Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11660 (11. Dec. 2009 05:27) (Tree)

The Tucson Footage.....aka Virtual Vert gets Real!
I know you're all wondering who Jackie is. She is my aunt, Ben's sister in SoCal.

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Jay: The Tucson Footage.....aka Virtual Vert gets Real! (10. Dec. 2009 22:01)
Hey Kids!
Happy Almost Weekend! I thought I'd get us all in the mood for the weekend AND for some sk8ing by sharing my most recent JayTV episodes. This is a 2-Part series thanks to Animoto. I had an Awesome time in Tucson with the folks AND the parks. Everything was gr8.....except that DRIVE. About 1000 miles round trip. What is that, like 1,600 km? Crazy drive.
And after the 1st 1/2 of it, approx 9 hours in a small car with my awesome wife, incredible baby & 2 cute little dogs, we went to the 1st sk8 park & it was Fug'n 40 degrees F. That's like 2 degrees C. And I DON'T LIKE THE COLD!!!! So you'll see me barely skating with my hoodie on under my helmet. Man, was it cold. But both my Dad & I had been waiting for awhile to make a Virtual Vert session an Actual Vert Session so we were going to sk8. Even though there wasn't actually any vert!
We had a MUCH better time on Day 2 hitting parks 2 & 3 in the daylight. The trannys were bigger (there WAS Vert!), the sun was warmer & we were in our element. Check it out:

And the REAL reason I coerced the whole family to park #3.

This Bonnie Bowl was 12 feet deep & teardrop-shaped. That red pool coping was ABSOLUTELY buttery Perfect! The pool was smooth, the transition was just right for the size of the pool (I'm guestimating 10.5 foot radius) & NOONE else was sk8in it! Plus, can you dig that sign or what?!? Rollerskaters ALLOWED! I fug'n love it! Oh yeah the canyon was 5 feet across & NO, I did not even TRY to air it. Though I would have if Dad had put on his sk8s. He didn't know it but I'd planned to ATTEMPT an homage to Brothers Duke & Desi by attemptimg to air Ben over the canyon, but since he didn't lace up @ park 3, I didn't even try the transfer. I know, I know. Excuse. But it was BIG!
Oh my captcha is "transborder lassos" not sure what that means but we WERE very close to Mexico while in Tucson.
OK, well, I hope you all like this one. It was really cool getting to sk8 with my old man. Looking forward to him coming to Vegas to sk8 702's Vert ramp with me (it's MUCH easier to get on/off the vert ramp as opposed to in/out of pools, Dad!). It's gonna be cool.
Hey People, will you let Ben know that bigger really IS Safer when it comes to transitions & falls w/o injuries. As hard as it is to accept what your parents tell you, I know it's even worse hearing shit from your kids! LOL! Seriously, people, he's our current reigning "Oldest Skater Still Skating" @ 62. This is something relevant to us all, Kids! He's setting the current mark. And with every day of continued sk8ing that mark goes higher. Now, I don't know about the rest of you guys & girls, but I for one want to sk8 until AT LEAST 62! So, we need to extend to him the "umbrella" of our combined knowledge won from hard-knocks, experience & years of doing this thing.....this 'Craft' as Ben so eloquently put it, that we ALL Love, so he can keep on keeping on.
Thanks. Looking forward to seeing Joe's footage assuming there is any.

Thank You for viewing .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... JayTV
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Ben: The Tucson Footage.....aka Virtual Vert gets Real! (11. Dec. 2009 01:50)
 As always, excellent work son. Every edit is better than the last. You even somehow manage the near impossible task of making this Jurassic era skater look almost smooth. Now we ain't talking Duke, Desi, Biff, or Jay smooth but at least it doesn't look like I left my walker parked at the side of the pool. As my collection of Irene (where the hell is YOURS?) skate cards grows my love for the craft and love for those who practice it continues to grow. I still can't believe I was included in so elite a circle of skaters. I really like the music on this one too. The way the music is in sync with your stalls in the video from Santa Rita is amazing and the title"Good Day" sure fits with my memories. Family, friends, fun and fast. Can there possibly be anything better? Long live JayTV!!!!!
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Jackie: The Tucson Footage.....aka Virtual Vert gets Real! (11. Dec. 2009 02:16)
 Awesome videos! You are amazing! Can't wait to see the dynamic duo in action in person!

love you a whole bunch!
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Jay: The Tucson Footage.....aka Virtual Vert gets Real! (11. Dec. 2009 05:27)
  I know you're all wondering who Jackie is. She is my aunt, Ben's sister in SoCal.

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biffsk8er: The Tucson Footage.....aka Virtual Vert gets Real! (11. Dec. 2009 07:39)

Today, I skated Abilene. The sign read "No Roller Skaters!". So, I skated the hell outta that park. ;)
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biffsk8er: The Tucson Footage.....aka Virtual Vert gets Real! (11. Dec. 2009 07:45)
 : Now we ain't talking Duke, Desi, Biff, or Jay smooth .....

Hey! You left out a few names. Joe90, Irene, Bomba, etc...
Shame on you Grandpa!! You are starting to lose your memory, too. :P LOL

It was nice footy. What an unusual skate vid song?! Who chose that?!! Felt like I was watching a musical on Broadway.

Jay, next time we meet, I'm taking you on a keyhole airing mission.
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Bernhard: The Tucson Footage.....aka Virtual Vert gets Real! (11. Dec. 2009 13:02)
 Hey Jackie,

great to see you posting here! Greetings to SoCal. I've been there once and I liked it!
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claudine: The Tucson Footage.....aka Virtual Vert gets Real! (11. Dec. 2009 15:42)
 Thanks for the vids! Its great to see your father skate as then it makes me feel like I have a lot more time left. I started drawing again yesterday, hope in 2 more months I can go to the bowls again.
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Ben: The Tucson Footage.....aka Virtual Vert gets Real! (11. Dec. 2009 19:06)
The forum space is limited and in the interest of truth in the media I mentioned only skaters I have had the privilege to skate with. You are right about Irene's omission though. Though I included the Concrete Queen with my referance to her not having a Vert Card with her face on it, Mea Culpa for not specifically mentioning Ms. Ching. F.Y.I to all, Jackie (my little sister) whose identity Jay explained in a previous reply to this post, has always been a photography nut and without her the pics of my early days would not exist. She even snapped the one that graces my Vert Card way back in the 70s. Virtually nobody was taking shots of quad skaters back then unless it was involved with some type of sponsored activity or involved first responders. Lace up and roll on.
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biffsk8er: The Tucson Footage.....aka Virtual Vert gets Real! (11. Dec. 2009 20:42)
 It's OK. I do the same thing! I'll post here and then afterwards remember that if I keep thinking on it, there are a lot more quad skaters than I can remember!

I was just pulling on your chain. You are a cool cat. Glad that your sis also got that pic of your early career.
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