Vertical Rollerskating


Message 12238 (5. May. 2010 01:09) (Tree)

a peak
OK here is the sculpture in progress, tried to take it outside. Hope the results are better?
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claudine: a peak (5. May. 2010 01:09)
 OK here is the sculpture in progress, tried to take it outside. Hope the results are better?
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claudine: a peak (5. May. 2010 01:12)
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claudine: a peak (5. May. 2010 01:17)
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claudine: a peak (5. May. 2010 01:19)
 lol. yep, overhand recaptcha
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Robert: a peak (5. May. 2010 04:29)
 Uh,you are amazing. That is beyond good. You are one talented lady.
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biffsk8er: a peak (5. May. 2010 08:28)
 Looking very good. I see you got the helmet fixed. ;)
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Jay: a peek (6. May. 2010 00:56)
  Awesomeness, Claudine!
That is REALLY cool.
On a tangentially-related issue: Biff, Kudos on the 1-handers, Bro!
Keep the pics coming, please, Claudine. Love it!


BTW: captcha is " known flummoxes", which I KNOW this sculpture is NOT! Too cool.
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biffsk8er: a peek (6. May. 2010 15:18)
 : On a tangentially-related issue: Biff, Kudos on the 1-handers, Bro!
: Jay

Thanks, Jay! I\'m going to practice some more right now.

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claudine: a peek (9. May. 2010 08:32)
 Thanks guys! Still working on it. Yes, get pics of the 1 hander, more inspiration for me. :-D! Now if I could do that, I would be soooo stoked!! In my dreams lol.....
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ireNe: a peEk (12. May. 2010 18:04)
 this girl just oozes talent and creativity
she knows, cuz i already told her so... you should see the bunny!
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