Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12113 (14. Apr. 2010 00:37) (Tree)

vertical roller skater sculpture!
For you geeks like me that want to know how things are put together, heres the armature.
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claudine: vertical roller skater sculpture! (14. Apr. 2010 00:34)
 OK, just started today, finished my last one. Its pretty wet so just making out the form now. It will be a cross between Joe 1 arm handplant/grab and Jays face maybe with tongue out. The armature took me most my time. I dont have money for wax so using clay.
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claudine: vertical roller skater sculpture! (14. Apr. 2010 00:37)
 For you geeks like me that want to know how things are put together, heres the armature.
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biffsk8er: vertical roller skater sculpture! (14. Apr. 2010 15:38)
 I can see his bare naked butt!! Heh hee...

Captcha is : "the acrobats"
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claudine: vertical roller skater sculpture! (14. Apr. 2010 19:35)
 :-D hehehe
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joe90: vertical roller skater sculpture! (15. Apr. 2010 10:32)
 I wish I was cut like that.Nice work Claudine.
Hey Biff,,stop checking out my(and Jays) butt.

cheers joe
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biffsk8er: vertical roller skater sculpture! (15. Apr. 2010 17:44)
 : Hey Biff,,stop checking out my(and Jays) butt.
: cheers joe

Can I help if you two stick it out in the open air for all to see?? Bottoms up!

(excusing issue --is the captcha)
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Ben: vertical roller skater sculpture! (16. Apr. 2010 00:28)
I think the sculpture looks to be coming along great regardless whose behind the derriere may be copied from. As the elder statesman here on the Vert Forum let me just say I don't feel slighted at all by my posterior being overlooked......many have told me over the years that I am quite capable of making an ass out of myself without help from anyone.
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claudine: vertical roller skater sculpture! (16. Apr. 2010 01:49)
 Hey, the bouncy butt is very important to vert skating! lol!! Its coming along pretty fast already. I might post another pic. I'm pretty stoked to be creating the one and only vert roller skating fine art pieces in the world. This summer, Irene will be plastered on my wall too. :-D!
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claudine: vertical roller skater sculpture! (16. Apr. 2010 01:50)
 Joe, you will get slim and trim in my sculpture cause otherwise its will collapse lol! Its a little of everyone really, I'm mostly working out of my head.
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