Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11938 (19. Feb. 2010 03:16) (Tree)

think I
Wait the month then let it rip,,but carefully.We're all looking forward to your return.
Take it easy

cheers joe
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claudine: think I"m healed yet? (19. Feb. 2010 01:34)
 I donno...... Its been a long time now! In a month the weather will be skateable.
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joe90: think I (19. Feb. 2010 03:16)
 Wait the month then let it rip,,but carefully.We're all looking forward to your return.
Take it easy

cheers joe
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biffsk8er: think I (19. Feb. 2010 07:51)
 It is definitely looking better. Is there an arm brace that you can wear? Even if it has healed well, I'd be a bit worried that it is still weaker than any non-broken bones.

Be careful, but also be strong. Using foresight and knowledge, to approach a problem, is a good way to over come that problem. Don't just jump into the deep end without a strategy.
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h. ludi.: think I (19. Feb. 2010 10:16)
 hi, these images are a lot better than those you have shown us before, be careful + patient and just ease back into it. cheers + encouragement from your aussie buddies.
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claudine: think I (19. Feb. 2010 16:24)
 It will be a month maybe before the snow goes. We got almost 4 feet lol. But I am having the dr. to look at it Monday. I hope he doesnt charge me. :( But I will probably wear a full arm splint a few months just in case. It will affect me skating some I'm sure as it keeps my arm bent/fixed, but I want to skate soon. Unless the dr. says its OK.
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