Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11961 (6. Mar. 2010 23:28) (Tree)

Bag O trick Video 2
Fuck yea Paul,thats too rad.For those who dont know,that chanel is about 8 to 10 foot across.Hey Paul ,they just put the Shed out to tender.Make sure Shane Serena knows.They recon we'll be skating by August.Road trip?
I'd go along with nose grind too.Keep em comming.When do we get the fast plant?

cheers joe
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rollerball: Bag O trick Video 2 (6. Mar. 2010 12:57)
 Ok...didnt get a skate in last week at all..bit of rain and was busy..
Anyway got my next vids done...this time I took your advice and did it from different angles...
So what do you call these grinds???The skateboard guys I ride with call them a nose grind...but more like a toe grind I guess...or one footed front truck grind..
anyway here you go...and did a couple of channel to toe grind as well...


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joe90: Bag O trick Video 2 (6. Mar. 2010 23:28)
 Fuck yea Paul,thats too rad.For those who dont know,that chanel is about 8 to 10 foot across.Hey Paul ,they just put the Shed out to tender.Make sure Shane Serena knows.They recon we'll be skating by August.Road trip?
I'd go along with nose grind too.Keep em comming.When do we get the fast plant?

cheers joe
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biffsk8er: Bag O trick Video 2 (6. Mar. 2010 23:32)
 Looks clean! I like the foot grab while doing the nose grind. Extra points for style.
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Rollerball: Bag O trick Video 2 (6. Mar. 2010 23:35)
 Im happy to take

Ok mate...fastplant next...will try and get one over the channel for you as well...have done that a couple of times before...and yeah it is a big channel..8ft wide
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ireNe: Bag O trick Video 2 (7. Mar. 2010 05:41)
 BadAss... rockin', me likes the new angles...
I with y'all, Nose Grindage..... keep it coming!!!

captcha "blesses who"
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claudine: Bag O trick Video 2 (7. Mar. 2010 06:25)
 SWEET! That is def. sick footage, esp. the grind over the gap. Keep it coming! I'm digging this.

The bowls here are dry, that means I might roll tomorrow, first time, WOOT!
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Robert: Bag O trick Video 2 (7. Mar. 2010 06:45)
 Dude, I love watching you guys skate. I am doing a lot of one foot grinds, but nothing like that. I used to love doing channel jumps and it is so nice to watch. You and Joe abolutely kill it and it is so nice to watch you Australians skate. Do you guys keep in touch with Dr. Bill in England? Don't be shy about posting vids because we love to watch. Jay, you are lagging a bit my friend, get on it. lol
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claudine: Bag O trick Video 2 (7. Mar. 2010 09:42)
 I miss Jay TV!
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h. ludi.: Bag O trick Video 2 (8. Mar. 2010 04:24)
 rad, as always paul.
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Jay: Bag O trick Video 2 (13. Mar. 2010 03:32)
  WOW again! I like this better than the McTwists! So Smooth! And the canyon transfer. Wow.
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