Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12225 (30. Apr. 2010 00:54) (Tree)

Question Bernhard......
Leave the web wizard alone Biff. If we piss him off whining I sure can't take over, canoe? Imagine an old goat like me trying to be a web master in German. 9 9 9...Great job Bernard...ignore we plebian surfers and keep it going.
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biffsk8er: Question Bernhard...... (29. Apr. 2010 07:47)
 When looking at all the posts, some have a black dot before them. Others have a black circle around a white dot before them. Others, have a black square before them.

What is the significance? Or is there any?
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Bernhard: Question Bernhard...... (29. Apr. 2010 08:07)
 The funny symbols before the posts in the tree view change with the indentation. A reply is indented relative to the post it refers to. And a reply to a reply is indented with repect to the post it refers to and so on. It only gets a bit messy with people not clicking 'Write reply' on the post they are replying to but rather on the one the farthest down the page (which would be your only option on forums with no tree view), probably assuming it to be the newest one (which needn't be the case).
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biffsk8er: Question Bernhard...... (29. Apr. 2010 08:11)
 Seems like a numbering system might be better. Like a small # before the post denoting the order of reply. Regardless, it doesn't bother me. I was just curious.
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Bernhard: Question Bernhard...... (29. Apr. 2010 08:52)
 But how do you number the twigs of a tree? Of course, I do know of ways to do it (depth-oriented, breadth-oriented), but I fear this would not help the user. As far as the symbols are concerned: I have nothing to do with them, they come from your browser. A different browser might display them completely different. I'm not into painting funny little symbols. ;-)
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Ben: Question Bernhard...... (30. Apr. 2010 00:54)
 Leave the web wizard alone Biff. If we piss him off whining I sure can't take over, canoe? Imagine an old goat like me trying to be a web master in German. 9 9 9...Great job Bernard...ignore we plebian surfers and keep it going.
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Bernhard: Question Bernhard...... (30. Apr. 2010 10:55)
 Aw Ben, I like those meta discussions about the inner workings of this crazy web project. Plus: More than one improvement has resulted from this input! We can always discuss but I can't promise that I can/will do every improvement.
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