Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12161 (22. Apr. 2010 07:56) (Tree)

Serious Skate Problems
You need stronger king pins. Back when I used sure grip, I had Titanium king pins. They lasted forever and they always came out with ease.

The problem is that you cannot find them anymore. So, try to find some other extra hardened king pin. Preferably, one made for skateboard trucks. Something that is meant to do grinds on. Roller skate king pins, especially Sure Grip, tend to be made of very lightly forged metal, and susceptible to stress related problems.
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Robert: Serious Skate Problems (22. Apr. 2010 03:57)
 Hi all, I know most of you have custom setups with skateboard trucks so you probably don't have my issues. Jay, I believe you have a regular rollerskate set up? It seems that my grinding and plate tricks put stress on my kingpin and whenever I got to take off my trucks, I can't. Does this happen to anyone? Do you ever strip your kingpin? This has happend twice and I usually manage to get the kingpin off and just replace it, but this one will not budge. Last time I had this problem, I gave up and somehow got it the next day. This is really frustrating. I don't like to touch my trucks, but I break pivot cups and have to take my trucks off to replace them. Any suggestions other than making my own plates?
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joe90: Serious Skate Problems (22. Apr. 2010 05:30)
 Grind king inverted king pins dood.Or just invert the standard ones,,I'd go the grind king option though.
Cheers mate and throw up some pics or footage some time,,I luv your work.

cheers joe
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Robert: Serious Skate Problems (22. Apr. 2010 05:53)
 Joe, I use Sure Grip plates. I am guessing they don't work with rollerskate plates. My problem is that my slide bars are attached to jump bars that are around my kingpins. I like the set up, but it causes problems everytime I try to take off my trucks.
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biffsk8er: Serious Skate Problems (22. Apr. 2010 07:56)
 You need stronger king pins. Back when I used sure grip, I had Titanium king pins. They lasted forever and they always came out with ease.

The problem is that you cannot find them anymore. So, try to find some other extra hardened king pin. Preferably, one made for skateboard trucks. Something that is meant to do grinds on. Roller skate king pins, especially Sure Grip, tend to be made of very lightly forged metal, and susceptible to stress related problems.
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joe90: Serious Skate Problems (22. Apr. 2010 10:52)
 I thought you meant you where grinding the tops off your kink pind which was damaging the thread.Do you run a support block between your plate and bar?

cheers joe
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h. ludi.: Serious Skate Problems (22. Apr. 2010 12:49)
 biff's on the right track. you require hi tensile grade 8 king pin bolts.
i suggest you visit your local caterpillar dealership taking one of your old kingpins as a sample.
most sk8 kingpins are 3/8 inch national fine thread.
they use those bolts all around bulldozers.
the partsman will easily be able to match your sample.
they are also very inexpensive.
mine have been hanging in there sice 1980, no probs.
goodluck and happy rolling, cheers, harry.
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Bernhard: Serious Skate Problems (22. Apr. 2010 13:00)
 Now that's a great tip! You're set once you know where to get the really right stuff. I have always wondered why they don't use real parts in the first place when they come so cheap. But a few cents mutliplied with big numbers is still a lot of money.
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Robert: Serious Skate Problems (22. Apr. 2010 17:56)
 Thanks for the tips. I will see if I can find a place. Joe, I use a jump bar that attaches to both kingpins. When I get up on my jump bars for tricks, it must pull against the kingpins. Also, when I grind, I catch the top of my kingpin, which also puts pressure on it. I want to know if Jay has this problem? He is always up on his plates doing slides and I think he has my plates. Jay?
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Robert: Serious Skate Problems (22. Apr. 2010 19:25)
 Thanks for the great advice. I found a CAT dealer 8 miles away and it sounds like they have the kingpin that I need. I am going there tomorrow to have them cut off the kingpin that I can not get free. The kinpins are only $.85, but he said they are very strong.
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Jay: Serious Skate Problems (22. Apr. 2010 19:29)
  Hey Robert,
I haven't been on regular rollerskate set-up since last year @ X-Mas. But, NO, I never had that issue. Of course, my grind plates were screwed into the nylon speed plate AND were lower than my kingpins, so I think that helped.
Sorry. Good Luck. Keep us posted.
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