implemented it this way. The reason for doing it this way was the excessive usage of automatic quoting back then. It seems that it isn't a necessity any more. Ah, well, had me confused for quite some time!
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biffsk8er: Tim's Video Log - Day 9 (4. Dec. 2009 21:53)
 Ha ha ha! Stumped yourself!
That is kinda funny.
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Bernhard: Tim's Video Log - Day 9 (4. Dec. 2009 21:56)
 Oh no! That was my evil twin!
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biffsk8er: Tim's Video Log - Day 9 (4. Dec. 2009 21:59)
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Bernhard: Tim's Video Log - Day 9 (4. Dec. 2009 23:12)
 : Touche'!

Maybe we can start charging Jay for French lessons ...

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biffsk8er: Tim's Video Log - Day 9 (4. Dec. 2009 23:31)
 J'aimerais bien prendre son argent!
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Bernhard: Tim's Video Log - Day 9 (4. Dec. 2009 23:49)
 I thought so!

But maybe it's not such a good idea, him being the RollerCon MC
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biffsk8er: Tim's Video Log - Day 9 (5. Dec. 2009 07:48)
 O.K.. Je suppose que nous aurons à se la couler douce sur lui, alors. Au moins pour l'instant.
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