Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11744 (6. Jan. 2010 22:10) (Tree)

Happy New Year
Thanks Bernhard, Happy new year to you too and to everybody out there!! A healthy 2010 with plenty cool vert RSK8 sessions!!

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Bernhard: Happy New Year (5. Jan. 2010 07:58)
 A Happy New Skate Yeat to everyone!

I hope you had a nice and peaceful Christmas and that you arrived well in the New Year. May the New Year bring joy, happyness and health to everyone!
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biffsk8er: Happy New Year (5. Jan. 2010 15:07)
 Thanks, Bernhard! Same to you.
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zorg: Happy New Year (6. Jan. 2010 22:10)
 Thanks Bernhard, Happy new year to you too and to everybody out there!! A healthy 2010 with plenty cool vert RSK8 sessions!!

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joe90: Happy New Year (7. Jan. 2010 02:53)

cheers joe
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