Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11667 (13. Dec. 2009 12:26) (Tree)

when do I know?
Its been another month. I can now put full weight on my arm. It is still weak but doesn not hurt now. I am slowly working on inverts and can do stuff like crows pose for a few secs at least.

But when do I know its safe enough to go back to the bowls? My ortho said a year after the surgery that took, that was November. Now my arm stopped hurting. I was going to wait til march or until I could see an ortho. I just dont have a few hundred dollars I can spend as I havent found an ortho dr. yet.

The skatepark across the street is still open on weekends. I really want to skate. Its just simple ramps. I would like to go to the small bowl.
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claudine: when do I know? (13. Dec. 2009 12:26)
 Its been another month. I can now put full weight on my arm. It is still weak but doesn not hurt now. I am slowly working on inverts and can do stuff like crows pose for a few secs at least.

But when do I know its safe enough to go back to the bowls? My ortho said a year after the surgery that took, that was November. Now my arm stopped hurting. I was going to wait til march or until I could see an ortho. I just dont have a few hundred dollars I can spend as I havent found an ortho dr. yet.

The skatepark across the street is still open on weekends. I really want to skate. Its just simple ramps. I would like to go to the small bowl.
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Robert: when do I know? (13. Dec. 2009 18:02)
 I guess the quesiton is do you have the will power to just cruise and take it slow?
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Jay: when do I know? (13. Dec. 2009 18:37)
  Hey Claudine!
No offense to Robert, but I think if you CAN'T wait Dr.'s recommended time, then sk8, but NOT in any "small bowls" or little ramps. I know this is always what seems natural when we're coming back from an injury or even when we're coming back from years away or even just starting out. However, I can't stress this enough: "Small Stuff is where you take the bone-breaking SLAMS"! I agree with Brother Robert so far as the "just take it easy, cruise around" idea, but if you're doing that in anything that's not a couple feet taller than you (or more), sooner or later, SLAM.
Just my 2 cents......I don't wanna see anymore crazy X-Rays from you that's cool as they are...LOL!
I certainly understand the overwhelming NEED to get out & sk8....even when that's not a very good idea!
Take care, wear ALL your pads, & sk8 stuff that you have enough room to fall properly/safely.

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claudine: when do I know? (13. Dec. 2009 18:46)
 Oh I sent an email to my PT and they can take xrays for free for me. The holes need to be 100% filled she said. All my injuries have been on bigger ramps, so thats why I like to roll around on smaller things. I guess I'm out for now until the holes are filled up. I also have a cyst it seems and I might need it excised to see if its cancer or not. Crap, so burnt out on this stuff!
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Robert: when do I know? (14. Dec. 2009 18:49)
 Jay, you were not disagreeing with me at all. I was just saying to take it slow. I had a really bad fall about three weeks ago. My neck and back are pretty thrashed so I have been skating the mini a lot. I know that falling on the small stuff can really jack you up, but I have a ton of fun on the mini and feel somewhat safe. I just got your text. I wish I could meet you all at Fontana. I hope you have a blast.
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