Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12030 (19. Mar. 2010 06:38) (Tree)

Bag O Tricks video 4
Yep,,and stop teasing ya bastard,,,give me the fugin fast plant already.

cheers joe
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Rollerball: Bag O Tricks video 4 (18. Mar. 2010 11:56)
a few inverts this time....
Hope Im not boring you guys with the vids...
anyway may be the last for a couple of weeks as monster vert will be shut for the easter show...but will try and get something else in between...
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joe90: Bag O Tricks video 4 (18. Mar. 2010 12:36)
 Yeaaaa, you know I love a good handplant,and that they are.
Come down to Melbs and I'll take you to Jimmys/Trevs ramp,,a baby next to Monster at 13 feet but fugen rad and well sessioned.

cheers joe
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Bernhard: Bag O Tricks video 4 (18. Mar. 2010 13:04)
 So gnarly! Keep em coming!
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claudine: Bag O Tricks video 4 (18. Mar. 2010 16:44)
 I dream of these! I LOVE this video!! That is my life goal. ;-D Thanks, keep posting them. I'm so inspired.
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Jay: Bag O Tricks video 4 (18. Mar. 2010 17:41)
You're joking, right? Fug'n Bad-Ass inverts! I LOVE the sk8-grab ones!
Keep it up!
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Robert: Bag O Tricks video 4 (18. Mar. 2010 17:48)
 So good! Keep them coming.
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biffsk8er: Bag O Tricks video 4 (18. Mar. 2010 19:31)
 Jeez! So many different angles...multiple perfect invert hand plants; with and w/o grabs. Not only is this video as sweet as candy, but it is a great way for us to utilize your film as a great training tool!!

Keep them coming!!!

It looks like JayTV might have to move over!! :P~~
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Jay: Bag O Tricks video 4 (18. Mar. 2010 19:53)
  Hey Biff.
Long time & all. JayTV has to move over, eh? LOL! Not a Chance, Brother! While I, too, am LOVING the RollerBall Bag o'Tricks video series, it lacks the clever prose & amusing observations of JayTV.
Speaking of which (JayTV) is skating outside of the park tonight. The Las Vegas Derby girls have been involved with 'RAIN' nightclub @ The Palms Hotel & Casino for the last 6 months or so having what they call "Down & Derby". They have over 500 pairs of rental sk8s & they open the entire club to rollerskaters! Of course, we'll have our own sk8s. But, imagine it, rollersk8s, booze, Vegas, derby girls.... Gonna be FUN FUN FUN!!!
So, while I hit RC Sk8Park Tour's brand-new park for 2010 yesterday for some vertical footage to make a Forum-Worthy posting, I'll be capturing these evening's festivities for the next episode of: JayTV!
Deal with it! LOL!
Captcha "seaward on" ???
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biffsk8er: Bag O Tricks video 4 (18. Mar. 2010 20:12)
 Cool, Jay! Say hi to Dawn and the lil 'Jay' for me.

I look forward to your new footage. I, am thinking of buying my own camera, as it always seems about as easy as pulling teeth to get Raven to shoot quad footage. He is always intent on filming him and his inline skate buddies.

As soon as I do get a camera, I have a whole bunch of new tricks to show you guys. Till then,
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rollerball: Bag O Tricks video 4 (19. Mar. 2010 04:12)
 Bring it on...more videos the better I say
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joe90: Bag O Tricks video 4 (19. Mar. 2010 06:38)
 Yep,,and stop teasing ya bastard,,,give me the fugin fast plant already.

cheers joe
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biffsk8er: Bag O Tricks video 4 (19. Mar. 2010 07:02)
 Hey, yeah!!! Where are the fast plants??
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claudine: Bag O Tricks video 4 (19. Mar. 2010 08:11)
 I miss JayTV!
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ireNe: Bag O Tricks video 4 (22. Mar. 2010 18:00)
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