Vertical Rollerskating


Message 11987 (15. Mar. 2010 16:17) (Tree)

Vert Card #6
Excellent! Keep 'em coming Irene. I added these to my collection. If I'm current, then I have a total of nine cards right now in my collection.
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ireNe: Vert Card #6 (12. Mar. 2010 23:11)
 ... and the Pocket Size version.
Claudine's card soon cometh....
Not much rollin' as of late, more snow this winter season. Not too many options til April, plus it's raining alot. Northeast hibernation is coming to an end soon, yay!
Happy Spring to All, Irene

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Jay: Vert Card #6 (13. Mar. 2010 03:27)
  Hey Irene,
Let me be the 1st to Officially say regarding your Vert Card:
" It's about Fug'n Time!!!!!" LOL! Seriously.
Also, hope you're already planning your RC trip. You know you can crash @ our place anytime. You're always welcome @ Casa Cloetens. :)
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Ben: Vert Card #6 (13. Mar. 2010 03:43)
 Jay, I sent Irene a message saying exactly the same thing not 2 minutes ago. Long live the undisputed Queen of Vert!!
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Bernhard: Vert Card #6 (13. Mar. 2010 15:32)
 Har, har, the cobbler has upgraded to new boots (aka Firefox 3.5. The most current version 3.6. just crashes really bad on my system).

Now I can even view IreNe's MySpace stuff!
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claudine: Vert Card #6 (14. Mar. 2010 20:10)
 The best!!! Awesome card Irene!! ;-D
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biffsk8er: Vert Card #6 (15. Mar. 2010 16:17)
 Excellent! Keep 'em coming Irene. I added these to my collection. If I'm current, then I have a total of nine cards right now in my collection.
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joe90: Vert Card #6 (17. Mar. 2010 03:18)
 Bout time girl,looks bulk rad.

cheers joe
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