Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11769 (12. Jan. 2010 07:09) (Tree)

: Now THAT was a fitting captcha! hmmm, spell checker says that captcha is not a real word.

That's right. It's an acronym meaning 'Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart'.
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biffsk8er: Argh!!! (10. Jan. 2010 20:58)
 Down with the flu. Hoping to be well enough to skate Monday.
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Beer Hunter: Argh!!! (11. Jan. 2010 06:58)
  Sorry for you bro. The flu? Not likely you will want to go skate in the cold tomorrow night, not even if you feel better by then. That would be a bit like running after the bull and kicking him in the balls AFTER he has already stuck you with a horn once.

I sure would like to come up for a Round Rock session but have no cash for gas to make the drive. Perhaps next week, if I am fortunate enough to get some work going THIS week.
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biffsk8er: Argh!!! (11. Jan. 2010 09:27)
 You are probably right. I feel like crap right now.

Hope you find work!
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biffsk8er: Argh!!! (11. Jan. 2010 09:28)
 Ha!!!! The last post had \"say dismally\" as the Captcha!!
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Beer Hunter: Argh!!! (12. Jan. 2010 02:37)
  Now THAT was a fitting captcha! hmmm, spell checker says that captcha is not a real word.

Are you feeling any better today? I took advantage of the nice temperature and skated Jaws late in the afternoon while wearing shorts... had a really good session.
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biffsk8er: Argh!!! (12. Jan. 2010 06:55)
 Glad you had some fun!!

I'm still feeling cruddy. Hoping things will improve soon.
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Bernhard: Argh!!! (12. Jan. 2010 07:09)
 : Now THAT was a fitting captcha! hmmm, spell checker says that captcha is not a real word.

That's right. It's an acronym meaning 'Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart'.
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