Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11924 (15. Feb. 2010 17:39) (Tree)

Bag of tricks videos...
Btw, THIS seems like a very nice list of skate tricks
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Rollerball: Bag of tricks videos... (15. Feb. 2010 11:16)
 Ok...after my last table grind video...I thought...Ok...well before time is up and I cant skate anymore with my walking frame..I may as well record the tricks I can do on my skates..
SO..every session now that I skate i will video ONE TRICK a few times and upload it...
Once Ive done every trick I can think of I will put it all together into one final video...I have no idea how many trick I have in my this will be

Anyway here is my first trick...did it 3 times for the video..
Some kind of an air...what would you guys call this trick??

will be plenty more to come..hopefully one or two a week if I skate enough.
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ben: Bag of tricks videos... (15. Feb. 2010 16:03)
 I call that trick excellent. Just a suggestion, it would help me if the angle of the shot was taken from several positions. Getting into the air was never my problem, getting out the air and landing is another matter. The #1 son was off to Cal this weekend for a sk8 with Duke, Desi and the gang so we should see more video soon. Stay tuned for JayTV!
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biffsk8er: Bag of tricks videos... (15. Feb. 2010 17:37)
 Judo Air.....nice.
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biffsk8er: Bag of tricks videos... (15. Feb. 2010 17:39)
 Btw, THIS seems like a very nice list of skate tricks
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joe90: Bag of tricks videos... (16. Feb. 2010 00:21)
 Thats rad Paul.One of the many good things about sessioning with you is when you think youve seen it all,,you'll pull something out of your ass that I've never seen.Guess that comes with 30 odd years of history.Dont stop.

cheers joe
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claudine: Bag of tricks videos... (16. Feb. 2010 06:05)
 I donno what its called but its pretty rad if you ask me, keep them coming!
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rollerball: Bag of tricks videos... (16. Feb. 2010 08:28)
 Yeah...will do a few different angles next time...may redo this vid again as well..
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ireNe: Bag of tricks videos... (18. Feb. 2010 18:37)
 Just call it straight out RIPPIN'
Keep 'em coming!
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