Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11690 (21. Dec. 2009 19:44) (Tree)

TMI is short for "Too Much Information.

GROM is a beginner skater or someone that tries super hard to be cool but really is just a fake wanna-be that totally annoys you.
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biffsk8er: ATTENTION (15. Dec. 2009 06:01)
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Ben: ATTENTION (16. Dec. 2009 21:49)
 Oh yeah, like that's gonna' work with a kid who goes by "JaytheRollerSkater".
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biffsk8er: ATTENTION (17. Dec. 2009 07:50)
 : Oh yeah, like that's gonna' work with a kid who goes by "JaytheRollerSkater".

Show that hoodlum who's boss! Take away his TV privileges. Make him do chores. Break him! He is a weak skate punk. Just a thorn waiting to be pruned.

I mean......just look at him!
Weak as water.

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Ben: ATTENTION (20. Dec. 2009 00:05)
 Biff, You know my boy ( and me ) better than that. He's got chunks of Grom in his stool fer Chrisssakes!
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biffsk8er: ATTENTION (21. Dec. 2009 05:57)
 : Biff, .... He's got chunks of Grom in his stool..


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Ben: ATTENTION (21. Dec. 2009 15:38)

I'm the old guy remember? What the bejeebers is TMI?
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Bernhard: ATTENTION (21. Dec. 2009 16:09)

I wouldn't have dared to ask, but what is Grom?

(Do I have to feel too old or too young or to uneducated now?)
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biffsk8er: ATTENTION (21. Dec. 2009 19:44)
 TMI is short for "Too Much Information.

GROM is a beginner skater or someone that tries super hard to be cool but really is just a fake wanna-be that totally annoys you.
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Robert: ATTENTION (21. Dec. 2009 19:56)
 I have always thought of a Grom as a youngster. I have never thought it was a bad term or anything negative. At least that is the way I use the term. I consider the young kids to be groms. Ben, you are funny. You may have a few extra years on us, but to me you are just a cool skater.
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Jay: ATTENTION (21. Dec. 2009 21:10)
  I agree with Robert:
I use "groms" referring to youngsters & it isn't derogatory when I use it. Since I introduced Ben to term, I'm sure that's what he meant as well, Mr.B.
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Bernhard: ATTENTION (21. Dec. 2009 21:37)
 So "Grom" is approximately the same as "Grommet"? I heard the latter term being used in the way described long ago.
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Jay: ATTENTION (21. Dec. 2009 22:21)
  You got it, Mr.B.!
Though if you want to know how grommet (it's a word for the little holes on side of tarpaulins (tarps) usually lined with a brass ring) came to be reference to kids @ sk8parks, I couldn't tell you.
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Bernhard: ATTENTION (21. Dec. 2009 22:34)
 Wow, thanks Jay! I didn't know what a tarpaulin is, but now I can place grom(met) etymologically. Doesn't matter that the connection to the skater kids is mysterious, that leaves another riddle to be solved.
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Jay: ATTENTION (21. Dec. 2009 23:11)
  Glad to be of service, Mr.B. Especially in furthering your Mastery of English.
And, as I said, it's NEVER had a Negative Connotation in my experience. Excepting the recent post from Biff, of course.
P.S. Let me know
when you solve the
mystery of how
sk8er kids came to
be called "groms". :)
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Bernhard: ATTENTION (21. Dec. 2009 23:26)
 Biff is just malicious, I don\'t think we have to take his definition serious. I also never had a negative connotation with grommets (and now groms). However, the term Betty was a bit depreciative ...

As for the usage in skater language, I can only guess that the term is used for the little ones because real grommets are small too:

Maybe someone else knows more?
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biffsk8er: ATTENTION (22. Dec. 2009 00:15)
 I'm mean!? I was just posting the answer to your question. I got the answer off of the internet. Though, I have heard it used in many ways. I believe that it started with surfing. Groms were beginner surf boarders.

Bernhard and Jay are groms when it comes to urban slang.

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
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biffsk8er: ATTENTION (22. Dec. 2009 00:16)
 Btw, I got the answer here.
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Beer Hunter: ATTENTION (22. Dec. 2009 02:12)
  I just used that website earlier today, twice, in order to learn simple words that I had only heard for the first time in the last couple days.

While getting out of my Crown Victoria in front of the skatepark in San Antonio a guy on a bike, whose car I parked right beside, asked me if I was with the Jakes. I had a good idea of what he meant, but asked anyway to get his answer and then proceeded to ask what difference it made whether or not I was a 'Jake'. He was getting ready attach the bicycle to the rear of his car until realizing that I was not a 'Jake'. Apparently he thought I might give him some shit for riding a bike a park made for skaters.

The second word I heard in a movie today while a character was talking down to another female. The word of the day for me is 'cooze'.

That UrbanDictionary site is very helpful at times!

BTW, thanks for asking about the meaning of 'Grom' Bernhard! I had seen it several times before but never bothered to inquire about it's meaning. I though it may have been specific to BMX riders, until now.
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Ben: ATTENTION (22. Dec. 2009 04:30)
 Grom; Noun: small irritating loud individuals who frequent skateparks much to the dismay of old quad skaters; often between 8 and 16 years old; normally prone to noisy rap music with excessive bass;

Or so my boy tells me and his definition has proved quite accurate in my experience.
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